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Reproductive physiology of sheep (Ovis
aries) and goats (Capra aegagrus hircus)
Fuller W. Bazer
Department of Animal Science, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, United States


Introduction 199 Estrous cycles and luteolysis 203

History of sheep 199 Pregnancy in does and ewes 205
Comparison of sheep with goats 199 Conceptus development in sheep during the
Puberty 200 peri-implantation period of pregnancy 206
Seasonal breeding 200 Pregnancy in ewes 207
Chorionic somatomammotropin
Reproductive tract anatomy 201
hormone 1 (CSH1) 208
Female reproductive tract 201
Parturition in ewes and goats 208
Reproductive tract anatomy of the ram
and buck 201 References 208
Estrous cycles of goats and ewes 203

Introduction civilizations allowed for spread of sheep raising

to European colonists and then to the New
History of sheep World from 1493 onwards.1
The exact line of descent between domestic
sheep and their wild ancestors is unclear, but
Comparison of sheep with goats2,3
Ovis aries likely descended from the Asiatic
(Ovis orientalis) species domesticated by humans Sheep and goats are closely related members
between 11,000 and 9,000 BC for meat, milk and of the subfamily Caprinae. However, they are
skins, and wool.1 The Greeks and Romans relied separate species, so hybrids rarely occur and
on sheep as primary livestock and those are always infertile. Visual differences between

Animal Agriculture 199 Copyright © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
200 11. Reproductive physiology of sheep (Ovis aries) and goats

sheep and goats include the beard of goats and of rams (8% on average) display homosexuality
divided upper lip of sheep. Sheep tails hang and a small number of the females born twin
down, even when docked, while short tails of to a male fetus in utero are freemartins that
goats are held upwards. Many sheep breeds may have an ovotestis and a poorly developed
are naturally polled, either in both sexes or just reproductive tract, particularly the ovaries,
in females, while naturally polled goats are oviduct and uterus. These females are generally
rare. Males of the two species differ in that sterile and exhibit masculine behavior.
buck goats acquire a unique and strong odor Nutrition is among the most significant fac-
during the breeding season, but rams do not. tors influencing reproductive development and
Sheep and goats have similar reproductive stra- the onset of puberty. Inadequate nutrition delays
tegies and most breed in the fall months, but occurrence of the first estrus while a good state
some are can breed year-round. of nutrition advances the age at the onset of
puberty. Season of birth also affects timing of
puberty in both does and bucks, with sensitivity
Puberty2,3 to changes in day length in effect during the
Puberty is defined as when the individual be- prenatal stages of development. Puberty in
comes capable of reproduction (first ovulation in spring-born kids may occur as early as in the
the female and first spermatozoa in the ejaculate following fall breeding season. There is evidence
of the male). In both male and female goats, pu- that the introduction of bucks or rams encour-
berty may be reached without having achieved ages does and ewe lambs to reach puberty
adequate physical growth to support reproduc- earlier.
tion. In the doe, the first ovulation may not coin-
cide with first estrus, while in the buck ejaculate
Seasonal breeding2,3
quality and quantity may be insufficient to
achieve high fertility. In immature bucks, the Differences exist in the onset and length of the
penis has adhesions that prevent it from being breeding season among the various breeds of
fully extended, but the adhesions dissolve and goats and sheep. Geographic location, particu-
the penis can be fully extended at puberty. Goats larly degree of latitude, has a significant impact
are generally “seasonally polyestrous,” and on timing and length of the breeding season.
exhibit estrous cycles during late summer, fall For example, tropical breeds of goats and sheep
and winter. The estrous cycle of goats is may breed throughout the year depending on
20e21 days, with a range of 17e24 days. Does factors such as rainfall, nutrition, and lactational
are in estrus for approximately 30 h, and ovulate status. Onset of the breeding season includes
33 h after the onset of estrus. Most goat breeds transitional periods during which gonadotropin
are prolific, and mature females ovulate more levels are increasing, but are not sufficient to
than one oocyte. elicit estrus and ovulation. The onset of estrous
Ewes generally reach sexual maturity at cycles can be hastened using management tech-
6e8 months of age, and rams generally at 4e6 niques such as the introduction of males during
months of age. There are exceptions. For the transitional period. In billy goats, seasonal
example, Finnish Landrace ewe lambs may reach breeding is associated with changes in testis
puberty as early as 3e4 months, and Merino size and libido, and the development of a distinct
ewes sometimes reach puberty at 18e20 months. buck odor. In rams, those changes are not
Ewes have estrous cycles of about 17 days in observed, but the quality of semen generally im-
length and, during estrus, emit a pheromone in proves with onset of the breeding season during
urine indicating readiness to mate. A minority cooler months of the year.

