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Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla


A Feasibility Study

Presented to

Laguna Northwestern College

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Degree

Master in Business Administration



Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla



The focus of the study is the determination of the viability and feasibility of making
Lumpia Wrapper using Malunggay. My goal is to create a product using Malunggay that
will help people, especially those who are health conscious, to live a healthier life.


Malunggay is a wellknown vegetable by Filipinos and Horse radish or simply called Moringa by
English speakers. It is scientifically called “Moringa Oleifera”. This vegetable belongs to
brassicaceae family plant closely related to wasabi , mustard , cabbage , and broccoli. It is
originated in Southern Europe and Western Asia . It has a remarkable history and grown steadily
over the years. It is easily cultivated, grows fast and survives well in countries with warm,
temperate, subtropical or tropical climate like in the Philippines. It is a tree vegetable which
bears green leaves and green pod if fully grown.

It is a powerful vegetable packed with beneficial nutrients and known as the most nutritious
vegetable in the world . It is commonly known to increase lactation in nursing mothers. It is a
great source of vitamins A , vit. C and iron and has a wide variety of health benefits which
includes, dietary fiber , vitamin-C, folate, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and manganese.
Further, this vegetable is not only for nutritional value but on medicinal purposes because it aids
weight loss, lower down blood pressure , alleviates respiratory conditions, promote heart health
, stimulate healthy digestion , makes the bones strong . A good antioxidant that boost the
strength of immune system and stimulate the activity and production of white blood cells . Good
defender against free radicals in the body and fight off cancer and impede the spread of
metastasis of cancerous.

This vegetable also contained phytochemicals some of which give the pungent odor which
serves so well as food additives and good ingredients in cuisine particularly on Filipino dishes. Its
leaves and its immature green pod which is known as “drumstick” are commonly prepared and
ingredients on Filipino cuisine. But many people still ignored this vegetable or doesn’t want to
eat especially children just because of its pungent odor. Rather get bored on the usual way of

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

With this reason, I thought of making it appetizing serving the food and give variation on food
preparation. Malunggay leaves was made as food wrapper used in preparing lumpia, omelet ,
shanghai, siomai, and other kind of foods to be wrapped.


This study discussed the process and activities of the business, including the ingredients
and equipment used in production and other aspects. In this time of pandemic, It is
really hard to start a product that will sell. It is important to ensure that your product is
affordable yet of high quality. I made sure that all the ingredients and equipments to be
used are of high quality, fresh and well sanitized.


The establishment is a rented place and will be located at the marketplace in San Pablo
City, Laguna. And to boost the sales of the business Promotional activities will be added
such as posters and on-line ads.


For promoting sales I would use social media advertisements to promote my product.
Like Facebook page, instagram etc.For it will surely help to promote my products
specially in this time of pandemic. I will also do personal selling because I believe that
personal selling is effective in terms of promoting a product. By this method the

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

uniqueness of the product will be clear to my buyers. I would use personal selling to also
know my buyer’s positive or negative feedback that can help to improve my products. It
is also the easiest way to encourage and convince the target market. In addition, I
conducted different tests and evaluations for both primary and secondary market
research; this was mainly conducted by comparing prices and advertising methods with

My target market are for those people with health and figure-consciousness. It
is a way to satisfy them without getting guilty or having cheat days and not ruining their
diet plan. Moreover, the moms who love to cook for their family members, vendors and
those who want to buy reasonable but good quality and healthy Malunggay Wrapper.


The proponents determined that the proposed business is suited to put up a general
partnership business, sharing capital needs equally to make it easy to commence and
less government regulations. Promoting a healthy and convenient way of eating by
introducing varieties of veggie wrapper to the public consumers. The three employees
are equally compensated with the amount of PHP 200.00 a day from Monday to
Saturday. The gross income in a year will be PHP 62,400 for the three employees and
the individual gross income will be PHP 62,400


Our physical store will be open from Mondays to Saturdays, from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
On the other hand, our online store is open 24/7 for inquiries and order reservations.
Our delivery services will start Mondays to Saturdays at 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM.


The proponents will have an equal contribution of P25, 000.00 with a total of P125,
000.00. The partners also agreed that their profits and losses should be divided equally.

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

The venture will operate their business in the Marketplace at San Pablo City, Laguna,
Philippines with the rent expense of P10, 000.00. The establishment is a rented place,
it’s an old own establishment by one of the relatives of one of the partners. Promotional
activities will include posters and on-line ads.


Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) has been used as herbal medicine in many cultures for

hundreds of years, Malunggay is known as a very nutritious plant where it is used to
combat malnutrition in third world countries especially for infants and nursing mothers.
Locked away in the green leaves of the malunggay is a cornucopia of vitamins and
minerals that make it such a powerful vegetable. Its leaves contain twice more
protein than milk, thrice more potassium than bananas, four times more Vitamin
A than carrots, and seven times more Vitamin C than oranges. It’s also very high
in calcium, making it a must-eat for nursing mothers so they can give their babies
more nutritious breastmilk. Malunggay leaves may be eaten as greens, in salads and
as vegetable ingredients for soups and other tropical viands. And for this study I created
a food wrapper using malunggay leaves.

