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Commentary Practice

“Everyday Use”
Instructions: Below, you will see a topic sentence frame that could be used to write an essay analyzing the
characterization in “Everyday Use.” We will complete the sentence frame together. Your job is to provide
evidence and effective commentary that explains the significance of each piece of evidence and connects it
back to the topic sentence. Use TWO sentences to explain each quote, paraphrase, or summary.

Topic Sentence: In “Everyday Use,” Alice Walker characterizes Maggie as present and Dee as Disconnected to
show the reader the difference between Maggie and Dee

Evidence 1: (Begin with a phrase to introduce your evidence.)

“A dog run over by some careless person rich enough to own a car”

Commentary 1: (2 sentences! Use sentence frames you were given.)

Explaining that Maggie is like a sad insecure person that has no self confidence

Evidence 2: (Begin with a transition phrase to introduce your next piece of evidence.)

“Dee is lighter than maggie with nicer hair”

Commentary 2: (2 sentences! Use sentence frames you were given)

Dee is more confident and more self aware she is more cocky and proud .

Concluding Sentence: (Make sure you tie it back and restate your topic sentence.)

Maggie Is less confident than Dee but also Maggie has more history than dee
Analytical Paragraph
Instructions: Using the topic sentence, evidence, and commentary from the front page, write a well-developed
and grammatically correct paragraph on the lines below. Your paragraph should do the following:

· Introduce all evidence with context

· Include citations

· Incorporate transition words and phrases

· End with an insightful concluding sentence

· Use proper punctuation and grammar

If you put good effort into the outline above, you should only need to copy and paste each section and then
revise and edit as needed. Make sure you proofread before you submit!!

Maggie is the type of sad and low character but she knows alot she doesnt care about how she looks or how
she acts according to the text, “The way maggie walks. She has been like this, chin on chest,eyes on ground,
feet in shuffle, ever since the fire that burned the other house to the ground” Mom is basically saying that
Maggie has been acting different every since there other house has burned down. Dee is more self aware she
cares about how she look and how she is knows as more that anything else the text says “Dee wanted nice
things. A yellow organdy dress to wear to her graduation from high scholl black pumps to match a green suit”
Dee loved things to always be perfect”. Maggie wanst very smart but she knew about the family history
according to the text “Aunt Dee’s first husband whittled the dash” she knew about the old old familys history
back in the day. Dee just wanted the things that she liked in the familys history not even knowing what they
were meant for the evidence stating “Can I have these old quilts?” she asked for the quilts that meant alot to
the family and their mom wanted to pass them to Maggie because she know what they meant and how much
they were supposed to be valued. Mom says “I promised to give them quilts to Maggie,for when she marries
John Thomas” Her mother wanted the quilts for when Maggie got married so Maggie could keep taking good
care of them.

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