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In no more than three (3) sentences, cite and explain one (1) reason why the Catholic
Church actively discredits the Rizal Law's content and prevents it from being passed.

Because Article 9 of the human rights declaration states that everyone has the
right to "freedom of opinion, belief, and religion," the Catholic Church criticizes the
passage of the Rizal Law. Rizal is well recognized for denouncing and disparaging
several doctrines and practices of the Catholic Church. Rizal's writings are also
susceptible to misinterpretation since, according to the Catholic Church, they reflect
religion in the past rather than the sins of the current church. › wiki › Rizal_Law

2. What are the provisions and potential benefits of studying the Rizal Law? Justify your
answer in no more than seven (7) sentences.

The Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, in particular, should be taught in

colleges and universities, whether they are public or private, according to the Rizal law.
A student may be excused from reading the texts' original or English translations if he or
she feels that Rizal's writings gravely contradict their religious convictions. However,
studying Rizal can instill a strong feeling of nationalism in Filipinos, particularly the
younger generation, as we will be able to see the struggles our forefathers endured to
secure our freedom via his works.

3. In Rizal's literary piece, "The Council of the Gods (El Consejo del los Dioses)," what
were the reasons that the gods gave to justify Cervantes' victory over Homer and Virgil?
Justify your answer in no more than three (3) sentences.

Because Cervantes employed both the sword and the pen, while also serving the
gods despite a very sad circumstance and extreme poverty, the gods believed that
Cervantes defeated Homer and Virgil. Cervantes can give him "tribute more magnificent
and precious than my sparkling chariot or my indomitable horses," as Apollo said.
Cervantes fought in battles on the waters of Lepanto, where he nearly perished,
Minerva continued.

4. What drove the Filipinos to actively pursue Rizal's literary works in their quest for
national identity? Justify your answer in no more than three (3) sentences.

Our culture and history are reflected in and represented in Rizal's works. Rizal
has provided direction and demonstrated what is essential to the Filipino people as they
struggle and look to other countries in their search for self-discovery. As demonstrated
in the conflict with the Spaniards, the Filipino people must come together and cooperate
in order to defeat their common enemy.

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