I, being the researcher of this study is recommending this research for the future
researchers as their guide and basis for their Feasibility Study. We also recommended
this for the future investor and customer to patronize our product ‘’ UTILIZATION OF

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

TITLE PAGE……………………………………………………………………….... i
FEASIBILITY STUDY ABSTRACT………………………………..…………...... ii

LIST OF TABLES.…………………………………………………………………vi


Introduction.………………………………………………………………… 1

Statement of the Problem.………………………………………………… 3

Objectives.……………………………………………………….…………. 3

Significance of the Study.…………………………………………………. 6

Scope and Limitations.…………………………………………….………. 7


Product Description/Specifications

Technical Production Description………………………………………… 9

Production/Operation Process……………….………………………….. 10

Product Schedule…………………………………………………………. 12

Labor Requirement……………………………………………………….. 14

Machinery/Equipment Requirement………………………….………… 16

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla


Raw Material Requirement……………………………………….……… 17

Plant/Factory Location…………………………………………………… 20

Plant Layout…………………………..…………………………...……… 21

Waste Disposal System…………………...……………………………… 23

Quality Control System…………………...………………………...……. 23

Production Cost…………………...………………………………...……. 24


Marketing Plan

Product to Sell…………………...………………………………...……… 27

Target Market…………………...………………………………...………. 32

Demand and Supply Analysis…...………………………………...……. 33

Projected Sales…...………………………………...………...….………. 41

Marketing Program/Strategies……………………...………...….……... 44

Marketing/Selling Expenses……………………...………...….………... 46

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla



Organizational Plan

Vision…………………...………………………………...……………….. 47

Mission…………………...………………………………...……………… 47

Legal Form of Business…………………...……………………………... 47

Organizational Structure…………………...…………………………….. 48

Qualification of Officers…………………...……………………………... 49

Office Equipment…………………...……………………………............. 50

Gantt Chart of Activities…………………...……………………………... 51

Administrative Expenses…………………...……………………………. 52

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla



Financial Plan

Total Project Cost………………………………………………………… 53

Sources of Financing…………………………………………..………… 54

Projected Financial Statement………………………………………….. 55

Profitability Indices…………………………………………..…….……… 58

List of Assumption Used…………………………………………..…..…. 61

Schedules…………………………………………………...…..………… 62


Economic Impact of the Project………………………………….……… 64 Related

Studies………………………………..……………………..…… 65 SWOT
Analysis…………………………………………………...………. 66


Conclusions…………………………………………………...…..…….… 68

Recommendations………………………………….……...…..………… 69

REFERENCES………………………………….………................…..………… 70
APPENDICES………………………………….………................…..…….…… 73

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla




Malunggay is a well-known vegetable by Filipinos and Horseradish or simply

called Moringa by English speakers. It is scientifically called “Moringa Oleifera”.

Originated in Southern Europe and Western Asia . It has a remarkable history and has

grown steadily over the years. One of its aspects is easily cultivated, grows fast and

survives well in countries with warm, temperate, subtropical or tropical climates like

here in the Philippines.

It is a powerful vegetable packed with beneficial nutrients and known as the

most nutritious vegetable in the world. It is commonly known to increase lactation in

nursing mothers. It is a great source of vitamins A, C and iron and has a wide variety of

health benefits which includes dietary fiber, vitamin-C, potassium, calcium, magnesium,

zinc, and manganese. Further, this vegetable is not only for nutritional value but for

medicinal purposes because it aids weight loss, lowers blood pressure , alleviates

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

respiratory conditions, promotes heart health , stimulates healthy digestion , makes the

bones strong .

A good antioxidant that boosts the strength of the immune system and

stimulates the activity and production of white blood cells. Good defender against free

radicals in the body and fight off cancer and impede the spread of metastasis of

cancerous cells. This vegetable also contained phytochemicals some of which give the

pungent odor which serves so well as food additives and good ingredients in cuisine

particularly on Filipino dishes. Its leaves and its immature green pod which is known as

“drumstick” are commonly prepared and ingredients on Filipino cuisine. But many

people still ignore this vegetable or don't want to eat especially children just because of

its pungent odor. Rather get bored of the usual way of preparation.

With this reason, the proponents thought of another kind of food article to make

it appetizing, serving the food and giving variation on food preparation. Malunggay

leaves were made as food wrappers used in preparing lumpia, omelet, shanghai, siomai,

and other kinds of foods to be wrapped. According to Julieta M. Lagasca and Felicita A.

Quilondrino the lifespan of a wrapper under the refrigerator temp at 5 C, malunggay

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

food wrapper maintained its good attributes until the seventh (7) day likewise in chilling

temperature at 8 C.

