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Final Leadership Philosophy Paper


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❖ Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 2
❖ Description of your group project ........................................................................................... 2
❖ Assessment of your team performance .................................................................................... 3
❖ Example(s) of positive experience as a team member or a team leader .................................. 3
❖ Example(s) of negative experience as a team member or a team leader ................................. 4
❖ Example(s) of how you experienced leadership during the team project................................ 4
❖ What you would do differently next time as a team member or as a team leader ................... 4
❖ What you learned about leadership (or your leadership philosophy) ...................................... 4
❖ Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 5
References ....................................................................................................................................... 6
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❖ Introduction
In comparison to other disciplines, the leadership theory module received the majority of attention
during the semester. From project activity to quiz, as like other students, I was also mostly focused
on this module and I have no doubt it was worthwhile like other subjects. In this class we learned
about all the aspects of leadership with outstanding examples, scenarios, etc. to understand the
To understand and to have real life experience of leadership, group project activities were very
worthwhile to participate in and learn things. This project helps to understand various situations
and how to lead a team as a leader.
According to my understanding, becoming a leader requires more than just managers. After all,
leaders strive to achieve goals for both company and teamwork. I believe that to be a successful
leader it is important to have a vision for your team. Once the vision is fully established, how it is
communicated is equally important. A leader's shared vision helps to create a collaborative
environment where people can work together effectively. A competent leader stands out by
maintaining open lines of communication within his team or workplace. A true leader is someone
who believes in working effectively and independently on his team. By taking the time to get to
know everyone at work, people can achieve their goals and align them with the company's goals.
There are many factors that contribute to being a successful leader, but in my opinion, it all starts
with individual fundamentals.
According to scholar Jay Alden Conger “A leader is someone who establishes a working
group's direction, wins the group's members' commitment to that direction, and then inspires
those members to carry out that direction's objectives.[1]”
Leadership philosophy is a "personal blueprint" that communicates your thoughts, values, and
beliefs. A leadership philosophy is the cornerstone of making ethical choices. Furthermore, it
determines personal life and work-related issues. Philosophy is defined as " a collection of
principles for achieving or living "(Merriam-Webster online, 2018). A leadership philosophy
has been defined as " a collection of ideas, ideals, and guidelines that greatly affect[s] how we
perceive reality and direct[s] our comprehension of persuading people. [2] "It Encourages
communication and helps develop the skills and talents of leaders to maximize human potential.
For example; As a team leader, I intend to share responsibility with my team because I feel the
need for everyone to be involved in the process. I will respect my teams’ members, listen to their
advice and motivate them as needed. I will act with compassion, sensitivity and consideration.
This is a democratic leadership philosophy style. Similarly, there are other leadership philosophy
style like, Autocratic, Laissez-faire, Transformational, etc.…

❖ Description of your group project

After the various process, we come to conclude our main topic on which we got prepared to do the
project, and we finalize the topic “The struggle of foreign students to make contract with
internet company”. As we know that Internet has become one of the basis need of people, without
internet it’s become very difficult to access with world, apart from achieving goal. It was seen and
experienced that after entering to an overseas nation, to get the access of internet for a student is
very difficult. The problem is similar in Japan too. With the help of this this project we have also
try to meet the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals), which show that why our project is
valuable for the society.
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The reasons behind choosing this project “The struggle of foreign students to make contract with
internet company” are “Due to a lack of information on the terms of residence, costs, monthly
payments, etc., it might be challenging to sign an internet contract and select the best one, whether
for mobile or home internet”, another is to make assure “if the property manager of the apartment
building accepts tenants who use internet service providers that are not associated with them” and
“Whether or not the apartment has access to NTT cable will determine how tough it will be to find
a provider of affordable internet service.”. Hence, the project's output was our ability to define the
person's status, including things like duration of stay, bank account, etc., value evaluation, and
determined the ideal internet type for studying some suggestions based on our own experiences.
These estimates were based on a brief investigation of the officers accessible in the market. Hence,
after all we believe that our project will be helpful to the needy students or people who want to
access internet.

❖ Assessment of your team performance

In a group project or activity, there are many things to learn and discuss with your teammates in
addition to understanding the personalities of the individuals you will be working with. This also
helps to determine if you will succeed in achieving your objective. We made the decision to create
a website and a video based on our project that could be easily accessed by anyone in need in order
to acquire the project's product. We split our organization into three teams, including a research
team, a video team, and a web design team, to make it possible. The team's responsibilities were
made plain, and they were also given a deadline to fulfill. Here, as the group's leader (Shrestha 2),
it was my responsibility to keep an eye on each team's activities and the status of their given tasks.
In addition to that, I also participated in research to get the data needed for the project. As a
consequence, each team member's participation was equal in order to achieve the project's goal. It
was made feasible because we maintained open communication among the group members and
kept all of our activities public. In order to complete the assignment, we were obviously following
the guidance of the several modules' instructions. As a consequence, upon project completion, I
can state that, in addition to being hard workers and result-oriented, our group members also
cooperated with one another and supported one another's efforts to work as a team. So, after
reviewing all of the activities, I can confidently declare that our team excelled in practically every
area. I'd like to have a team like this because without a fantastic team, it's impossible to accomplish
a big objective.

