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NAME: Mikyla N. Curameng GRADE & SECTION: XII-ABM Vekselberg

DATE: May 22, 2022

1. D
2. D
3. D
4. D
5. D

(A) Socioeconomic Factors (B) Advantage/s (C) Disadvantage/s
As a result of the
coronavirus pandemic, half
1. Income Lesser expenses of households have lost
income, leaving them with
little savings and growing
levels of debt.
Accessibility of time and Struggle in maintaining
Place. Students can take long-term attention on the
lessons from any location screen. With online
2. Education and at any time. It also learning, students are more
enables schools to likely to be quickly
contact a larger network distracted by social media
of students rather than or other sites.
being limited by
geographical constraints.
It helps in employee’s Many people losses their
retention because of job due to being furloughed
flexibility of home or experiencing reduced
3. Occupation working it allows them to work hours.
fulfill childcare
obligations, minimize
their commute, and fit
their work around their
personal lives.

Activity 1.
Advantages Disadvantages
It has helped me prioritize my physical Being away to my friends
and emotional wellbeing.
Self-discipline Boredom
Self-growth Social anxiety
Spend more quality time with my family Fear

Activity 2.
Advantages Disadvantages
Small businesses get creative in order to Businesses had temporarily shuttered,
survive the pandemic. and practically all of these closures were
caused by COVID-19.
They gradually opened the business in Small businesses and entrepreneurs are
accordance with IATF requirements. not well known because of the
government's failure to share timely
business-level data
They discover a solution through e- Business owners are confronted with
commerce. several new system priorities and issues,
such as abrupt limits, policy changes,
scarcity, safety hazards, and benefit
The government enables small businesses The business owners terminate several
to open, but only 50% of them. employees in order to keep the company
from declaring bankruptcy.

1. D
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. F
6. G
7. E
9. J
10. I

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