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To observe the effects to equilibrium system when certain stresses are introduced


Chemical equilibrium means the state of reversible reaction where the rate of forward
reaction and reverse reactions are equal.In equilibrium, there are no changes in the
concentrations of the substances but both reactions forward and reverse reactions still
occur.For reversible reaction, one direction is for the reactants when they combined to
form the products and this is call forward reactions while the other reactions is when
the product combined to form the reactants again.This is called reverse reaction.So for
this reaction,a double headed arrow is used to indicate reversible reaction.
Le Chatelier’s Principle states that when the conditions of a system in equilibrium are
changed,the system reacts to counteract the change and re-establish equilibrium.

For example:

A + B ⇌ C + D

Based on the example,if the concentration of A or B is increased,the equilibrium shift

to the right and produce product.So this is called forward reaction.If the
concentration of C or D is increased,the equilibrium shift to the left and produce
reactants and also called as reversible reaction.

Concentrated ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH)

0.1M cobalt (II) chloride (COCl2)
0.1M iron(III) chloride (FeCl3)
12M hydrochloric acid (HCl)
0.1M copper (II) sulfate(CuSO4)
0.1M potassium chromate (K2CrO4)
6M ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH)
0.1M potassium thiocyanate (KSCN)
0.1M silver nitrate(AgNO3)
3M sulphuric acid (H2SO4)
6M sodium hydroxide (NaOH)


Part A :Iron (III) Chloride with Potassium Thiocyanate

A stock of solution was prepared by adding 1ml 0.1M iron(III) chloride and 0.1 M
potassium thiocyanate solutions to 50 ml of distilled water.Mixed it
thoroughly.Then,5ml of this stock solution was poured into each of four tubes.

1.Test tube 1: As a controlled tube for colour comparison.

2. Test tube 2: 1 ml of o.1M iron (III) chloride solution was added and the colour
changes were observed.
3. Test tube 3: 1ml of 0.1M potassium thiocyanate solution was added and the colour
changes were observed.
4.Test tube 4: 0.1M of silver nitrate solution was added dropwise (less than 1ml) until
almost all the colour was discharged.The white precipitate consisted of both AgCl and
AgSCN.Half of the contents was poured (included the precipitate) into another
tube.0.1M potassium thiocyanate solution was added dropwise 91-2ml) to one tube
and 0.1M iron (III) chloride solution (1-2ml) to the other.The observation was

Part B:Copper(II) Sulfate Solution with Ammonia

2ml of 0.1M copper(II) sulfate was added into each of two test tubes.

1.Test tube 1: For colour comparison.

2.Test tube 2: 6M NH3(aq) or NH4OH(aq) was added dropwise (shake well after each
drop was added).Any changes of the colour was noted and compared with test tube 1.
3.NH3 (aq) was added continuously until there was another colour or appearance
changed.The changes were noted on the report sheet.
4. 3 M H2SO4 was added dropwise to the solution in Test tube 2 until the original
colour was restored.The first tube was used for comparison.

Part C: Cobalt (II) Chloride

1-2ml of 0.1M cobalt(II) chloride solution was placed into each of three test tubes.

1.Test tube 1: as controlled test tube

2.Test tube 2: 3ml of hydrochloric acid (conc.) was added dropwise and noted the
changes. Water was added dropwise to the solution until the original colour (reverse
reaction was observed.
3.Test tube 3: 1.5g of solid ammonium chloride was added and a saturated salt
solution was made by shaking it.The colour was compared with the solution control
test tube.
4. The first tube(control) and third test tube was placed in a beaker of boiling
water,shaked it occasionally and the changes were observed.
5. Both of the tubes was cooled under the tap water until the original colour
(reserve reaction) was observed.
Part D :Ammonia Solution

An ammonia stock solution was prepared by adding 5 drops of 6M ammonium

hydroxide and 10 drops of phenolphthalein to 20 ml of tap water and mixed. 5ml of
this stock solution was poured into each of three tubes.

1.Test tube 1: Control test tube

2. Test tube 2: A very small amount of solid ammonium chloride was dissolved in the
stock solution and the result was observed.
3.Test tube 3: 6M sodium hydrochloric acid was added to the stock solution.Mixed
and the changes were recorded.

