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Paleolithic Period

- They were nomads-means that they didn’t live in only 1 place because
they’ll keep transferring from 1 place to another to hunt.
- They needed to follow the animals in order to catch them and search wild
fruits to eat on their way.
Arts and Culture:
- They lived in tribes with their families and lived in caves where the would
paint the walls.
- Their paint was made of a mixture of charcoal, soil, animal fat, and water.
- The paleolithic people wore animal skins which they had previously hunted.
- They used axes and spears which were made of stones, wood, and bones
which they carved.
Source of living:
- They became more intelligent ang began to domesticate animals such as
dogs, goats, sheep, and more.
- They also began to cultivate plants which were then eaten.
- Controlled fire
- Stone tools
- Raft
- Lunar Calendar
- Alcoholic drinks (Invented by accident when the people mixed water and
fruits under the sunlight)
Everything changed, people were no longer nomads, religion was made, this is
were the paleolithic period ends.

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