III. Sheep and goat production

Reproductive tract anatomy 201

Reproductive tract anatomy (spermatogenesis) takes place inside the seminif-

erous tubules and that process is supported by
Female reproductive tract4 Sertoli cells that form the blood-testis barrier
and also nourish cells involved in spermatogen-
The reproductive tract of mature ewes and esis. One population of spermatogonia undergo
does includes several components. The ovaries mitosis to maintain a high number of cells with
are the primary sex organ that produces oocytes the potential to differentiate into spermatozoa.
during ovulation and secrete female reproduc- Selected spermatogonia are then recruited to
tive hormones (i.e., progesterone and estrogen). initiate spermatogenesis. The spermatogonia
The oviducts are the site of fertilization of initiate meiosis and move inside the blood-
oocytes by sperm and they transport oocytes to testis barrier or adluminal compartment of sem-
the site of fertilization at the junction of the iniferous tubules. The spermatogonia give rise to
isthmus and ampulla and then transport primary spermatocytes, then secondary sper-
embryos into the uterus. The uterus is the site matocytes, spermatids and finally spermatozoa
of implantation of the blastocyst and then with a 1N complement of chromosomes that
placentation. Placentation involves establish- are released into the lumen of the seminiferous
ment of the chorioallantois for the exchange of tubules. The spermatozoa in the seminiferous tu-
nutrients and gases required for growth and bules are transported through tubules in the rete
development of the fetus, as well as the amnion testis to the vasa efferentia that eventually
in which the embryo/fetus is located and sus- coalesce to form a single duct, the duct of the
pended in amniotic fluid. The collective term epididymis. The duct of the epididymis includes
for the embryo/fetus and its placental mem- the head (caput) and body (corpus) in which
branes is conceptus. The uterus consists of two spermiogenesis or maturation occurs, but this
uterine horns with a common uterine body. is not completed until the sperm reach the tail
The conceptus grows and develops in the uterus (cauda) of the epididymis. Spermatozoa pro-
during gestation. The uterus is closed to the duced by the testis enter the epididymis, also
outside by the cervix, a canal consisting of located in the scrotum, which serves as the site
several cervical folds or rings. The most posterior of sperm maturation (sperm acquire motility
portion of the reproductive tract is the vagina and fertilizing capacity), and storage prior to
which is the site of semen deposition during ejaculation. The vas deferens connects the
natural mating. The vagina also provides an epididymis to the ampulla and accessory sex
environment in which cells of the vagina and glands which are the seminal vesicles, prostate
mucus from cells of the cervix support the ease and bulbourethral glands. These accessory sex
of mating when the ewe or doe is in estrus and glands are located in the pelvic region and pro-
it participates in transport of sperm toward the vide the liquid portion of semen in which sperm
oviduct following mating. are suspended in the ejaculate. The Leydig cells
are in the interstitial tissue of the testes outside
the seminiferous tubules. Leydig cells synthesize
Reproductive tract anatomy of the ram
and secrete testosterone in response to luteiniz-
and buck4 ing hormone (LH) from gonadotrophs in the
The male reproductive tract has testes as the anterior pituitary gland. Testosterone from Ley-
primary sex organs to produce spermatozoa, dig cells is transported to Sertoli cells inside
the male gametes, and sex hormones (i.e., the seminiferous tubules and Sertoli cells con-
testosterone and estrogen). Sperm production vert testosterone to estradiol. Sertoli cells also

