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Nama : Yunda Kartika

Kelas : Ilmu komunikasi-4

Semester : 3
Nim : 0603203148

Matkul : bahasa inggris terapan

Dosen pengampu : Dedi Armanto S.pd M,Hum

Review Jurnal kelompok dari kelompok 1


2. LATAR BELAKANG : Communication is a means for establishing a relationship
between one person and another. With communication, there is a social relationship.
because humans are social beings, there is a reciprocal interaction.

3. METODE PENELITIAN : Routine procedures or references that are prepared to use

materials, equipment, etc. so that the learning process can be delivered with the best
possible communication.
Examples: programmed teaching, self-study, simulation, games, question and answer,
4. MODEL KOMUNIKASI : This model shows a linear situation, in fact the
communication situation rarely takes place in one direction. Communication generally
goes both ways. More complex communication models demonstrate this by adding an
element called feedback. Feedback is information that is sent back to the source, by the
recipient indicating how it responds to the message it receives
5. TUJUAN PENELITIAN : 1. To understand the meaning of educational communication

2. To explain the functions of communication

3. To explain the elements contained in educational

4. To explain the communication model
6. KESIMPULAN : Communication in education is communication or interaction that
occurs in the world of education, in fact it has a very large role in
determining the success of the education concerned.

communication has its own function :

1. Informative function (deliver information): Communication serves to provide
information, data, and other information that is useful for human life.
2. Educational Function: Communication has the function of educating the community,
educating everyone in the direction of achieving independent maturity.
3. Persuasive function (influence and be influenced by people): communication can
persuade people to do something according to the wishes of the communicator.
4. Recreational Function: communication can provide entertainment when needed.

Elements of educational communication:

· Man
Humans who act as storage, processors, presenters, and recipients of messages.
Interaction between educators and students
· Educational materials
Teachings/information passed on by other components in the form of ideas, facts,
meanings, and data.
·Tools Methods and techniques
Routine procedures or references that are prepared to use materials, equipment, etc. so
that the learning process can be delivered with the best possible communication.
· Environment
The surrounding situation or place where the event or message is received.

7. TINJAUAN PUSTAKA : Arni, Muhammad. 1995. Komunikasi Organisasi. Jakarta:

Bumi Aksara.
Danim, Sudarwan. 1995. Media Komunikasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
Hardjana, Agus M.. 2007. Komunikasi Intrapersonal dan Interpersonal. Yogyakarta:
Miarso, Yusufhadi dkk. 1986. Teknologi Komunikasi Pendidikan. Jakarta:
Naim, Ngainun. 2011. Dasar-Dasar Komunikasi Pendidikan. Yogyakarta: Ar Ruzz
Uchyono, Effendi Onong. 1986. Ilmu Komunikasi, Teori, dan Praktek. Bandung:
Remaja Karya.
Yusuf, Pawit M. 1990. Komunikasi Pendidikan dan Intruksional. Bandung: Remaja

8. KEKURANGAN : the presentation is not clear so it's a little difficult to understand

9. KELEBIHAN : the content described is good, and concise

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