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MS(CS) Research Project

Interim Report

Name Muhammad Ahsan Qadeer

Student Id SP20-MSCS-0060

Project Title Data Augmentation in Urdu data

Supervisor Name Miss-Aman Farooq

List of Meetings
S. No. Date Topic

1 5-Sept-2022 To decide the project idea and its working

2 13-Sept-2022 To discuss the techniques, we use

3 4-Oct-2022 To Show the implemented technique

4 18-Oct-2022 To discuss different papers and showed another technique

Research Papers for Literature Review/ Gap Analysis (at least 3)

(Note that you must submit the papers along with this document)

S.No. Paper Title Journal/ Conference Year

1. Data augmentation approaches in AI Open 2022

natural language processing: A survey Volume 3, 2022, Pages 71-90

2. Aeda: An easier data augmentation 2021

technique for text classification

3. Do not have enough data? Deep 2020

learning to the rescue!

4. A survey of text data augmentation 2020

5. Character-level convolutional networks 2015

for text classification

As we see in recent years advancement in natural language modeling and those in text generation capabilities,
we are working on strategy to enhance data of Urdu language because there is lack of data in Urdu language
because of this there is very less deep learning model working in Urdu language. Deep learning model needs
data in huge amount and due to short of data problems occurs in modeling and unable to improve data in Urdu
language like auto text like facility is not available in Urdu language. We apply multiple method or techniques
of Data augmentation on Urdu data to enhance the amount of data in Urdu language. This is a way through
which we can enhance data in field of Urdu language to give ease to developers while working on modeling
creation in Urdu data or other people who need Urdu data in any aspect. In this way we also figure out the best
way of Data augmentation in Urdu data through compression of results of different methods. We also focus not
to break the semantics of data of able to create meaningful data for betterment of the language.

Project Plan
We learn about different methods or techniques of Data augmentation and implant it on Urdu data, we also compare
the results of every method that which one is giving best result then use that method or propose that method for dta
augmentation in Urdu language. To secure or keep save the semantics of sentence is also the main goal to enhance
data in meaningful way to make it fruitful for others. In last we figure out the best one method then perform data
augmentation over it.

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