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In life, we need to make ourselves responsible in everything that we do. It is we who make our
future better or worst. If you chose to study even in your dark time to secure your future or chose
to have a family at an early age, it is you who decide in making your decisions. In decision-
making, we need to choose what is morally right so that we not violating natural law.

Eg. If you chose to stop your education and decided to sell drugs and became a criminal, your
moral thinking violates the norms in your surrounding which is punishable by law.
If you choose to help your community in dealing with prevention of the drug to minimize
addiction and abuse, you can help the community in drug awareness and gives the effect of drugs
in the mind of the young ones and adults in the community.
In conclusion, human beings can decide in making morally good decisions.
In this topic, we will tackle how God’s creator blessed us with values and norms as we dealt with
natural laws to provide harmony in our surroundings.
GOD CREATOR- creator God or deity is responsible for the creation of the Earth, world, and
universe in human religion and mythology.
GOODNESS- is the quality of being kind, helpful, and honest.
VALUES- are individual beliefs that motivate people to act one way or another.
SUPREME-LAW GIVER- is referring to the almighty’s norm like a natural law that shapes
human beings in this world.
Explanation 1:
In this lesson, we will focus on the great truth that our God has loved us ever since the
beginning and because of his continuous love for us, He brings us all into harmony with one
another through his eternal law.
As we tend to mingle or interact with our surroundings, we communicate, love, hate,
disgust, etc. are just normal things because we are human beings and rational. acceptance of
something is one of the natures of well-being as god ordained us with critical thinking. We have
the power to reason out and that is what makes us higher than other animals despite their huge
sizes, speed, etc., and that only proved that God’s creation has loved us since the beginning of
our life which mattered in the natural laws.
Natural law is a theory in ethics and philosophy that says human beings possess intrinsic values
that give their reasoning and behavior.
Explanation 2:
When we talk about natural law, we are referring to a system of law based on close observation
of human nature which is the capacity of human beings to reason out is intrinsically given by
God’s creation as we are born.
In these situations, we are going to analyze how human being uses their intrinsic critical thinking
in decision-making based on natural law.
Situation 1 situation 2
Mark chose to apply for the scholarship so Steven chose to steal things and sell them so
that he can support his education and finish that he has money to pay his tuition fees.
his study.

Explanation 3:
If you used your intrinsic reasoning to choose between these situations, we are ordained in the
supreme law that was made by God’s creator in natural law. We need to choose between
goodness that harmonizes with our surroundings, that is, we need to choose good and eliminate
evil in our decision-making.
Therefore, in the context of our relationship with God as the creator and source of all goodness
and values, we need to understand and apply two broads of action.
1. acknowledge God’s power in Natural law
As he gave us the capacity to reason out morally.
2. uphold the universal moral values in God’s law.
Don’t kill, don’t cause pain, don’t disable, don’t be deprived of freedom, don’t deprived
freedom, keep your promises, be honest, obey the law, and do your duty.


Traditionally speaking, man and woman were created by God in order to multiply. They need to
have physical attraction as part of human nature. Their intimate attraction to each other is a
living sign of God’s love present in this world.
Marriage is important to human beings because this is the foundation of human life. With these,
they are legalized to produce offspring as many as they could as long as they can sustain the
needs of their children. It is God’s transmission of life and becoming parents themselves.
In the fast changing of human life in universal moral values tends to be threatened with the
beliefs that man and woman created in order to get intimate and multiply with marriage as a
testament to God in a natural law. The common example of upholding the universal moral
values in God’s law is due to the existence of LGBTQ+ community. They have usually the
campaign about the fair treatment of the equal rights of same sex marriage. We have to
understand that it is okay voiced out what your heart desires the most especially if it can help you
boost your confidence as a human being, when we talked about marriage in man and woman is
considered a sacred one, we must recall in the previous topic that man and woman are for each
other and that having an intimate with opposite gender is one of the characteristics of intrinsic
value that produce harmony in the human society. But the campaign like giving fair treatment
like marriage of the same sex gender is against the natural law. Although some country
acknowledged and support the gay rights into equality, we can not deny the fact that it is against
the religions.
The equality that they are aiming for is the manifestation of why we need to uphold the universal
moral values of the human being in natural law. Most Asian country are against the gay rights
because they are the central of religion and do not tolerate such movements. Although some
acknowledge the equality among human beings, the equity tends to have more impossible as to
opposite sex rights in marriage are concerned.
We need to realize as a rational being that not all trending is good and what is popular is not
always morally good. Hence, there is freedom in knowing the truth from natural law or acts
according to the moral standard.
1. A man and woman complement each other.
2, marriage is sacred.
3. family is the basic unit of society.
Note: we have to be aware of the fact that everyone who speaks more force or popularity is
always correct or that those who look meek have really nothing to say.
Three (3) ordinary men that lead reforms that brought changes in their country with out violating
the universal Moral Standard values in God’s Laws;
1. Mohandas “mahatma” Gandhi
Was an Indian Lawyer, anti- colonial nationalist and political ethicist who employed
non-violent resistance to lead successful campaign to Indian’s independence from British rule,
and to later inspire movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.
2. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
Was a south African anti-apartheid activist who serve as first president od south Africa
from 1994 to 1999. He was the country’s first black head of the state and first elected in a fully
representative democratic election.
He won back equal and fair treatment of a human person in their country and ended up with
color separation among white and black people.
3. Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino
Was a Filipino politician who serve as senator of the Philippines and governor of the
province of Tarlac. His death became the signal and inspiration for the Filipinos to begin their
courageous steps to take back democracy from the Marcos Government in February through a
peaceful revolution known as People Power Revolution

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