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Jerika L. Lagman 14 February 2022

Theo4 – MM-2B Prof. Ralfh Anthony Espiritu, SThB, MAT.


1. Why we need to learn the basic principles of Christian Morality aside from its an academic

Individuals in various religious traditions, such as Christianity, will learn the principles of
morality from the rules and regulations of their respective law guides and religious leaders. Morality
is intended to apply to all of mankind and individual relationships, but Christianity focuses on human
beings' relationship with a transcendent truth.
Christian morality encompasses several areas of a person's life Individuals such as economic
equality, fair justice for everyone, and ensuring that every human being has the whole human dignity
that God desires. As a result of our faith in the words of God revealed to us, Christian morality
enables us to discover how we must live our lives.
We all have numerous spiritual ideals and opinions about various things and occurrences in
our world as humans. As a Christian, I believe I have a responsibility to work for a moral value and to
ensure that my decisions do not harm others. I make ethically correct decisions. As a person,
Christian morality influences my life decisions by guiding me to do what is right rather than what is
wrong. I shall follow all rules, regulations, and other directives issued by a governing authority.
Because God gave us free will, I desire to place myself at the greatest level possible. When presented
with a choice, there is always one that will better serve ourselves while taking into account the
ramifications for others.

2. What is the role of Natural Law on the issue of Dolomite sand in Manila Bay?

God is the world's creator and the source of all life. Natural law is the truth of our situation in
which things are, in fact, good or terrible, right or wrong, just as God brings in human nature. Natural
law is an ethical and philosophical philosophy that asserts that humans are endowed with the
fundamental rules that regulate our perceptions and behaviors. These conceptions of legality and

wrongdoing are intrinsic in persons, according to natural law, and are not determined by society or
It is still significant today in terms of ethical, political, and moral perspectives. It has played a
significant role in the formation of political and moral thought, and it has been used to explain and
analyze human nature. Natural law is also naturally understood via human purpose and experience.
Humans have the capacity to eat, drink, sleep, and establish a family in a typical way. These actions
are consistent with the inherent rule of life's evolution and reproduction. Activities that follow such a
law are likewise ethically beneficial. In life, the fundamental conviction that everyone is ethically
allowed to live their own lives must be acknowledged, cherished, and respected in order to handle
an ethical challenge based on natural law. On the other hand, behaviors that violate the law are
ethically wrong. Natural law forbids killing another person in any circumstance since it contradicts
the human purpose of existence.
In relation to issues with Dolomite sand in Manila bay, the role of Natural law is that it should
guidance of the government in deciding morally. Allotting a budget on Dolomite that can possibly
risk the environment and the people rather that allotting the budget in fighting the pandemic.
Everyday, Filipinos are still battling with COVID-19. A lot of people are desperately asking for help in
the government to help them survive a day, and look what 0ur government doing? Ignoring the pleas
of these people and doing projects that no one can be benefitted to in the middle of pandemic.
People have still rights on voicing their voice when it comes to the issues that can surely affects them
and that is natural law.

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