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The Uttar Pradesh Zamindari Abolition and Land Reforms (Amendment) Act,

Act 1 of 1964

Agricultural Labourer, Landless, Panchayat Area, Marginal Farmer, Small

Amendments appended: 20 of 1972, 31 of 1985, 14 of 1987, 19 of 1995, 9 of

1997, 29 of 1998, 35 of 2001, 11 of 2002, 27 of 2004, 13 of 2005, 28 of 2008, 4
of 2010, 17 of 2014

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Legislative Research (PRS). The contents of this document have been obtained from sources
PRS believes to be reliable. These contents have not been independently verified, and PRS
makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In
some cases the Principal Act and/or Amendment Act may not be available. Principal Acts
may or may not include subsequent amendments. For authoritative text, please contact the
relevant state department concerned or refer to the latest government publication or the
gazette notification. Any person using this material should take their own professional and
legal advice before acting on any information contained in this document. PRS or any persons
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MTI-TIULIT-48 rli —Tfracrfroto /c40-
790t10-91 /2008-10

T/Wet 4/4d, kirff ribT

TR4itzrtwa zm imam
tqu - ()
(.3t1StT afRrfttrgr)

des1 'tt, 41 I eicIK, 16 16W-441-, 2010

TIM 27, 1931ITi fiLly

\irk cI tIct)1

c1 01, 16 1:5f4t, 2010



fifttiM- 34-
ra 200 i•N-141ef 19-6tEtt A .3-th PIOT vi4ICI.a f41-74T ttT

1W-#4) fattzl. 2010 IN ft9tT 15 L5fqt, 2010 ..W)" 31-

1-15=1 anf2/1 (1=4*Ii 31 1141t 1K1,-1 MI 47

Ati 30fedl:FI t1 4 1 2010 t)1-1 fftfiNTRuf 9I 3:1EM. *.er 31-R170-9T gRT.

31101 I

a-Tr .31411q1
\i-c-N. cc- f4-9-RT ctiutzu (f4ylist
Sf, 2010
(.311( iTtK afetiT{ TIWIT 4 19 2010)
a7T rat1l7 4111/45c1
[ aelf \Jct.( 11- ATitff Fr]
34t7T LA4ki jaWITI ar4P-4T 3TIR:FI, 1950 39W4
‘3tal-ra ctr r&g

ATRT 4IuII1LT -4 A 1.,--IfZ,Acr3TfTff1ZT9 EI-114-11 ull r t

1-4_w raw 1=0-9-ru urow_rr ntrft TIF8wr 9-Fr
S,2010 cbSf .14TIT I
3T St1T arffiRui Tr- Z-. 16 Th-Cqtr, 2010

cr Thlt
397 A-411
2—Krffcgm z16 EritriTT Th fTh TTh-4 -Thr Thi 1--Thlrful,
TREM 1 TT9,' 1951 tiT M -9 -7 4 K rq- -T hiTh T-241- -
al% r4LM, 1950 Th°r UT T 168—Th,
'3t1 MI 14 9J
WRI14.1- It4}Ef
flf -ag- u--cv ftiTzt cr4 1-q7z,rr (7774F-T4) .31141 -alt
2004 (W M - Sre - W 3Tf Ola4TI Tt 3T -
C cIT 27 3 1- -9-
, 2004) Th AT R1 41- Th rd-WIT9- Of,
aTEfr9- •Yjce-1 4Thr 211- 307 f -irTh't 7-rcz rr • w7wR M 44 i 7mTi- arftr- a-Rt
Reafr e- 4- gtt tit zfr f4f 4re- d wrro wr ch rt 34 7 4t Th ar -NI 74T h-414
\i11 mel7f, Tw zr r-d- v tR,11- •ftth 74 174 vriz Tr -t-R. gwr y
‘ Wzir wzr, Wqr
3rfQa ffif 4rf ir Th -7r t
grant tru Trg l'OtEr utr-q7cT 9ff 301'444 STR141- Th
Trcrrfea trmrq 7--71T I

3--qtTLT 307 4117W

Witt srThsT 741teit ftffl-zr Wiz Vr wr-corr 3.afffilpi, 1950 Thar

WM 168—Th, thit 1Th 96- ThAtThit M-9741 afrg ThtqW24 (-Tre49-) 3T141kaci, 2004 •Nti
%- tir ii
ilt3T 37 f . TEL-ZIT 27 , 2004 31-9- ) Th Th 74-1t EF TH Th 3701-Th -411 TRIT 2.1T 311-?
7r-r ENT 4 7r-- A7e alt*431 qralie Th't TrZft tit raftiTir-t-R-DT Th't va-o-i€TT
-ThR-4 Th 3Th-R- WaTT vi414111 It9T4T 311-R- arfe4Thrf, 1950 (3-3-R 31-1412'diT9
#?i9T 1 79 1951) Th VilFreT 4 lb* uc r-cir Th74 Th°1 ara724 Th 74 Th y Th f0- 49T4 w4 Thr f4f4me
rThIff 71/9 W9-9-R- 3"--? War Thtatt - Th4r71 307 14 Thr4-0-1T (WIT 3cr-c4f) Ithrw, 2010
57:7-urfka Ita t w -d-r
WON tr -
Tritq l

