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East or west Putin is the best.

1 Ruble to Dollar
21 Feb 24/02 - 28/02
24 - 28 Feb
2 - 8 Mar
America sanctions russia,freezes its U.S
0.015 9 - 11 Mar assets, bans Russia from trading and
25 Mar removes Russian bank from U.S bank-
0.010 ing system. More countries start impos-
ing sanction Russian index MOEX hits
0.005 35% record low. Ruble continues its
decline Russia’s central bank hikes
1 Nov 2021
interest rate to 20%.
Date 1 Jan 2022 1 Mar 2022 1 May 2022 1 Jul 2022

1 Dollar is equal to 58.87 Ruble

02/03 - 08/03 Crude Oil rates per barrel
Russia’s central bank imposses capital Rate of barrel
control forcing all equity and bond 120
market to remain closed as a reply to
sanctions. Investors loose faith in russian
economy. Joe Biden bans oil,gas and 110
coal imports from Russia.

09/03 - 17/03 100

Russia restricts access and transaction in U.S
dollar to support the purchasing power of
ruble Russia declares selective non-payment 90
of its sovereign debt. Western firms stop their 02/03 04/03 06/03 08/03 10/03 12/03
operation in Russia. Europe worries bout 200
billion$ loss,by stopping russian oil and gas 1 Rupee to Dollar 21 Feb
trade.Putin forces oil trade only in ruble. 0.01375

7 - 14 Mar

07/03 - 14/03 0.01325

As war sky rockets crude prices to

1205 / barrel, energy dependent
india finds its currency heavily 0.01275

struggling against dollar. 0.01250

1 Nov 2021 1 Jan 2022 1 Mar 2022 1 May 2022 1 Jul 2022
Why is the Ruble and Gold
rupee Falling ?

Avg Russia gold rate Avg ruble

India as a country imports more than it 12.5k
exports, hence the demand for the
dollar is much higher than its supply
thus resulting in Rupee’s depreciation.

1 Rupee is equal to 7.5k


0.013 Dollar 2.5k

Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July

Gold / Growth
There is a relation between gold rates Conclusion
and Ruble ,having a huge amount of War gives boost to a country’s economy, looking at the data we
gold in foreign reserves Ruble not only came to conclude that ruble has improved from what it was
maintained its power but also reduced before the war.The only winners that came from the war were
its dependency on Dollar. Ruble and Dollar, so is there a link? Lastly, the sanctions
imposed on Russia made it slow for a while but had major
impacts on the west.
A025-Mihir Bhanushali
A029-Ashwin Rathish

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