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Modern Physics Scientist

Friday, 23 September 22

Scientist Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de'

Galilei wad born on the 15 February 1564
and died on the 8 January 1642. He was
an Italian astronomer, physicist and
engineer, sometimes described as a
polymath. Galileo studied speed and
velocity, gravity and free fall, the
principle of relativity, inertia, projectile
motion and also worked in applied
science and technology, describing the
properties of pendulums and
"hydrostatic balances". He invented the
thermoscope and various military
compasses, and used the telescope for
scientific observations of celestial
objects. His contributions to
observational astronomy include
telescopic confirmation of the phases of
Venus, observation of the four largest
satellites of Jupiter, observation of
Saturn's rings, and analysis of lunar
craters and sunspots. He created a
thermoscope, a forerunner of the
thermometer, and, in 1586, published a
small book on the design of a
hydrostatic balance he had invented
In this issue, (which first brought him to the attention
All Physics Scientist are nerds with no social
of the scholarly world). Galileo also
skills, right? Wrong! There are many ways to
studied disegno, a term encompassing
learn how to be cool and understand science.
fine art, and, in 1588, obtained the
In this blog post we will explore some of the
position of instructor in the Accademia
best tips for becoming a Physics Scientist
delle Arti del Disegno in Florence.
while still having fun and being cool. The truth
page 1
is that anyone can become a scientist if they

put in the time and effort it takes to learn all of

the math and language used in the field of

physics. It just takes dedication and passion

for learning new things.


Who is he?

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) was a

German-born physicist who
developed the theory of relativity,
which argued that gravity affects
light and time. He is also known for
his work on particle physics and his
invention of the atom bomb. After
graduating from the Swiss Federal
Polytechnic School in Zurich in 1900,
he became an assistant professor at
the University of Bern. Einstein is
best known for developing the
theory of relativity, but he also made
important contributions to the
development of the theory of
Albert Einstein contribution to
quantum mechanics

Albert Einstein had a massive influence on
contemporary physics. His theory of
relativity shifted contemporary
understanding of space completely. Along
with his equation E = mc2, it also
foreshadowed the creation of the atomic
bomb. In addition to his work on relativity,
the physicist laid the scientific foundations
for paper towels, lasers, and more common
products. Albert Einstein is justly famous
for devising his theory of relativity, which
revolutionized our understanding of space,
time, gravity, and the universe.

September Edition | 2022 page 2

Enrico Fermi was An Italian physics and
creator of the worlds first nuclear reactor
the Chicago pile-1. He has been called the
Architect of the nuclear age and architect
of atomic bomb’. he was one of very few
physicists to exceed in both theoretical
physics and experimental physics. Enrico
was born on September 29,1901 In Rome
Italy he died on November 28,1954. Fermi
was awarded the 1934 Nobel prize in
physics for his work on induced
radioactivity by neutron bombardment and
for the discovery for trans uranium

HIs contribution to his work

With his colleagues,Fermi field several

patent related to use of nuclear power
power all which were taken over by the
US government. He made significant
contributions to the development of
statistical mechanics,quantum theory
and nuclear particle physics.His major
contribution involved the field of
statistical mechanics

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