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Lagman, Jerika L.


San Beda College Alabang

College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Business Administration and Entrepreneurship 

Asynchronous Session #2 Output

1.      Based on the four segmentation variables, what do you think would be the
possible market segments to be the following brands or products' target market?
Explain why?

a.      Penshoppe

 Demographic Segmentation and Behavioral Segmentation

Penshoppe is serving high school, college students which their financial

expenses are highly dependent to their parents or any of the family member and
young professionals. Divides the market into groups based on the social class,
lifestyle and personality characteristics. Penshoppe is based on the social class
the generally serves the class C who can afford the products.

b.      Silver Swan Soy Sauce

 Psychographic and Behavioral Segmentation

Since Silver Swan is one of the pioneer brands of high-quality condiments

and food products such as soy sauce, they are serving the Filipino moms
and dads which was passed by their elderly who was the first user of the
product. They already gained most of their trust and loyalty for using the
product and passed on the tradition of using the brand condiment.

c.       Shakey's Pizza Parlor

 Geographical and Psychographic Segmentation

Shakey’s Pizza Parlor have a lot of its franchise on the Philippines but it is
not only located on the Philippines but also in other countries; United States
and Singapore. They are serving families or group of peers by offering food
bundles and party-size portions that are ideal for sharing who prefer full
dining restaurant over fast-food establishments.

d.      Boracay Beaches

 Demographic and Psychographic Segmentation

Boracay is one of the famous tourist spots on the Philippines. They are
serving Class A, B, and C income status. Since in Boracay is divided into
stations that can be classified on the ability of the person to pay for its
accommodation and food expenses.

e.      Enervon Vitamins

 Demographic and Psychographic Segmentation

The Enervon Vitamins specifically only caters 25-40 years old Adults to
enhance mentally and provide immunity. They also focus on group of people
who are successful, goal oriented and focus on their career and family.
2.     Explain the difference between Behavioral Segmentation from Psychographic
Segmentation.  Give an example of a product or brand that uses Behavioral Segment
and another that uses Psychographic Segmentation.

Psychographic segmentation is grouping the customer’s groups down based on

their beliefs, values and reasons for being. It helps to position the same product
differently for different types of people. It prevents the company from falling into trap of
one size fits all marketing. Behavioral segmentation divides the consumers according to
their behavior pattern as they interact with the company. It studies the behavioral traits
of a consumers—their knowledge of, attitude towards, use of, likes/dislikes, or response
to a product, service, promotion, or brand.

Nike brand is the good example that uses both Behavioral and Psychographic
segmentation. Nike use psychographic segmentation to target individuals with specific
lifestyle and personalities. In this type of market, Nike must target individuals who
enjoys playing sports, going to gym and athletes. Playing and talking about sports
shapes these individual’s personalities and lifestyle. With behavioral segmentation,
company seeks loyalty. When customer develops loyal behavior towards a specific
company, the company becomes more stable and gains an important customer base. In
order to improve customer’s loyalty, Nike focused on behavioral segmentation. In such
competitive market, it is important to gain customer’s loyalty. By providing consumers
with quality products and product differentiation, consumer’s loyalty can be developed.

3.     What is a Customer Journey Map?  What do you think is the use of a Customer
Journey Map?

Customer journey map is a representation of the customer has when using the
company’s product or services and this experience is often visualized as a chart or
sequence of steps. These steps are picturing who the customer is and also describing
things about that customer. It talks about their goals, their needs, their motivations, and
their objectives. It is a useful tool to build empathy for our customer and understand
their experience.
The use of Customer Journey is to guide for the company or organization on how
they would market their products or services in the industry. For example, an executive
man who spends most of his hours on coffee shops and that is where he also gathers
his clients. From there, the marketer can think that not only one person do that and so
he can improve their standing in the industry and focus on enhancing their customer’s
experience by providing a better service and garnering more potential customers.

4.     How do you select the appropriate target market segment?  Explain the basis of

Sex, age, income levels, ethnicity, education, religion, marital status, and
geographic location are all variables to consider. Consumers in these categories prefer
to value similar goods and services, which is why segmentation is one of the most
significant considerations in determining target audiences. Market segmentation is
focused on the premise that all future buyers are not the same, and that the business
should either meet their preferences with appropriate goods and marketing campaigns,
or focus on only one segment and adapt the approach accordingly. Marketers lay the
foundations for segmentation. There are four target market segmentation.

(1) Demographic Segmentation - focuses at non-character characteristics that can

be identified.

(2) Geographical Segmentation – grouping of customers based on their physical


(3) Psychographic Segmentation – focuses on customer’s personalities and interest.

(4) Behavioral Segmentation – divides people into different groups who have specific
behavioral pattern.

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