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Nama Mahasiswa : FATURRAHMAN

NIM : 859389386

Kode/NamaMataKuliah :MKDU4111/ Bahasa Inggris


MasaUjian : 2020/21.1(2020.2)


Nama Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris untuk Guru SD

A. Ubahlah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini menjadi kalimat pasif.

1. David reads a novel
Passive : novel read by david
2. I watched Laskar Pelangi the movie yesterday
Passive :yesterday i watched the film laskar pelangi
3. They play football in Stadium
Passive : in the stadium they play football
4. He puts some sugar on the cupcake
Passive : in the stadium they play football
5. Sally washed her car in the garage.

Passive : in sally’s garage washes care

B. Ubahlah kalimat-kalimt di bawah ini menjadi kalimat Aktif.

1. A cat is kissed by Peter.

Active : peter being kissed by a cat
2. This love letter was written by Wendy in his room.
Active : wendy wrote this love letter in her room
3. Sandwiches are cooked by mom
Active : mom cooks sadwich
4. A cup of tea was drunk by him
Active : the drink is a test cup
5. This clothes is made by Georgia.

Active : georgia made this wear

C. Terjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan sebaliknya

1. I often go to department store on Sundays. When I go to a store,I see so many kinds
of clothes. They are nice. Some of them are expensive, but some are not expensive.
When I find a nice shirt, and it is not expensive, I will buy one.

Saya sering pergi ke department store pada hari Minggu. Ketika saya pergi ke
toko, saya melihat begitu banyak jenis pakaian. Mereka baik. Beberapa di
antaranya mahal, tetapi beberapa tidak mahal. Ketika saya menemukan
kemeja yang bagus, dan tidak mahal, saya akan membelinya.

2. Tinju adalah olahraga yang keras. Saya sebenarnya tidak mengerti mengapa orang-
orang menyebut tinju sebagai olahraga. Olahraga ini dapat melukai petinju, baik
pemenangnya maupun yang kalah. Bahkan tinju dapat membunuh mereka. Saya rasa
tinju bukan olahraga yang baik untuk anak-anak.
I often go to the department store on Sundays. When I go to the shop, I see so
many kinds of clothes. They're nice. Some of them are expensive, but some are
inexpensive. When I find a shirt that is good, and inexpensive, I will buy it.

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