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First and foremost, leadership relates to the ability to guide others. It is most likely one of the
most significant components of existence. Most significantly, leadership has aided in the
advancement of human civilisation. There is no organisation or group that can succeed without
strong leadership. Additionally, not everyone possesses this characteristic. This is so because
effective leadership necessitates a certain set of crucial traits.

According to me a certain set of crucial traits which all leaders should have:

1. Integrity: It is the combination of external behaviour and internal principles. An

honest individual is the same on the inside as they are on the outer. A leader must
uphold integrity in order to earn the respect of their people. Also, we can see that the
juror no. 8 displayed exceptional integrity. He stated that he simply wasn't confident
that the accused is the guilty party from the very beginning of the entire decision-
making process and he kept onto it. His arguments were all supported by facts rather
than personal opinions.

2. Dedication: It means spending all the time and effort required to complete the task. A
leader sets an example for others, going above and beyond to complete the current
task in the direction of the vision. Moreover, the other jurors lost respect for several of
the jurors because they were more preoccupied with their personal lives than with the
case, such as jury no. 7 and 12. Leadership just wants commitment and focus oriented.

3. Openness: Being open involves being willing to hear new ideas, even if they don't fit
with your preconceived notions. Among leaders and followers, openness fosters
mutual respect and trust. It also keeps the team well-supplied with fresh concepts that
might advance its vision. As juror no. 8 was constantly receptive to the fresh, original
views of all the other jurors, a leader should always appreciate the opinions and
thoughts of his people.

4. Creativity: Being creative is having the capacity to think outside of the box that
limits potential solutions. Leaders that are creative can notice things that others have
not seen and can guide people in novel paths. Not only did juror number 8 thought
outside the box, but he also inspired and influenced others to do the same. It was
really inventive of the actor to simulate the entire course of what one of the witnesses
would have done in response to hearing the thud sound.

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