❖ Example(s) of positive experience as a team member or a team leader

When working in a team, there are a lot of things you may take and offer, including knowledge,
expertise, and any positive or negative group experiences. First off, there are a lot of things to say
regarding my group's excellent aspects. My team's tenacity and enthusiasm throughout the project
made it really simple for me to work with each member as a team as a leader. Another characteristic
of our team that contributes to our success as a winning team is our determination for good results.
Aside from these aspects, make an effort to be at meetings, critique one another openly to produce
superior results, and assist with the work. For example, in our video shooting team a member got
sick due to our plan was about to collapse but another member gets ready to play proxy role and
continued our task. This how we were supportive to each other’s.
Hence, if a team have this attribute, a better outcome is certain.
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❖ Example(s) of negative experience as a team member or a team leader

It is crucial to overcome negative team experiences because it is apparent that they are bad for all
teams. Time management, lack of prior group task experience, language barrier, and difficulty
accepting different viewpoints are some drawbacks. One the bad experience I had as a leader is,
not attending meeting on time, due to there was communication gap between team for short time
due to which our one activity score falls low.
However, I think that these kinds of experience are advantageous for the future. This helps us to
learn more than any positive aspect.

❖ Example(s) of how you experienced leadership during the team project

My second time serving as a group leader for an academic project activity. I can clearly detect a
significant improvement in compression. In this situation, being in charge is never a simple
assignment; you must always be responsible and accountable for your actions. I now feel like I'm
working at ground level since the other group members are just as productive as I am, always
willing to point out errors and offer constructive criticism, constantly keeping an eye on things,
etc. As a result, if I achieved the goal, they gave me credit, but when I didn't, they questioned me
about what went wrong. For example; We had a very low mark on a project activity work, so I
had to take responsibility and explain what went wrong and why we didn't get a decent score. The
working culture of the assignment has to be changed after that, and I maintain transparency so that
other team members may study it and provide input. I had a great deal of other encounters during
the project activities. Overall, I think having the chance to manage a strong team was a terrific
opportunity that gave me access to invaluable knowledge that will be helpful in the future.

❖ What you would do differently next time as a team member or as a team leader
According to Martin Luther King, Jr. “Leadership means inspiring vision, thoughtful strategy,
tireless execution and talented people working together. [3]” Learning from experience is equally
important to leadership success. There are many lessons to be learned from this project episode.
How you organize your time, how you communicate with others in the group, how you dedicate
yourself to preparing for the project. I learned how to deal with members who are procrastinating
on projects. I learned a lot from this venture experience. I have also experienced difficulties at
work, the downsides of being late, and the effects of not getting along with other team members.
The project's vision, comprehension of my leadership philosophy, knowledge of my personal
strengths and weaknesses, and the will to complete work on time are some of the key areas on
which I would like to concentrate differently the next time I am the leader. In addition to this, I'll
concentrate on working on the feedback I've had from my team members.

❖ What you learned about leadership (or your leadership philosophy)

The Leadership Theory course articulates a lot about leadership and philosophies about leadership,
my philosophy of leadership, I developed my philosophy of leadership after thinking about my
basic principles and what leadership involves. It contains the leadership philosophy, function and
point of view that I want to convey. In terms of leadership style, I strive to be a strategic leader
who inspires teams and organizations, while developing a cohesive force to maintain business
productivity. Here, with this approach, it is important to create an environment that encourages
teams to work efficiently and independently, while still being able to express their unique ideas.
Group members participate in the decision-making process. Encourage team members to innovate,
contribute, and use open dialogue to achieve goals in this way. I believe this approach fosters great
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collaboration and strong morale. This makes it a major part of my driving spirit. While leading a
team develop a relationship-oriented leadership mindset based on my core principles, it can be
done by prioritizing developing interpersonal skills and using them to encourage and motivate my
team members and make them feel valued. Communication with team members fosters
collaboration and unrestricted teamwork Having an open policy and showing genuine interest in
the team members you lead are characteristics of a relationship leader. Thus, this is what I’ve
understood leadership and leadership philosophy.

❖ Conclusion
Thus, this project assignment helps to understood about leadership and the leadership philosophy.
Ultimately, your leadership philosophy is revealed through how you define leadership in your own
unique way. This will vary from person to person. Taking the time to define what good leadership
looks like is important because it has a huge impact on many different people. Again, there is no
right or wrong way to make a leadership philosophy statement. However, having a hand when
balancing your work and personal life can help remind you of what's most important.
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7, 2022 from
[2] Development of a Personal Leadership Philosophy: An Experiential . Retrieved August 7,
2022 from

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