III. Sheep and goat production

202 11. Reproductive physiology of sheep (Ovis aries) and goats

secrete inhibin that regulates secretion of follicle smooth muscle within the scrotum that contracts
stimulating hormone (FSH) from gonadotrophs during cold weather or flight/fright situations to
in the anterior pituitary gland. decrease surface area to pull testes closer to the
As for the ovaries, testicular functions are body and to decrease dissipation of heat from
controlled by the gonadotropins LH and FSH, the skin. Relaxation of the tunica dartos allows
as well as testosterone and estradiol. In contrast for dissipation of heat from the testes. Finally,
to the female, where all ova are present at birth, as temperature increases there is a neural reflex
spermatozoa are produced through continuous that stimulates sweating by the sweat glands in
divisions throughout the reproductive life of the scrotum for evaporative cooling.
the male. In the final step of spermatogenesis, The accessory sex glands and external geni-
cells develop the characteristics of the functional talia of rams and bucks requires that testosterone
spermatozoa (head, mid-piece and tail). Sperma- be converted by the enzyme 5a-reductase to
tozoa are then released from the germinal epithe- dihydrotestosterone. The seminal vesicles pro-
lium and pass to the epdididymis, where fluid is duce and secrete a significant proportion of the
removed and the sperm suspension is concen- fluid in semen that is released into the vas defer-
trated and stored in a dormant state prior to ens during ejaculation. The seminal vesicles pro-
ejaculation. There is considerable variation in duce semenogelin, a protein that causes semen to
ejaculate volume and sperm concentration, become sticky and jelly-like after ejaculation. In
dependent on season, age, and sexual activity. addition, secretions from the seminal vesicles
A normal range for volume of semen and con- contain proteins, enzymes, fructose, mucus,
centration of sperm is 0.5e1.5 mL, and 1.5e5.0 vitamin C, flavins, phosphorylcholine and pros-
billion sperm/mL. taglandins. Fructose is the hexose sugar that pro-
The testes are located in the scrotum which vides energy for the spermatozoa. The prostate
maintains the testes in an environment that is gland secretes a slightly alkaline fluid that is
3e5  C cooler than body temperature. Males milky or white in appearance and makes up a
with testes retained in the abdomen, cryptor- portion of semen that is enriched in zinc and con-
chids, are sterile due to impaired spermato- tributes to the alkalinity of semen that helps
genesis at body temperature, but cryptorchid neutralize the acidity of the vaginal tract to pro-
males may exhibit normal libido. Cooling of long the lifespan of sperm. Prostatic fluid is
the testes in the scrotum is accomplished by expelled in the first part of ejaculate, together
four functional components of the testes. The with most of the sperm and appears to ensure
external cremaster muscle attaches to the pelvis that sperm have better motility, longer survival,
and contracts to bring the testes closer to the and better protection of genetic material. The
body cavity in cold weather or in case of bulbourethral glands, also call Cowper’s glands,
fright/flight issues. This muscle can also relax contribute to the total volume of semen as a clear
to allow the testes to drop away from the body fluid rich in mucoproteins that help to lubricate
cavity to reduce exposure to body heat and dissi- the distal urethra and neutralize acidic urine
pate heat from the testes themselves. The pampi- which remains in the urethra. There are some re-
niform plexus includes the testicular artery ports that the bulbourethral gland fluid does not
around which is coiled highly convoluted testic- contain sperm, but others have reported some
ular veins to which heat in arterial blood is trans- sperm into the pre-ejaculatory fluid. Never-
ferred. The result is that the temperature of theless, the sperm source is a residual or pre-
arterial blood entering the testes at 39  C is ejaculatory leak from the testicles into the vas
cooled to around 33  C at the base of the testes. deferens, rather than from the bulbourethral
The third structure is the tunica dartos which is gland itself.

III. Sheep and goat production

Reproductive tract anatomy 203
The penis is the final component of the male testosterone to estrogens. After the ovulatory
reproductive tract and used to deliver semen surge of LH that induces ovulation, the theca
into the female. In the buck, erection is achieved cells and granulosa cells transform into small
through extension of the sigmoid flexure that and large luteal cells, respectively to form the
allows an extension of up to 12 inches and by CL and secrete progesterone. The CL secretes
filling of the cavernous tissues with blood. In progesterone, which prepares the uterus for
the non-erect state, the penis is contained in the pregnancy, and suppresses the secretion of
sheath. GnRH, FSH and LH to prevent development of
mature Graffian follicles and ovulation during
either the luteal phase of the estrous cycle or
Estrous cycles of goats and ewes2,3 pregnancy.
The events of the estrous cycle are controlled Fertilization of the ovum occurs at the junc-
by hormones produced by the ovaries (estrogens tion of the ampulla and isthmus in the oviduct
and progesterone) and the hypothalamic- and requires the proper timing of insemination
anterior pituitary-ovarian axis are essentially and ovulation, as spermatozoa remain viable
the same for ewes and does. The hypothalamus for only 12 h in the female reproductive tract,
and anterior pituitary gland are located at the and the life span of the ovulated egg is
base of the brain. The hypothalamus produces 12e24 h. A healthy sperm will penetrate the
gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) that zona pellucida surrounding the egg using en-
induces gonadotroph cells in the anterior pitui- zymes contained in the cap of the sperm head.
tary gland to release FSH that induces develop- Fusion of the sperm cell with the egg will pre-
ment of ovarian follicles which contain an vent penetration of other spermatozoa. Fertilized
ovum, and LH that induces ovulation of the eggs move from the oviduct toward the uterus
mature Graffian ovarian follicles. Further, LH in- and initiate cell divisions within 24 h. The devel-
duces granulosa and theca cells of the ovarian oping embryo will continue to divide to reach
follicle to undergo luteinization and form a the blastocyst stage and remain free-floating
corpus luteum (CL) that produces progesterone. until it attaches to the uterine wall beginning
Progesterone is required for establishment and around Day 14 of gestation. The corpus luteum is
maintenance of pregnancy. In addition to inter- the primary source of progesterone throughout
nal stimuli such as metabolic status, the gestation. The developing fetus is contained in
hypothalamic-anterior pituitary-ovarian axis is the placenta, a membrane that facilitates the ex-
also responsive to external stimuli including change between the maternal and fetal vascular
changes in day length, nutritional status, systems at the maternal-conceptus interface.
ambient temperature and the presence of males. While the placenta of sheep experiences the
Follicles in the ovaries contain primary most rapid growth between Days 20 and 90 of
oocytes (ova) and develop in successive waves gestation, fetal growth increases exponentially
until some achieve dominance status and between Day 90 and term (147 days of gestation)
ovulate to release secondary oocytes into the or during the last trimester of pregnancy. Gesta-
infundibulum of the oviduct. Fertilization of tion length in the nanny and the ewe is approx-
the oocyte occurs at the junction of the ampulla imately 147 days.
and isthmus of the oviduct where sperm are pre-
sent. The follicle contains theca cells on the
outside of the basement membrane that produce
Estrous cycles and luteolysis2,3
testosterone, while granulosa cells inside the Sheep and goats, are spontaneously ovulat-
basement membrane of the follicle convert the ing, seasonally polyestrous mammals with

