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Quarter 1- Homeroom Guidance Activity

Activity 2

Showing Support for Others Copy the following table on bond paper. How will you
support others in the given situations? Write your answer in each column. (4 points
each rows x 10 = 40 points)

Situation Physically Emotionally Socially Spiritually

1. A new classmate with a Help them in Talk to them Don’t be Pray for them
physical disability everything shy with
2. A new classmate with a Help them in Talk to them Don’t be Pray for them
physical disability everything shy with
3. A neighbor who chose to Support Always Say hi Pray for them
stop them greet them always
schooling for employment
4. A sibling who spends Pay with Always have Ask some Pray for them
most of them fun new
his/her time playing online sometimes friends in
games online
5. A friend who plans to Support him Talk to each Find a way Pray for them
leave other to escape
their house because of a family depression

6. A new group member who Help them Always talk Say hi Pray for them
loses hope because of many to them always
7. A cousin from an ethnic Association Always talk Always Pray for them
group with them to them greet them
who is still adjusting to her
new school

8. A relative who is confused Support Always talk Always Pray for them
with them to them greet them
his gender preference
9. A classmate who Support Always talk Always Pray for them
experiences them to them greet them
social discrimination due to his
poor academic performance

10. An older sibling who Tell some Hug them Talk to Pray for them
needs advice's each other
help on time management

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