In this experiment,the effects to the equilibrium system can be observed when certain
stresses are introduced.As for part A of this experiment,iron(III) chloride was used to
mixed with potassium thiocyanate.So in this solution contained iron Fe3+,SCN- and it
will formed Fe(SCN)2+.For this part,test tube 1 was used as a control tube for colour
comparison with test tube two,three and four.Based on test tube 2,the colour of
orange solution turns to brown colour because of the addition of iron(III) chloride
solution.Due to the increases in the concentration of ion Fe3+, the equilibrium shift to
the right and produced more product.Next,for test tube three,there was addition of
potassium thiocyanate solution in it.So it made the colour changed from orange to
brown colour and the equilibrium system shift to right and produced more
product.This is due to the increases in concentration of the reactant which is ion SCN-
.For test tube 4,silver nitrate solution was added and formed white precipitate which
consisted of AgCl and AgSCN.Silver was insoluble in water while nitrate is soluble in
water.So this caused the formation of white precipitate in the solution.After that,the
contents was divided into two test tubes including the precipitate and one of it was
added with potassium thiocyanate while another one was added with iron (III)
chloride. For the first test tube, the colour changes from cloudy orange with white
precipitate to cloudy brown with precipitate too.For the second test tube, the colour is
cloudy orange with white precipitate.

In part B,copper(II) sulfate solution was mixed with ammonia.There were two test
tubes that filled with copper (II) sulphate solution.Test tube 1 was used as a colour
comparison and the colour was light blue.For test tube 2,there was addition of
ammonia solution and it turned the colour from light blue to dark blue with white
precipitate.The expected colour was actually cloudy blue but because the solution was
not shaken, so it was different with the expected colour. The changes of the colour
was due to the increases in concentration of ion NH3(aq) and the equilibrium system
shift to the left which produced more reactant.After that,NH3 (aq) solution was added
until another colour or appearance change. The colour changed from dark blue with
white precipitate to dark blue with no precipitate.So,it showed that the equilibrium
system was shifted to the left due to the increases in concentration of ion NH3.Next,
sulphuric acid was added drop by drop into test tube 3 to change the colour back to
the original colour which was light blue.So,because of the concentration of ion SO42-
increased ,the equilibrium system shift to right and produced product.

Furthermore,in part C,there were three test tubes that filled with cobalt (II)
chloride.Same as in part A and B,test tube 1 used as a controlled test tube and the
colour was pink. For test tube 2,hydrochloric acid (conc.) was added into the solution
and the colur of pink solution turned to blue colour and the equilibrium system was
shift to the left and produced more reactant.This is due to the increases in the
concentration of ion Cl- in the reaction.So this was called reverse reaction.Next,water
was added drop by drop into the solution until the blue colour solution turned back to
the original colour which was light pink.So,the equilibrium system shift to right which
was produced more products.In test tube 3, cobalt(II) chloride solution was mixed
with ammonium chloride and formed pink precipitate in pink solution.After that,the
solution was heated in boiling water and then formed blue precipitate in blue
solution.Due to the increases of the temperature,the equilibrium system shift to the
left which is endothermic side.Endothermic means absorb heat.Then,after heating,the
test tube was cooled down under tap water.So this changed the blue precipitate in blue
solution to pink precipitate in pink solution back.So this showed that decreases in
temperature made the equilibrium shift to the right which is exothermic
side.Exothermic means to release heat.

Lastly,in part D,there were three test tubes that filled with ammonia solution.For
test tube 1,as usual it became a controlled test tube and the colour was dark pink. Test
tube 2, the ammonia solution was mixed with ammonium chloride(s).Expected result
was the colour of dark pink solution turned to light pink but in this experiment we got
colourless for this solution.There might be some error while doing this
experiment.Due to the increases in the concentration of the product which is
NH4Cl ,the equilibrium system shift to the left and produced more reactants.In test
tube 3,hydrochloric acid was added into the solution and changed the colour from
dark pink to colourless.So this showed that the equilibrium system shift to right and
produced product because of the concentration of ion Cl- increased.

-brown colour

TEST TUBE 4(addition

thiocyanate solution)
-cloudy brown colour
-white precipitate


-brown colour 1(CONTROL) silver nitrate solution)
-orange colour -cloudy orange colour
-white precitate


-light blue colour (+ AMMONIA SOLUTION)
-Dark blue
-white precipitate

AMMONIA SOLUTION) -Light blue colour
- dark blue colour


-pink colour -blue colour -pink colour
-Light pink colour


-pink colour CHLORIDE(s) -BEFORE HEATING) -pink colour -blue precipitate in blue
-pink precipitate in pink solution solution
TEST TUBE 3 (cooling)
-pink precipitate in pink solution



- dark pink


-Colourless -colourless

Name: Siti Khadijah Binti Abu Saamah

Date: 18/10/2022
Student ID: 2022886826
Group: AS2572C

A. Iron(III) Chloride with Potassium Thiosulfate

Fe3+ + SCN ⇌ Fe(SCN)2+ (aq)