III. Sheep and goat production

204 11. Reproductive physiology of sheep (Ovis aries) and goats

recurring estrous cycles of 17 and 20 days for hemorrhagicum (CH) and then the CL that se-
does and 16e17 days for ewes. Ewes and does cretes progesterone. Diestrus, Days 4e14 of the
are short-day breeders with regular estrous cy- estrous cycle, is when the CL reaches its
cles from late summer through mid-winter. maximum size and secretion of progesterone.
Sheep have been studied in greatest detail with Near the end of diestrus, progesterone receptors
respect to endocrine regulation of the estrous cy- (PGRs) in uterine epithelia are down-regulated
cle and pregnancy; however, the basic mecha- by progesterone. In the absence of PGR and ef-
nisms for luteolysis and maternal recognition fects of progesterone, there is an increase in
of pregnancy are very similar for ewes and goats. expression of receptors for estrogen (ESR1) and
The endocrinology of recurring estrous cycles oxytocin (OXTR) necessary for oxytocin (OXT)-
and pregnancy in sheep and goats is well estab- induced secretion of luteolytic pulses of PGF
lished and is discussed with emphasis on hor- and luteolysis. Luteolysis is the regression of
monal signaling for maternal recognition of the CL to an inactive structure called the corpus
pregnancy and the endocrinology of preg- albicans that is no longer functional in terms of
nancy.5,6 The estrous cycle of ewes and does is viable cells or their secretion of progesterone.
uterine-dependent, because the uterus is the The onset of proestrus begins when the CL are
source of prostaglandin F2a (PGF), the luteolytic fully regressed and the ovarian follicles begin
hormone responsible for functional and struc- producing significant amounts of estradiol-17b
tural regression of the ovarian CL in the absence (E2). A dominant follicle(s) is selected for ovula-
of an appropriate maternal recognition of preg- tion and onset of estrus marks the beginning of
nancy signal. During the peri-implantation the next estrous cycle.
period of pregnancy, the maternal recognition The estrous cycle of ruminants is dependent
of pregnancy signal from the conceptus in ewes on the uterine endometrium for production of
and does is interferon tau (IFNT). IFNT prevents luteolytic PGF. During diestrus, P4 increases
uterine release of luteolytic pulses of PGF. This phospholipid stores and prostaglandin synthase
allows maintenance of one or more functional in uterine epithelia necessary for mobilization of
CL for production of progesterone required for arachidonic acid by phospholipase A2 and its
the establishment and maintenance of preg- conversion by prostaglandin synthase 2
nancy. Following successful signaling for (PTGS2) to PGF during late diestrus. Exposure
maternal recognition and establishment of preg- of the uterus to progesterone for 10e12 days
nancy, progesterone from the CL and a number down-regulates PGR which, in turn, allows
of hormones from the placenta are required for ESR1 and OXTR expression by LE/sGE initially
maintenance of pregnancy and birth of viable and then GE and stromal cells. These are key
offspring. events in activation of the luteolytic mechanism
In ewes, Day 0 of estrus is designated as the for endometrial production of luteolytic PGF.
day of onset of sexual receptivity for mating Following up-regulation of ESR1 and OXTR, E2
and the beginning of the estrous cycle. Estrus induces phospholipase A2 to mobilize arachi-
lasts about 30 h and spontaneous ovulation oc- donic acid for conversion to PGF and OXT is
curs about 30 h after onset of estrus in response released in a pulsatile manner from CL and pos-
to an estrogen-induced ovulatory surge of LH terior pituitary to act via OXTR to induce pulsa-
and FSH from the anterior pituitary at the onset tile release of luteolyic PGF that induces
of estrus. Metestrus, Days 1e4 of the estrous cy- regression of CL on Day 16. If ewes are hysterec-
cle, is characterized by luteinization of theca and tomized during the active life of the CL, luteoly-
granulosa cells of the ovarian follicle under the sis does not occur because the uterus is the major
influence of LH to initially form the corpus source of luteolytic PGF, and CL life span is

