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Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH

Dramatization and Storytelling Method

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson 100% of the students must be at least 75% level of proficiency

a. identify the values of first aid,

b. list down the importance of first aid, and
c. appreciate the importance of first aid.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: First Aid

Reference: MAPEH I by Wilma V. Perez
Materials: Images, Manila Paper, Laptop and Projector.
Skills: Cooperation
Value: Appreciating the importance of knowledge about first aid.

Teacher`s Activity Students Activity

A. Preparatory
Greeting the Class
Checking of Attendance

B. Developmental Activities

Class, I have here some Jumbled Letters
which are related to our past lesson. I need
volunteers to arrange this letters.

Very Good!
Before we proceed to our new lesson, we
will have an activity called “toss info”.
I have here candies, some of these contains
situation written on a piece of paper. I'll
toss these candies and you need to catch
only one candy per students. At the count
of three open the candies that you got and
read the situation written inside.
Do I make myself clear?

Ok, let's start.

(teacher will toss the candies) Yes Ma`am!
Who among you got the candies with situations)
situational questions inside? Will you read
1. You and your friends went for
the situation and answer the question an outing in a beach resort, while having
below? a swim; you noticed that one of your
friends is drowning. You quickly swim
towards him and brought him to the
shore. The victim is unconscious and she
needs to be given first aid as soon as

#uestion: What do you think are

Very Good! the first aid commonly applied on that
kind of situation?

(student will answer(

2. While on the street you noticed a boy

biking then suddenly his bike was out of
control and the boy fell on a rough floor. His
knees bleed.

Question: What do you think are the first aid

commonly applied on that kind of situation?

(student will answer)

3. Together with your family, you went on a
hiking, while walking, your sister got bitten
by a snake.
Question: What do you think are the first aid
commonly applied on that kind of situation?

(student will answer)

Base on the activity that we did what do
you think our lesson for today?

3. Lesson Proper

Ok, first aid is exactly what the word means,

first aid or help given. It is both immediate
and temporary and is often the difference
between life and death. First aid is the
immediate care given and generally needed
by anyone who is injured or gets suddenly ill.
Actually, there are two main points to
remember when applying first aid.
Firs, attend at once to the most seriously
Second, always remember that speed is
necessary. It can spell out life and death.

Values of first aid

1. Self help
-as a first aider, you should not only be
prepared to help others, in case you
encounter such emergencies and your
condition keeps you from caring for
yourself, you can direct others in carrying
out correct procedures to follow on
your behalf.

2. Help for others

-as a first aider your are trained to give
instructions to promote a reasonable
safety attitude and to assist others wisely
if they are spoken. There is always this
obligation on a humanitarian basis to
assist the helpless. There is no greater
satisfaction than relieving one's life.

3. Preparation for disaster

-first aid training is important in case of
catastrophes when medical and hospital
services are limited or delayed, catastrophes
may take the form of a hurricane, flood,
tornado, fire, earthquake or explosion.

4. Generalization
Let's have some review, if you really
our lesson for today.
What are the values of first aid?

Ma'am Self help, Help others and Preparation

for a disaster.

0ery 4ood<
/hat are the t*o main points to remember
*hen applying first aid@
First) attend once to the most seriously injured.
0ery 4ood<
Second) speed is necessary it can spell out life and death.
Do I ma1e myself clear@

Are there any Cuestions@

Yes MaGam
5. Application

2lass) I *ill group you into 3 groups. this *ill be group 1 and 3. All you have to do is to ma1e a
7azz 2hant about First Aid.
8one MaGam.

I0. Evaluation
Direction: /rite the ans*er before the number. 1.

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