No. 234(2)/LXXIX-V
uary 16, 2010
Dated Lucknow, Febr
of Article 348 of
ovisions of clause (3) nslaticin of the
IN pursuance of the pr n of the following English tra
order the pu bli catio
Governor is pleased to ishesh Upbandh)
Vi na sh Ev am Bh oomi Vyavastha (V
da ri
Uttar Pradesh Zamin Sa nkhya 4 of 2010) as pa
ssed by the Uttar
r Pr ad es h Ad hin iya m
Adhiniyam, 2010 (Utta February 15, 2010.
latur e an d as se nte d to by the Governor on
Pradesh Legis
(U.P. ACT No. 4 OF 20
Pradesh Leg slaturel
[As passed by the Uttar
to the Uttar Pradesh
to make spec ial provision in relation
Land Reforms Act, 1950
as follows
in the Six ty- fir st Ye ar of the Republic of India :—
IT IS HEREBY enacted
mindari Abolitio
Short title I. d the Uttar Pradesh Za
This Act may be calle 2010.
pecial Provision) Act,
and Land Reforms (S
LItY1 3IWINWOI ioic , 16 1
15T41. 2010 3

2. It is hereby declared that any transfer of such fragment as had Special proviion
in relation to UP.
become void under section 168-A of the Uttar Pradesh Zamindari Act no. 1 of 1951

Abolition •and Land Reforms Act, 1950 as it stood before the

commencement of the Uttar Pradesh Zamindari Abolition and Land
Reforms (Amendment) Act, 2004 (U.P. Act no. 27 of 2004) and had not
been entered in revenue records in favour of the State Government shall
be deemed to have been divested and any person may get such transfer
validated by depositing such fee • and within such time and in such
Manner as may be notified by the State Government:

Provided that, this special provision shall cease to be in force

after expiry of two Years from the date of commencement of this Act.


With a view to providing opportunity of validation, in any transfer of such

fragment as had become void under section 168-A of the Uttar Pradesh Zamindari
Abolition and Land Reforms Act, 1950 as it stood before the commencement of the Uttar
Pradesh Zamindari Abolition and Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 2004 (UP. Act no.
27 of 2004) and had not been entered in revenue records in favour of the State
Government, it has been decided to make a law to provide for making special provision
in relation to the Uttar Pradesh Zamindari Abolition and•Land Reforms Act, 1950 (UP.
Act no. 1 of 1951).

The Uttar Pradesh Zamindari Abolition and Land Reforms (Special Provision)
Bill, 2010 is introduced accordingly.

By orde

4107F0zigt0-q0 410 1088 tmga0)-(2354)-2010-597 STrW41( 13:11a- ra0/\311t5tE) I

t0g-gnu:Ito-7o to 227 TITO fqtli4r-(2355)-2010-850 ;Iraqi (M-1±TET/th0/aTFRIE)
31 -ft717 it—TfloTiloto /kRo—

Sato / 79.0110-91 /2014-16

til cp 1c4 te

397 t44i1tuf titchi{ 4W112615191

fawn t-IPPitt

el (5 1 itkc1141, 26 -1.14t, 2014

X-617:17 5, 1936 Ict)

\int< trkvr •ttotpt

-ftrzit ar-pwr-1

titc4II 1530 / 79-M-1-14-1W-25-2014

eit4 -kit 26 •10.4.t. 2014

.f414Er •
"TETW Thl R1717" ‘31-
1* 200 Gitftff thi4141c4 Ta4z1 ‘3ccit SibT 74tti 14-IPT 74
ief vT4kETT (ft& d9c4rET) limi, 2014 trt ¶ci 26 icr,c4(, 2014 t ‘317M Tra9 t ak 4-6
\zit CRT 'eTtePT7 tits4ti 17 19 2014 WI 4 ticitokri(ur 79r4 alM1741 111

ft-zrr Aior t

\M-c1( .c@-zr -141-41er cr4 cvateir (1'0'7 3kie4-4) aTfeizFr, 2014

( \SM.( It4T 31Mfttlli 343C41 17 39 2014)
Viltif dcc1t situ f4tirff 9-svr aitr trritff gaTrj
crrt srkT . ,7141q10 14.9nr cr4 sg±1 aicittif G31*TFT, 1950 1.414I

MfiEr ,34c4rET cb(4

'gird loutc -tiTral 0 4 f*gicill.qcf aTrewr 411141 Aicir H

ultiwr TIT
1- ziT alf0M77 ,McIt A-vrvi4lgifl ft-im cr4 frizmff (ft*Er ,sLicitc)
‘3TVATFT, 2014 4*1 1 /44R4'Ir
2 5:1-a71 3T7F-1177 , 26 IcI 4E“, 2014