III. Sheep and goat production

Reproductive tract anatomy 205
prolonged to about 120e140 days, i.e., similar to ewes, cows and does. IFNT, a Type I IFN,
the duration of normal pregnancy. secreted by trophectoderm of peri-implantation
Intimate intertwining of the uterine branch of ruminant conceptuses and has potent anti-
the ovarian vein and the ovarian artery allows viral, antiproliferative and immunomodulatory
for the countercurrent exchange of luteolytic activities, as well as a unique role as the maternal
PGF from the uterine venous drainage directly recognition of pregnancy signal in rumin-
to the ovarian artery for delivery to the CL for in- ants. IFNT is produced in massive amounts
duction of luteolysis. Luteolysis does not require by conceptus trophectoderm as it undergoes
a decrease in LH receptors or withdrawal of morphological transition from spherical to
basal LH support from CL, but CL must be tubular and filamentous forms during the peri-
exposed to five pulses of PGF over a 24 h period implantation period of pregnancy, i.e., Days
to undergo complete luteolysis. Luteolytic pulses 10e21 in ewes. Secreted forms of ovine IFNT
of PGF on Days 15 and 16 in cyclic ewes are pre- are not glycosylated, whereas bovine IFNT is
ceded by increases in circulating concentrations glycosylated and caprine IFNT may be either
of estradiol. Experimentally, administration of glycosylated or nonglycosylated. The structural
estradiol to cyclic ewes on Day 9 or Day 10 of relatedness of IFNT of ruminants is based on ev-
the estrous cycle sequentially up-regulates idence that trophoblastic vesicles from sheep
expression of ESR1 mRNA, ESR1 protein and extend the interestrous interval when placed
then OXTR mRNA and protein in endometrial into the uterine lumen of cattle and ovine IFNT
LE/sGE and then luteolysis occurs. Luteolytic ef- suppresses OXT-induced secretion of PGF by
fects of PGF on the CL have been attributed to: ovine, bovine and caprine uteri.
(1) a decrease in luteal blood flow; (2) a reduction All Type I IFNs bind a common receptor
in LH receptors; (3) uncoupling of LH receptor composed of two subunits, IFNAR1 and
(LHCGR) from adenyl cyclase; (4) activation of IFNAR2, to induce cell signaling via the classical
protein kinase C; (5) influx of high levels of Janus activated kinases (JAKs) and STAT1
calcium and/or; (6) activation of a cytotoxic pathway. However, several non-classical ISGs
cascade. PGF may also act in concert with are P4-induced and IFN-stimulated in ovine
endothelin to cause: (1) vasocontriction of blood uterine LE/sGE which lack both PGR and signal
vessels to CL; (2) inhibition of expression of transducer and activator of transcription 1
LHCGR and steroid acute regulatory protein (STAT1). Therefore, the actions of progesterone
(StAR) that inhibits P4 production; and (3) and IFNT may be through combined effects
recruitment of immune cells that produce cyto- of a progestamedin(s), e.g., fibroblast growth
kines (interleukin 1 beta, tumor necrosis factor factor 10 (FGF10) in sheep, and a non-classical
alpha, interferon gamma) that stimulate produc- cell signaling pathway(s) for IFNT, such as
tion of nitric oxide and apoptosis of luteal cells. mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) and
phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathways to
affect gene expression and uterine receptivity
Pregnancy in does and ewes5,6 to implantation.5,6 Restriction of expression of
The antiluteolytic signal for maternal recogni- classical interferon stimulated genes by ovine
tion of pregnancy in ruminants is IFNT pro- uterine luminal (LE) and superficial glandular
duced by mononuclear trophectoderm cells of (sGE) epithelia is due, at least in part, to expres-
conceptuses of all ruminant species. The effect sion of interferon regulatory factor 2 (IRF2), a
of IFNT in abrogating the uterine luteolytic potent transcriptional repressor, in those cells,
mechanism for maternal recognition of preg- but IRF2 is not expressed in uterine GE and
nancy signaling is similar, if not identical, for stromal cells.

