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10 Basic Emotions

We all go through life experiencing a complex and multi-faceted spectrum of different

emotions, some of which are too difficult to put into words. There are times when we feel
things but don’t understand why, or have to deal with certain emotions we don’t quite
know how to process. Emotions are a natural part of life and they serve to let us know
how we’re being affected by the things going on in our lives and in ourselves. They’re
neither positive nor negative, but simply act as signals to point us towards the right
direction and help us make sense of what we’re going through. And while it may be
scary and uncomfortable at times, we need to make the effort to understand our
emotions so we can better understand ourselves and our underlying wants, needs, and
1. Happiness. One of the first core emotions we all experience is happiness. When
we’re younger, happiness is often a feeling that comes from a sense of safety and
security that our parents bring us. It arises from the knowledge that we are loved and
taken care of, and as we grow older, we begin to associate it with feelings of
contentment and emotional connection as well (Easterlin, 2003). Joy, pleasure, and
satisfaction all exist to remind us of what it is that we value most, so think about the
times when you feel happiest and you will come to realize what it is you want most in
2. Sadness.Next comes sadness, an emotion that we feel whenever we experience the
loss of something important in our lives. Sadness is a very complex and nuanced
emotion, one that can come in many varying degrees and manifest in a lot of different
ways. But it’s most important purpose is to help us process our feelings of grief and
disappointment. Feeling sad allows us to take a step back and look at ourselves and our
situations to better understand what it is that’s causing us so much pain. It teaches us to
be more introspective, resilient, and to learn from our mistakes.
3. Anger.While it may not seem like it to a lot of us, anger can actually be a very good
emotion to experience if we take the time to understand it more. Often manifesting as
clenched fists, tense muscles, and a flushed face, our anger begs us for release, so we
let it out by stomping our feet, shouting at those around us, and even breaking the
things within our reach. We feel frustrated because there is something stopping us from
getting what we want, so we lash out to make ourselves feel less helpless against our
situation. But anger is meant to do more than just that – it forces us to act and fight
against the problem we’re facing.
4. Anticipation.In the most basic meaning of the word, anticipation refers to a
physiological state of arousal that we experience when we’re excited, anxious, or
uncertain about what’s to come (Loewenstein, 1987). If you’re feeling anxious about
something, it’s your mind’s way of reminding you to plan ahead of time and better
prepare yourself for the future. But if what you feel is more of nervous excitement, then it
means you are doing something that pushes you out of your comfort zone.
5. Fear.Evolutionary psychology tells us that fear is a basic survival mechanism meant
to keep us safe from potential danger. It’s why we have an innate fight-or-flight response
that’s triggered whenever we feel physically or emotionally threatened by something
(LeDoux, 2012). But sometimes we feel fear towards things that we aren’t supposed to,
like failure, uncertainty, emotional vulnerability, and the loss of control. Fear keeps us
from taking risks, challenging ourselves, and going after what we want.
6. Loneliness.People feel lonely when they feel isolated and disconnected from those
around them. Famous psychologist Abraham Maslow even posited that one of the most
basic human needs is the need for belongingness, along with the physiological needs
for shelter, food, and water (Maslow, 1943). Because we as humans have a deep-
seated need for social interaction, loneliness is meant to signal to us that we need to
reconnect with our loved ones and attend to our relationships with those we care about.
7. Jealousy. Another core emotion familiar to most of us is jealousy, the feeling we get
when we want what someone else has. We feel envious of others when we perceive
that they are more fortunate than us in some way; that they are happier, wealthier,
smarter, or more successful. Jealousy can give way to insecurity and hurt our self-
esteem because it makes us think that we aren’t good enough to have everything we
want. It’s important for us to pay close attention to whom we feel jealous of and why
because it speaks volumes about what it is we feel is missing from our lives.
8. Disgust. Similar to fear and anger, disgust is an emotion rooted in our evolution. We
feel repulsed by things that we consider to be unclean or disease-ridden, like
cockroaches, rats, waste, and rotten food. We also feel revolted by things that go
against our most fundamental social norms such as heinous crimes and certain sexual
behaviors (Miller, 1998). A feeling of intense dislike and aversion, disgust is an
emotional response we feel towards something that is unhealthy for us.
9. Surprise. Surprise is something we feel when something unexpected happens to us
or those around us. Shock and surprise can intensify whatever emotions we’re feeling,
like happiness, anger, and despair. When we feel surprised, we become more curious
and alert because it forces us to change our perspective and adapt to new situations.

10. Trust. Finally, there’s trust, which many would argue is not so much an
emotion as a choice. And while it’s true that trust isn’t as instinctive a feeling as
these other basic emotions, it’s still a feeling because sometimes you just feel
like you can trust someone even if you don’t really know them that well yet. Trust
is an emotion built on our experiences and it’s meant to remind us of both the
good and bad that other people have done unto us so we can better protect
ourselves against emotional pain. Often times, trust and love go hand in hand, so
when a loved one betrays us, they often lose not only our trust but also our

In the end, the journey towards emotional self-discovery is something we should all take
if we ever want to have a better understanding of who we are as people. So take the
time to listen to what your emotions are trying to tell you and work through all the things
you’re feeling.

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