2-4os,adkr aliEFTT it Mlc % Oj cb. Z151 cf) t-isI)Hur, t ‘ictit CIkEff

ft9-PT 74 tiff a-4?-4T eTrePTR, 1950 ti 2474 qe. \-3c1*
citRT qit-dTt W1TT tc4 iff a-4724T (4=Nt21-9.) eiThfizfli, 2004 (‘3m1k ki
41-c044 27 2004) 111-& 44 t V fta719. a-Tt9. Kcal q4
cp,-N f4T1t kikti( tHT thit4 a-Tr4ftil wRft9ft ,141 41,
rOft qATrr all-T
qtt arro- 711 fttrzi t .
itd-ttt k-th tit ft, tRT *t1 /4,4 ir aTftt ftzrr 44, AHr cmcb -
raciFt cb<r Hm—dr
. wrowq 74-6 %; zg-, Ttri ,3441-9-irR itH-Et
t 491#1 EP-click glut 9-6i 03,11- 1

3-q-47z1 341R. k I

,53c4 t .‘371-( maZI 4Mt LiPT 34.

17 T1T 3-1t11k417, 1950 t
t4144 At it Wr, ‘3mR sftWf 741ut M7TPT t 4ç4 af-47.244 (RN?) altefii, 2004 -(3ceit
aftf4741T ?cart 27 (-1,1 2004) CERT14 V f4EPRT9- Kai sl 441 244 atT
Trai twnik cru kmk-q- ai-NW ft cillfEi1t ,(2.11 41, iftr4.11-F:raT 1 amiftt ar-qt-qr
<.4 # dccIt Wrgt f49TZet 1Zraf-47-244. alfeitrrf, 1950 (‘icri < srkw a•TraLP:t
?tall 1 TN., 1951) t B7-4?4 ct)t . t aM.24T chk; firK ft:4 .4944 t
ftr4tILE ittn• ,144;
B-4717 ‘371 k t:Trel ir TPT ,34.17 9ff a4-47-241 (MN .3,-NAT) ' -'41tt, 2014 . 7:WeId.
itzfr \TIM' t I
t.'fo o fs
V5 9f - l
No. 1530(2)/00CLX-V-1-14-1(ka)-25-2014
Dated Lucknovv, November 26, 2014
rovisions of clause (3) of Article 348 of the Constitution of India,
the Governor is
pleased to order the publication of the following English transla
tion of the Uttar Pradesh Zamindari Vinash
Evarn Bhoomi Vyavastha (Vishesh Upbandh) Adhiniyam,
2014 (Uttar Pradesh Adhiniyam Sanlchya 17
of 2014) as passed by the Uttar Pradesh Legislature and. assented to by the Governor on November 26, 2014.


(U. P. Act no. 17 of 2014)
[As passed by the Uttar Pradesh Legislature]

special provision in relation to the Uttar Pradesh Zamin
dari Abolition
and Land Reforms Act, 1950.
IT IS HEREBY enacted in the Sixty-fifth Year of the Repub
lic of India as
shortude 1. This Act may be called the Uttar Pradesh ZaMindari

Abolition and Land
Reforms (Special Provision) Act, 2014.
\ill Ina.71- 313TIViToT C, 26 J-GI 1, 2014

2. It is hereby declared that any transfer of such fragment as had becpme void Special
under section 168-A of the Uttar Pradesh Zamindari Abolition and Land . Reforms provision in
relation to U.P.
Act, 1950 as it stood before the commencement of the Uttar Pradesh Zamindari
Act no. 1 of
Abolition and Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 2004 (UP. Act no. 27 of 2004) and had 1951
'not been entered in revenue reeords in favour of the State Government shall be deemed
to have been divested and any person may get such transfer validated by depositing such
fee and within such time and in such manner as may be. notified by the State
Provided that, this special provision shall cease to be in force after expiry of
two years from the date of commencement of this Act.


With a view to providing opportunity of validation, in any transfer of such fragment as had
become void under section 168-A of the Uttar Pradesh Zamindari Abolition and Land Reforms Act, 1950
as it stood before the commencement of the Uttar Pradesh Zamindari Abolition and Land Reforms
(Amendment) Act, 2004 (U.P. Act no..27 of 2004) and had not been entered in revenue records in favour
of the State Government, it has been decided to make a law to provide for making special provision in
relation to the Uttar Pradesh Zamindari. Abolition and Land Reforms Act, 1950 (U.P. -Act no. I of 1951):
The Uttar Pradesh Zamindari Abolition and. Land Reforms (Special Provision) Bill, 2014 - is -
introduced accordingly.

By order,
Praniukh Sachiv.

tORTIOZiOt0--Q01110 692 tiiq (ftC)-2014—(1461)-599 edit (4, /t0 /31 d) 1

1 96 TiTO faZTTO-2014—(1462)1-500 3111
5-4e) 1

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