III. Sheep and goat production

206 11. Reproductive physiology of sheep (Ovis aries) and goats

Caprine IFNT is secreted between Days 16 pregnancy. For most, if not all, actions of IFNT
and 21 of gestation to prevent pulsatile release on the uterus, P4 is the permissive hormone.
of luteolytic PGF.5,6 Intra-uterine injections of That is, uterine receptivity to implantation is
ovine IFNT in nanny goats extends CL lifespan. P4-dependent, but is preceded by loss of expres-
sion of PGR and ESR1 by uterine epithelia, and
the loss of PGR is a prerequisite for expression
Conceptus development in sheep during of several ISGs in ewes. Thus, P4 likely acts on
PGR-positive stromal cells to increase expression
the peri-implantation period of
of a progestamedin(s) in ewes, likely FGF10, that
pregnancy5,6 exerts paracrine effects on uterine epithelia and
Sheep blastocysts are spherical on Days 4 conceptus trophectoderm that express its recep-
(0.14 mm) and 10 (0.4 mm), elongate to the fila- tor FGFR2IIIb. In sheep, classical ISGs (e.g.,
mentous form between Days 12 (1.0 by 33 mm) interferon stimulated gene 15, mouse myxovirus
and 15 (1 by 150e190 mm), and extend through resistance 1 and 20 , 50 oligoadenylate synthase)
the uterine body into the contralateral uterine are induced by IFNT only in uterine GE, stroma
horn by Days 16e17 of pregnancy. Secretion of and immune cells that do not express IRF2.
ovine IFNT begins on about Day 10 and in- Because ovine uterine LE/sGE lack PGR and
creases as conceptuses undergo morphological STAT1, IFNT is unable to affect gene trans-
changes from spherical (312 ng/mL uterine cription through the classical JAK-STAT1 cell
flush) to tubular (1,380 ng) and filamentous signaling pathway and must activate gene
(4,455 ng) forms between Days 12 and 13 of transcription through alternate cell signaling
pregnancy. Successful transfer of conceptuses pathways such as MAPK and PI3K in uterine
to cyclic ewes can occur as late as Day 12, i.e., LE/sGE.
48e72 h prior to the luteolytic period. Thus, Placental growth in ewes, measured as length
IFNT acts to abrogate the uterine luteolytic and weight, precedes rapid fetal growth. For
mechanism and prevent pulsatile release of example, placental weight increases from 5 g
PGF. Intrauterine infusions of IFNT alone from on Day 25e235 g on Day 70 or 5 g/day, whereas
Day 11 to Day 15 of the estrous cycle prevents the change from d 70 (235 g) to d 140 (348 g) av-
luteolysis and extends CL lifespan. The antilu- erages only 1.7 g/day. In contrast, average fetal
teolytic effects of IFNT are primarily on uterine weight increases between Days 25 (0.2 g) and
LE/sGE in ewes. IFNT silences transcription of 70 (115 g) increased at about 2.5 g/day as
ESR1 and, therefore, ESR1-induced expression compared to the changes from Day 70 (115 g)
of the OXTR gene in uterine LE/sGE to prevent to Day 140 (2,956 g) that averages about 41 g/
development of the endometrial luteolytic mech- day. Further, placental length is at 50% of its
anism that requires pulsatile release of PGF. final development at Day 25 (43 cm) compared
However, basal production of PGF is actually to Day 140 (75 cm) of gestation. Placental length
higher in pregnant than cyclic ewes due to is influenced by the rapid elongation of the tro-
continued expression of prostaglandin synthase phectoderm during the peri-implantion period
2 (PTGS2) in the uterine LE/sGE. Further, between Days12 and d 25 of gestation.5
silencing ESR1 expression by IFNT prevents The increase in placental functions preceding
estradiol acting via ESR1 from inducing PGR in rapid fetal growth is associated with increases
endometrial epithelia. The absence of PGR in in both vasodilation and angiogenesis in placen-
uterine epithelia is required for expression of a tomes of ewes as pregnancy advances.7 There is
unique set of P4-induced and IFNT-stimulated also development of functional areolae respon-
genes in ovine uterine LE/sGE during early sible for the transport of secretions from uterine