Pale colourless red

Test tube Procedure Observations

1 Control Orange colour

2 Addition of iron(III) chloride The colour of orange turn to brown

solution colour and the equilibrium system
shift to the right and produce product
3 Addition of potassium The colour of orange turn to brown
thiocyanate solution colour and the equilibrium system
shift to the right and produce product
4 Addition of silver nitrate The colour of orange turn to cloudy
solution orange with white precipitate
Addition of potassium The colour of cloudy orange turn to
thiocyanate solution cloudy brown colour with white
Addition of iron(III) chloride Cloudy orange colour with white
solution precipitate
B. Copper (II) sulphate solution with Ammonia

NH4+ + SO42- ⇌ NH3 (aq) + H2SO4

Test tubes Procedure Observations

1(control) Copper (II) sulphate Light blue

2 Copper (II) sulphate+ The colour of light blue turn to dark blue
ammonia solution with white precipitate and the equilibrium
system shift to the left and produce
Excess addition of The colour of light blue turn to dark blue
ammonia solution with no precipitate and the equilibrium
system shift to the left and produce
Addition of sulphuric The colour of dark blue turn to light blue
acid colour and the equilibrium system shift to
right and produce product

C. Cobalt(II) Chloride solution

COCl2 + 6H2O ⇌ [CO(H2O)6]2+ + 4Cl-

Test tubes Procedure Observations

1(control) Cobalt(II) chloride Pink

In boiling water Pink

Cooling Pink

2 Cobalt (II) Chloride The colour of pink solution turn to blue colour
solution + HCL and the equilibrium system shift to the left and
(conc.) produce reactant
Addition of water The colour of blue solution turn to light pink
solution and the equilibrium system shift to the
right and produce product
3 Cobalt (II) Chloride The colour of pink solution turn to pink
solution + ammonium precipitate with pink solution and the
chloride equilibrium system shift to the right and produce
In boiling water The pink precipitate in pink solution turn to blue
precipitate in blue solution and the equilibrium
system shift to left and produce reactant
Cooling The blue precipitate in blue solution change to
pink precipitate in pink solution and the
equilibrium system shift to the right and
produce product.
D. Ammonia solution

NH4+ + Cl ⇌ NH4Cl

Test Tubes Procedure Observations

1(control) Ammonia solution Dark pink

2 Ammonia solution + The colour of dark pink

ammonium chloride(s) solution turns to colourless
and the equilibrium
system shift to the left and
produce reactant
3 Ammonia solution + HCl The colour of dark pink
solution turns to colourless
and the equilibrium
system shift to the right
and produce product.


In conclusion,the effects to equilibrium system when certain stresses are

introduced can be observed in this experiment.Based on this experiment,it showed
that if the concentration of reactant is increase,the concentration of product is
decrease.If the concentration of product increase,the concentration of reactant is
decrease.Other than that,the equilibrium can shift with the effect of temperature.


How would you explain the shift of equilibrium in terms of Le Chatelier’s Principle?

In terms of Le Chatelier’s Principle,when the conditions of a system in

equilibrium are changed,the system reacts to counteract the change and re-
establish equilibrium.

Part B

1. Explain how adding more NH3 (aq) caused the equilibria to shift again.

Adding more NH3 (aq) can caused the equilibria to shift again because by adding
it the concentration of product become increase and concentration of reactant
become decrease.So when the concentration of product is increase,the
equilibrium shift to the left and this is called reverse reaction.

2. Explained how 3M sulphuric acid caused the equilibria to shift back again.

3 M sulphuric acid can caused the equilibria to shift back again because
sulpharic acid contains ion H+ and ion SO42- .When sulphuric acid is added into
the solution , the concentration of reactant which is ion SO42- become increase
and makes the equilibrium system shift to the right and produce product.

Part C

1.State whether concentration of each of the following substances was

increased,decreased,or unaffected when the conc. Hydrochloric acid was added to the
cobalt chloride solution.

Co (H2O)62+ unaffected
CL- increase
CoCl2 decrease

3. Explain why heating and cooling the mixture caused the equilibrium to shift?

Heating and cooling the mixture can caused the equilibrium to shift is because if
the temperature is increased,the position of equilibrium moves in the direction of
the endothermic sides.If the temperature is decrease,the position of equilibrium
moves in the direction of the exothermic sides.

1. Libretexts. (2021, March 15). Le Chatelier’s Principle Fundamentals. Chemistry





2. Equilibrium and Changing Temperatures Explained (Video). (2022, March 3). |.


3. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (2021, April 6). chemical equilibrium |

Definition, Equation, & Facts. Encyclopedia Britannica.

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