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8-5-2022 Cultural Ecology

The basis of the relationship society-nature is constituted by social
interrelationships and in them this relationship explains their properties. The social
interrelationships in parallel determine the material conditions, the ways and the
pretensions of life of the human being. It is the naturally social human tactics of
reproducing their lives that characterize the social, political and cultural dynamics
of communities in general. The primary starting point to understand this dynamic is
the interaction of human beings with human beings and not that of people with their
natural environment. Once this base is established and known, I specify that I have
used the approach described in the analysis of one of these central nuclei of
production and social reproduction of the intangible and material life of people: the
interaction of power, investigation made in the area of the volcano La Malinche,
Mexico, of which this meditation is part.

This is the biological science that tries to study and understand the function of the
systems in which groups of living beings are found, which interact with each other
and have a direct relationship with the physical environment. The set of living
beings make up an ecosystem, and the planet's ecosystems, such as forests,
rivers, lakes and reefs, constitute what we call the biosphere.

Cultural ecology is defined by Julián H. Steward as a series of principles,

methodologies and concepts that are applied in different spatial and temporal
conditions to the study of man, his society and his culture (1). As an example, we
can mention how societies use their cultural heritage to adapt socio-culturally to
environmental conditions with particular characteristics. Sociocultural adaptation is
the result of a series of progressive adjustments, which may or may not be
evolutionary, but which explain the mechanisms of a social and cultural nature that
human societies create or re-create to use, manage, or exploit their environment
(Steward, 1955).
J. H. Steward, in his book Theory of culture change (1955:30), establishes that
cultural ecology has as its object the study of the processes through which a
society adapts socioculturally to its environment. Furthermore, he explains how a
society and its various institutions to be studied and understood must be analyzed
as socio-cultural adaptations to specific environments. I believe that these authors
describe what cultural ecology is correct.

Cultural ecology affirms that cultural behavior patterns allow the adaptation of man
to the environment through a series of dynamic interactions, paying special
attention to the reactions and responses emitted by human beings through what
we know.

For society, it could be of great help to what has been the management of sensitive
ecosystems and in the correct form of agriculture.

This topic can become very helpful for the world because of the role that it has on
nature and the human being, it could help to better understand what we as humans
are doing wrong and why we are damaging so much to the nature of our planet. I
could look for some kind of solution about this.

The methodological repercussions of the socio-ecological approach described,

specifying the concepts of ecology and society, establish that the development of
their inquiries focus, first, on the socio-historical dynamics that define particular
ways of social interaction; second, in the cellular way in which these social
interactions operate and unfold today and; third, based on the above, describe the
nature of kinship, derived from the type of human relationship, that human teams
establish with their specific environment. This is necessary both for us as humanity
and for what nature is, in this way we took into account how to help nature while
helping ourselves.
Ecología cultural: Qué Es, qué estudia, y métodos de investigación. Psicología y Mente.
(2022, April 29). Retrieved May 8, 2022, from

La ecologÃa cultural. (s. f.). .

Campos, G. L. R. (s. f.). Ecología cultural: metamorfosis de un concepto holometábolo. .


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