III. Sheep and goat production

Reproductive tract anatomy 207
glands across the placenta for release into the secrete increasing amounts of histotroph that is
fetal circulation.7e9 Secretions from uterine transported across the areolae of the chorioallan-
glands are abundant and include serpins (also tois into the fetal-placental circulation. During
known as uterine milk proteins), galectin-15, gestation, endometrial gland hyperplasia occurs
stanniocalcin 1, gastrin releasing peptide, and between Days 15 and 50 and then there is hyper-
secreted phosphoprotein 1 (also known as osteo- trophy of the glands for maximal production of
pontin) are produced in response to progester- histotroph after Day 60.
one and placental lactogen.10 During this period, the pregnant ovine uterus
The allantoic sac is a reservoir for fetal waste, is exposed sequentially to estradiol, progester-
but more importantly a reservoir for nutrients.9 one, IFNT, placental lactogen (CSH1), and
Transport of water into the allantois expands it placental GH that regulate endometrial gland
which, in turn, results in expansion of the morphogenesis and differentiated functions.10
chorion and allantois to form the chorioallantoic The binucleate cells of the chorion secrete
placenta.9 The volume of allantoic fluid increases CSH1 from Day 16 of pregnancy which is coordi-
from Day 25 (21 mL) to Day 40 (91 mL), de- nate with initiation of expression of uterine milk
creases to Day 70 (32 mL) and then increases proteins (UTMP; serpin family of serine protease
steadily to Day 140 (438 mL). inhibitors) and secreted phosphoprotein 1(SPP1
Volume and composition of amniotic fluid or osteopontin; an extracellular matrix protein)
change markedly during the course of gestation that are excellent markers of endometrial GE dif-
in ewes. Amniotic fluid serves a number of ferentiation and secretory capacity. In maternal
important roles. First, it buoys the fetus to allow serum, CSH1 is detectable by Day 18 and peaks
it to develop symmetrically in three dimensions. between Days 120 and 130 of gestation. It can
Second, it prevents fetal skin from adhering to bind either homodimers of PRLR or hetero-
the amnion. Third, the fetus drinks up to 1 L of dimers of PRLR and GHR to transducer cell
amniotic fluid in the last one-third of gestation signaling. In the ovine uterus, PRLR are
to gain water and other nutrients, including pro- expressed specifically in uterine GE. Increasing
teins secreted by the lungs, salivary glands, and concentrations of CSH1 in maternal blood from
amniotic membranes.9 the placenta are associated hyperplasia and
hypertrophy of uterine GE, as well as their
increased production of UTMP, SPP1 and other
Pregnancy in ewes components of histotroph that support growth
In sheep, establishment and maintenance of and development of the conceptus.
pregnancy requires integration of endocrine Sequential exposure of the pregnant ovine
and paracrine signals from the ovary, conceptus, endometrium to E2, P4, IFNT, CSH1 and
and uterus.5,6,8 Sheep, goats and cattle have placental GH constitutes a “servomechanism”
synepitheliochorial (cotyledonary) placentae. that activates and maintains endometrial remod-
Implantation and placentation occurs between eling, secretory function, and uterine growth
Days 15 and 60 of pregnancy in ewes as the during gestation.10 The chronic effect of P4 is to
uterus grows and remodels to accommodate down-regulate epithelial PGR to allow expres-
development and growth of the conceptus in sion of proteins by uterine GE, while CSH1 and
the last trimester of pregnancy. In addition, car- GH increase the number of endometrial glands
uncles and cotyledons develop and interdigitate and levels of expression of genes encoding for
to form placentomes which increase in vascu- proteins such as UTMP and SPP1. The net effect
larity and the intercaruncular endometrial in ewes is a developmentally programmed
glands grow substantially during pregnancy to sequence of events, mediated by specific

