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By - Nupur Mehta
PRN- 1182200142


After the events of World War II had caused irreversible damage to several nations around
the world, the world desired peace. So The United Nations was established with the goal of
finding ways to keep the world at peace. Ever since inception, it has assisted nations in
dealing with economic, social, and humanitarian problems, as well as protecting refugees
and promoting sustainable development , among other things. The United Nations has six
main organs that have been formed when the UN was founded. The following are the
principal organs: the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social
Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice and the United Nations
Secretariat.After analysing the official website of The United Nations, it is clear that it deals
with issues concerning humanity in the twenty-first century, such as Maintaining the
international peace and security, protection Human rights . Offering humanitarian relief
and Maintaining international law. This paper will highlight two things that the UN does
that I believe are very important, namely, protecting people's human rights around the world
and upholding international law, both of which contribute to the maintenance of peace and


Everyone appears to require medicine, food and water, clothing, and shelter. By including
these in a person's basic human rights, everyone has a standard level of dignity.
Unfortunately, there are still millions of individuals who lack these necessities, but framing
it as a matter of human rights allows activists and others to work toward acquiring those for
all.Human rights play an important role in protecting a person's dignity and assisting people

in living decent lives. Human rights are the fundamental rights and liberties that every
person in the world has throughout his life.
They are applicable irrespective of where you are from or how you live your own life. They
can never be forcibly taken, but they can be limited at times. These fundamental rights are
founded on common values such as dignity, fairness, equality and freedom.

• For protection of such Human rights the UN has established UNHRC. The Human Rights
Council is a United Nations' one of the inter governmental bodies tasked with promoting
and protecting human rights globally. The organisation's function is to examine human
rights violations and make suggestions on how to address them. Furthermore, the
UNHRC promotes fundamental and crucial human rights and freedoms on an
international legal stage.
• When people are subjected to abuse or corrupt practices, the UN allows them to speak up.
This is why certain rights, such as the right to peaceful assembly, are so important, since
no society is perfect. The concept of human rights motivates individuals and tries to tell
people that they deserve to be treated with dignity by society, whether it's the government
or their place of work.
• Religious extremism and mistreatment have occurred throughout history, from the
Crusades to the Holocaust to modern-day terror acts of religion. The United Nations
recognises the value of a person's religion and religious views and allows them to be
practised in peace. Liberty to not hold to a religion is also a human right.
• Education is important for a variety of reasons, and it is especially important in
impoverished societies. The UNHRC ensures that organisations and governments
relevant to human rights focus on providing right to schooling, supplies, and other
necessities in order to reduce the occurrence of poverty. When education is viewed as a
right, it means that everyone, not just the elite, has access to it.
• The Council is made up of 47 member states who are supported by a majority of
representatives of the United Nations General Assembly in a direct and undisclosed
ballot. For the 2022-24 term, India was re-elected to the United Nations Human Rights

• When natural disasters and emergencies occur, the UN coordinates and mobilises aid to
victims. The United Nations offers much-needed humanitarian relief in collaboration with
governments, the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement, major aid organisations, and
donors. Every year, UN appeals to raise donations for emergency relief.


In the Preamble to the UN Charter, the goal is stated as "to establish conditions conducive to
the maintenance of justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other
sources of international law." Since then, the advancement and respect for international law
has been an important part of the Organisation's functioning.Law is a component of society
that contributes to the development of a framework inside which rights and duties can be
formed. Today's world demands a method for conducting relations between states, and
International Law fills that void. This body of International Law was created by the United
Nations to promote peace and security. Countries group together to create legally binding
rules that they believe will help their people. International law promotes peace, justice,
mutual values, and commerce. States collaborate to enhance international law since it is so
important in society. International law can be defined as a set of norms, and binding
agreements between nations.
• International law governs how countries should interact with one another. It is incredibly
helpful in resolving the issue of jurisdiction that arises when people trade across borders.
The primary goal of international law is to encourage justice, peace, and the collective
• For this purpose following WWII, the Permanent Court of International Justice was
modified by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which is also the UN's main judicial
organ. The development of a body of international law, which is critical to promoting
economic and social development and also progressing international peace and security,
is one of the United Nations' crowning accomplishments.
• Conventions, treaties, and standards codify international law. Many of the treaties
negotiated by the United Nations serve as the foundation for the law that governs

international relations. While the United Nations' work in this area does not always
receive attention, it has a daily effect on the lives of individuals all over the globe.
• It resolves legal disputes between states and issues advisory opinions on legal issues
referred to it by authorised United Nations organs and specialised agencies in compliance
with the International law. The United Nations has played a significant role in
identifying, codifying, and broadening the scope of international law.
• The United Nations has worked to advance treaty legislation and laws governing state-to-
state relations. The General Assembly declared the UN Decade of International
Law with the aim of encouraging respect and acceptance for the fundamentals and
organisations of international law. The General Assembly directed the International Law
Commission to draw up a statute for an International Criminal Court as well.
• The UN courts established for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda have created a larger
international humanitarian and criminal law able to deal with genocide and other
violations of international law by prosecuting and convicting war criminals. Both courts
have helped to restore justice and peace in the countries affected and throughout the area.
• The United Nations has led international efforts to regulate ocean use through a single
treaty. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, that has nearly universal
acceptance, establishes the legislative structure for all actions in the seas and oceans.

It is reasonable to conclude that the United Nations is as relevant today as it was when it
was founded. It is the only organisation with worldwide membership. We would not like to
exist in a society where military power is the sole means of deterring violence. Nations all
over the world require an organisation dedicated to global consonance and human well-
being, as well as a forum for important international issues to be discussed. Still, there
are other obstacles in the world that must be addressed in order for international cooperation
to be effective and UN since its inception has actively worked to preserve peace, ensure
development, and international cooperation, and has developed numerous steps to prevent

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