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 Some hobbies are relatively easy, while others present more difficult hobbies.
Personally, we believe that all types of hobbies can be fun, and therefore we would
rather that hobbies can also be enjoyable and challenging ourselves to achieve.
 Each of us has different hobbies, as I find myself interested in reading books.
There is no denying the fact that reading books can help me get informed about the
massive amount of knowledge.

 Speaking of some other harder hobbies, take skateboarding as an example. There’s

an interesting fact that skateboarding is extremely difficult for beginners. Itself
requires lots of time practicing to stand on the board solidly, as well as having to
go through fall down from the skate and even injury.

 On the other hand, sometimes hobbies can not be for everyone. However, each
individual should find their own hobbies, which they can really achieve and enjoy
at the same time. In addition, if human beings become masters in their hobbies,
they can barely pursue those fields that are related to their hobbies and turn their
hobbies into real jobs.

 Last but not least,  having a hobby can help individuals become more friendly and
enjoy lives rather than sitting at their own home playing video games and living an
inactive lifestyle.

Modern life:

 Various areas in Vietnam have changed very much in a positive way. From rural
towns, they have become more developed with the construction of more shopping
malls, high-rise buildings, residential areas as well as industrial zones to fulfill the
increasing demands and overgrowing population in the area. 

 In today's life people accept the modern life pattern which is convenient. Since
there are tons of resources or choices to adapt, they absorb the most suitable
version so they feel more comfortable. Moreover, the modern lifestyle has several
facilities which reduce physical work and make their duty easier. As a result, the
community adopts these technologies to assist them in their daily chores. 

 However, there are always 2 sides of a story (idioms). Such overcrowding cities
can be caused by not only population explosion but also migration from the
surrounding areas and the countryside. As a consequence, this may cause some
certain discomforts for residents, followed by a lack of open spaces for green trees
and other outside activities. 

 Last but not least, we would rather live in a town or a small city instead of
metropolitan cities because we tend to enjoy the normal lifestyle and less crowded

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