III. Sheep and goat production

208 11. Reproductive physiology of sheep (Ovis aries) and goats

paracrine-acting factors at the conceptus- stimulation of synthesis of milk proteins. CSH1

endometrial interface that stimulate both also decreases concentrations of urea nitrogen,
intercaruncular endometrial remodeling and increases concentrations IGF1, nonesterified
differentiated function of uterine GE for fatty acids and glucose in serum, with little effect
increased production of histotroph to support on lipolysis, and it decreases maternal insulin
fetal-placental growth. sensitivity to allow increased concentrations of
Hormones from the anterior pituitary (prolac- glucose in maternal serum and decreased utiliza-
tin, PRL), ovary (progesterone) and placenta tion of maternal glucose by maternal tissues
(CSH1 and GH), as well as fetal adrenal (gluco- which favor transport of glucose and other nutri-
corticoids) and pancreas (insulin) stimulate ents to the fetal circulation. In humans, CSH1
mammogenesis, lactogenesis and uterine func- influences both fat and carbohydrate meta-
tions that are required for conceptus develop- bolism and may contribute to the diabetogenic
ment in ruminants.10 Relaxin is not known to state of women during pregnancy.
have a role in parturition or mammogenesis in
Parturition in ewes and goats
Chorionic somatomammotropin hormone The endocrinology of parturition is very
1 (CSH1) similar for sheep, cattle and goats as described
CSH1 is similar in structure and function to in Chapter 3 of this book. For further information
growth hormone (GH1) and affects the meta- on mechanisms for parturition in ruminant spe-
bolic state of the mother during pregnancy to cies, please see the review by Whittle et al.12
facilitate transfer of nutrients to the conceptus.11 Therefore, details on mechanisms for parturition
Temporal patterns of secretion of maternal CSH1 in sheep and goats will not be repeated in this
are similar during pregnancy for humans, sheep, chapter.
goats, rats, mice and cattle as concentrations in-
crease to peak values in the last trimester and
then decrease abruptly near the time of parturi- References
tion. Except for cows, concentrations of CSH1 1. Gootwine E. Physical Appearance of Sheep in Ancient
are higher in fetal than maternal blood and, in Times in Israel and its Neighboring Countries, Mesopotamia
all species, are positively related to amount of and Mediterranean Countries, Based on Archeological
Evidence. Israel: ARO, The Volcani Center; 2017.
placental tissue. Biological activities of CSH1
2. Robertson HA. Reproduction in the ewe and goat. In:
are mediated via homodimers of prolactin recep- Cole HH, Cupps PT, eds. Reproduction in Domestic
tors (PRLRs) and/or heterodimers of PRLR and Animals. New York: Academic Press; 1977:477e496.
growth hormone receptors (GHRs) including 3. See the references in: Lindsay DR, Pearce DT. Reproduc-
luteotrophic effects on CL in some species, stim- tion in Sheep. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press;
ulation of fetal-placental growth, mammogene- 1984.
4. Senger PL. Pathways to Pregnancy and Parturition. Red-
sis and lactogenesis. The luteotrophic effect of mond, Oregon: Current Conceptions, Inc.; 2012.
CSH1 and PRL is established in rodents (mice 5. Bazer FW, Wu G, Spencer TE, Johnson GA,
and rats). CSH1 is also involved in partitioning Burghardt RC, Bayless K. Novel pathways for implanta-
of nutrients to support fetal development tion and establishment and maintenance of pregnancy
through stimulation of amino acid uptake and in mammals. Mol Hum Reprod. 2010;16:135e152.
6. Bazer FW, Burghardt RC, Johnson GA, Spencer TE,
glyconeogenesis in fetal-placental tissues. CSH1 Wu G. Mechanisms for the establishment and main-
also stimulates lobulo-alveolar growth in mam- tenance of pregnancy: synergies from scientific
mary glands through its mitogenic activity and collaborations. Biol Reprod. 2018;99:225e241.

III. Sheep and goat production

References 209
7. Reynolds LP, Borowicz PP, Caton JS, et al. Develop- insights from domestic animals. Biol Reprod. 2004;71:
mental programming: the concept, large animal 2e10.
models, and the key role of uteroplacental vascular 11. Soares MJ, Konno T, Alam SM. The prolactin family:
development. J Anim Sci. 2010;88:E61eE72. effectors of pregnanc-dependent adaptations. Trends
8. Renegar RH, Bazer FW, Roberts RM. Placental transport Endocrinol Metab. 2007;18:114e121.
and distribution of uteroferrin in the fetal pig. Biol 12. Whittle WL, Patel FA, Alfaidy N, et al. Glucocorticoid
Reprod. 1982;27:1247e1260. regulation of human and ovine parturition: the relation-
9. Bazer FW, Spencer TE, Thatcher WW. Growth and ship between fetal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
development of the ovine conceptus. J Anim Sci. 2012; activation and intrauterine prostaglandin production.
90:159e170. Biol Reprod. 2001;64:1019e1032.
10. Spencer TE, Johnson GA, Burghardt RC, Bazer FW. Pro-
gesterone and placental hormone actions on the uterus:

III. Sheep and goat production

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