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Bryan Salazar


How Meditation can improve our mental health

I. Introduction

A. Attention-Getter: Get attention by using one or more of the

following choices: Startling statement, Quotation, Rhetorical
questions, Reference to the subject, short personal narrative,
Reference to the occasion (what makes this day unique)

 B. Motivate the audience interest in your subject by referring to:

            The practical value of the information for your Audience, why this is
an important topic for this audience; appeal to the audience
members’ curiosity

   C. Establish your right to inform (Speaker Credibility) by:

1. Referring to any first-hand experience you may have.

2. Referring to sources of information you have consulted.

D. Provide a preview of material

            1. Preview all of the main points in order

            2. May choose to define any important terms in this section

 II. The Body

A. Choose 2-5 main points of equal weight that directly support your
specific purpose.  

B. Make your information understandable by using one of the

following organizational patterns.
2. Time/Chronological
3. Topical
4. Causal/Cause-Effect
5. Comparison-Contrast

6. Dictated by the kind of speech, the content and the needs of the

C. Support your main points with appropriate evidence:

1. Examples
2. Statistics
3. Definitions
4. Anecdotes

III. Conclusion

A. Summarize briefly your main points

B. Conclude with a statement, quote or memorable remark that will
make us remember your speech

How Meditation can improve our mental health

‘’There is nothing so disobedient as an undisciplined mind, and there is nothing so obedient as a

disciplined mind.’’ Siddhartha Gautama.
I believe that we have one of the greatest tools ever known by humanity right inside of us and as
everything in life you could give it a beneficial use than can bring you up, help you out, and even save
your life if needed or don’t bother to understand the basics of your mind and suffer the consequences
later on. We all have experienced stress, anxiety or in some cases depression this could be due to many
factors of our modern society overall during the recent pandemic. According to American Psychological
Association nearly 8 in 10 adults (78%) say the coronavirus pandemic is a significant source of stress in
their life. And, 2 in 3 adults (67%) say they have experienced increased stress over the course of the
pandemic. Also states that Gen Z adults and millennials are the most likely to report negative impacts on
their relationships due to the coronavirus pandemic (63% of Gen Z adults and 61% of millennials
compared with 42% of Gen X, 36% of boomers and 22% of older adults) this is because younger
generations have not gone trough enough traumatic or hard situations in their lives. However, I am
going to keep myself very family friendly this time and give you all a great solution that will help you to
overcome these mental problems.

Meditation is as much as a scientific and spiritual healer, but since nowadays science is more
accepted we are going to quickly discuss why meditation is one of the greatest ways to help us improve
our mental health.

American Psychological Association


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