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Activity Swimming Techniques Assessment

Specific type of exercise         Recommendation

Dry land basic Simulation technique 1. Lay down on a mat.
floating Breathing control 2. Relax with both arms on side
and feet apart for balancing
3. Control every movement and
transition (Do not rush)
4. Breathing technique - inhale
(nose), exhale (mouth) the air
release should be lesser than
the air take during inhaling.
Control breathing Sitting position, self-reflection Survival, better buoyancy 
Bubbling Bobbing through  Survival
Bobbing Laundry tab. Prepares rhythmic breathing in
deeper water
Goal- to learn bubbling technique
Front Crawl (Free  Plank, T-Rotation. Getting the body in good
style)  Butt kicks & swinging legs – condition. Develop muscles.
A. Body position target hamstrings. Goal- executing the stroke
B. Leg action  Arm swinging properly and precisely.
C. Arm action  Do a little thinking, loosen up
D. Breathing and and reflect.
Back Stroke  Keep your body as flat. Better built of body and relaxation
E. Body position  Leg lifts of the back and develop muscles
F. Leg action  Arm circles in arms and legs which helps to do
G. Arm action  Do a little thinking, loosen up the stroke.
Breathing and timing and reflect. Goal- executing the stroke
properly and precisely.
Breast Stroke  Straight arm plank To help the body to be familiarize
H. Body position  Whip kicks/ leg kicks with the movements and how to
I. Leg action  Shoulder raises apply it on the real life situation.
J. Arm action  Do a little thinking, loosen up Goal- executing the stroke
Breathing and timing and reflect. properly and precisely.
Butterfly Stroke  Push-ups Develops muscles on the chest
K. Body position  Squat Jump and upper part of the body since
L. Leg action  Reverse fly with dumbbell on this stroke it’s usually the arms
M. Arm action  Do a little thinking, loosen up who’s doing the job and movng.
Breathing and timing and reflect. Goal- executing the stroke
properly and precisely.

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