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Marketing II

First Partial Exam

Andrea Sarahy González Canales

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Please read carefully each scenario, analyze, interprit and apply the concepts to your best
judgement, according to what you learned in class.

1. The SRC is a very important criterio that can not be under estimated by entrepreneurs and
or companies as a whole. Failing to discard it can cause a series of negative effects, ¿give
an example of your own that was not covered in class o fan SRC and describe the posible
consequences that my occur if not studied? 20 points

R// An example of an SRC can be the campaign that IPAC made for breast cancer in which
they have a copy that says if “si te tocas, no te toca” this is an example because it can be
interpreted with double sense so we fall in a SRC and the possible consequences are that
people it´s not going to be encourage to go check themselves and the campaign simply
does not work effectively.

2. Spot sales are not a frequent marketing strategies, but are certainly a way out to avoid
significant increases in carrying and ordering inventory costs, ¿Describe a very agile way
how a spot sale can be an effective marketing tool or strategy to implement? Be sure to be
unique in your interpretation and application by not using an example covered in class. 20

R// Spots sales are used in clothing stores in a very strategic way because every time they
are going to change the inventory because of the season (from summer to winter for
example) they make discounts, and a lot of people goes to the stores and buy all that
inventory and after that they put a new collection of clothes. It’s a good way to make a
spot sale.
3. Define in your own words, ¿why certain products and services need to be differentiated
and why others, are not required and can be globally commercialized? 20 points

R// It depends on the culture of each country because there are products that are not well
accepted in some cultures like bubble gum for example, that´s the main reason why there
are products that needs to be differentiated.

4. Describe why goverment decides through the central bank to increase MO/M1 in the
market as a whole? Give an example of your own how this monetary strategy Works in an
economy. 20 points

R// They increase MO/M1 because people is spending and that puts money into a
circulation. This works in the economy because it helps to raise the incomes and it makes
the country have more employees.

5. ¿In your own words describe why a startup can be a better way of seeking a more
profitable and safer path to entrepreneurship? 20 points

R// A Star up it´s a great way to put ideas into reality in a technological way that´s why
they´re more profitable and safer because with they we have instant growth and if we
have mistakes we can correct them very quickly.

Bonus question: Would you invest on a company with a share value of USD$ 98.32, a beta
at 1.32, a PER exactly at 12.89 and an EPS of 2.45, sustain your decision. 5 points

R// I wouldn´t invest in it just looking at the beta it´s to high and de EPS are to low I just don´t see
it worth it to invest in it.

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