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1. What is a motion ....gerak merupakan proses perpindahan dari suatu benda terhadap
benda lainnya dari satu tempat acuan ke tempat lainnya.
2. What is a distance .... jarak didefinisikan sebagai panjang lintasan yang
ditempuh oleh suatu benda
3. What is a displacement .... perpindahan adalah perubahan kedudukan suatu
benda (posisi awal dengan posisi akhir
4. Based on the following picture !

A. Determine the distance from house to school 500 +300 + 100 = 900
B. Determine the displacement from house to school
√4002 + 3002 = √160000 + 90000 = √250000 = 500 𝑚
5. What is a velocity .....
How to calculate the velocity of object?
6. What is a speed ....
How to calculate the speed of object?
7. Based on the following picture !
C. Calculate the speed of student 7. 35 – 7. 30 = 5 menit = 300 detik
Speed = distance : time = 900 : 300 = 3 m/s
D. Calculate the velocity of student
7. 35 – 7. 30 = 5 menit = 300 detik
velocity= displacement : time = 500 : 300 = 1,67 m/s

8. What is an acceleration .... the change velocity is divided by time

How to calculate the acceleration of object? a = v / t
9. Mention 3 example of uniformly accelerated rectilinier motion

10. Mention 3 example of uniformly decelerated rectilinier motion


10. what is a force .... force is a push or pull that acts on an object
11. what is a net force force ( resultan gaya ) is sum forces/ total forces

Searah / same direction = force-nya di tambah,

tapi kalo berlawanan arah (different direction) = force-nya dikurang

12. What is the net force on the box shown below?

searah = 15 +40 = 55 N terus berlawanan dengan 30 N = 55 N – 30 N = 25 N

13. What is the net force on the box shown below?

Searah KEKIRI = 5 + 2 = 7N
Searah KEKANAN= 10 + 8 = 18 N

Terus berlawanan dengan 18 N – 7 N = 11 N (RIGHT SIDE)

14. What is the net force on the box shown below?

NET FORCE = 0 N (no moving)

15. A motorcycle travels 60 km for 2 hours, calculate the velocity of motorcycle !
60 / 2 = 30 km/jam
*kalo diubah ke m/s caranya dibagi aja dengan 3,6 jadi jawabanya 30:3,6 = 8,3 m/s
16. A motorcycle travels 60 km for 2 hours, Speed the velocity of motorcycle !
60 / 2 = 30 km/jam =

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