On the other hand, with this study malunggay growers have reference in

processing nutritious food wrapper used in preparing foods for their family members.

Likewise, help the people who don't want to eat malunggay, the nutritious vegetable, so

as to sustain their good health. Interested food processors can make this food article as

an additional product for their food business that will circulate in the marketplace. For

the incoming researcher, this is a reference for them in processing agricultural yields

which are not acceptable and can make it palatable and an appetizing food product.


Nowadays people would choose artificially made food products that have less

healthy nutrient content over the conventional food that is said to be ‘’ Good for our

Healthy Lifestyle’’ that is available in the market. We as the proponents make this

product for the purpose that we want to serve our valued customers in a new product

dish that we give them healthy food to enjoy not only for adults but also for the young

ones. We add special ingredients for our product such as malunggay. We would like to

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

introduce this new variety of malunggay wrapper flavor that consumers would not

normally taste in the normal lumpia wrapper.

Promoting a healthy and convenient way of eating a new variety of malunggay

wrapper to the public consumers that would also benefit not just the consumers with its

healthy nutrition content it has but also helps filipino farming industries in the country

as well.


This feasibility study is intended to evaluate the feasibility of selling wrapper

with malunggay .

Specifically, it aims to evaluate and analyze the following areas:

Technical aspect of the study

1. Product Description

2. Procedure

3. Materials/ Ingredients

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

4. Location

Marketing aspect of the study

1. Target market.

2. Competitive Conditions.

3. Promotion.


The main objective of this study is to determine the viability and feasibility of

making wrapper with malunggay flavor in the public market of San Pablo City, Laguna.

Specifically objectives from the point of view of the different functional areas of

management are follows:

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla


1. To provide healthy and nutritious food in the market.

2. To develop new and serve healthy products in the market.

3. To identify the level of acceptability of malunggay wrapper in the market.


1. To determine the procedure and production of products.

2. To determine the equipment and materials required in the business.

3. To decide the location to put up the proposed business.


1. To identify the most effective marketing strategy to achieve good profit.

2. To focus on the customer demand.

3. To determine the cost needed before the implementation of the


Strategic management.

1. To provide plan and strategic marketing in competitors

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

2. To develop effective marketing strategies for customers in the market.

3. To focus on decision making and leadership to achieve success in



1. To provide a proper capital investment in the business.

2. To forecast the possible profit and expenses in the operation of business.

3. To check and evaluate the profitability of the business by applying

financial analysis in order to identify its stability and earning


Socio Economic Responsibility

1. To provide benefits that will be received by the customers.

2. To determine the benefit that will be received by the organization.

3. To promote healthy and nutritious food in the market.

Significant of the study

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

The study gives the consumer a product which is affordable and healthy with the

high quality with those sold at an expensive price.

This section will provide a brief description of the various significance of the

study given

To the customers – the researcher believed that the customer will benefit because the

study was made for them and the researcher had priced the product at a reasonable

price. They will benefit by buying the product and see that it can be used for a long time.

Future Researcher - This study will help them to know how important the data is to a

study. They will also have a prior knowledge of starting up a business and for their

future career.

To the Students - The findings of this study provide some ideas that are needed to

become healthy by eating malunggay wrapper. It also helps them to acquire the benefits

of malunggay to their health.

To the Teachers - The proposed study will help your health especially those who are

elderly people these product provide many benefits. It protects against osteoporosis.

Help relieve symptoms associated with gallbladder disease.

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

To the farmers- The proposed study will help the farmers to engage in producing more

vegetables. We are not only selling but also helping the farmes to promote their


To potential Investor – The proposed study will help the investor to have another


To community - The proposed study will help to give awareness of their health and to

know more about the benefits of eating malunggay wrapper.

The study helps the researchers to acquire new skills and knowledge that they

can use in their profession and it will help the farmers to engage in producing more

malunggay to promote their products.

Scope and Limitations

The study primarily focuses on feasibility and viability of making malunggay

wrapper at San Pablo City, Laguna. The data used in the study were gathered from the

result of interviews, questionnaires and observations conducted in the target location.

The residents living in San Pablo City, Laguna are the target market of the proposed


Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

The proposed business focuses on malunggay wrappers. This study will utilize

the information available during the period to fulfill the objectives in marketing,

technical, organization, financial and socio economic responsibility.

The Limitation of the study, the product will be disseminated through direct

selling and orders are also accepted from the customer within San Pablo City Laguna

from those who are willing to purchase our product.

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla



A. Technical Production Description

The technical study of the project comprises product description , product

process , equipment , materials , plan location and plan layout in this area, it discusses

on how the product ‘’ Malunggay Wrapper’’ is produce , what ingredients and

equipment are needed and where the proponents going to put the said business.

For the procedure of making Malunggay Wrapper Mix the dry ingredients 10kl

(3rd class) Premium Flour and Soft flour then put 1kl rock salt together in a stand mixer.

Stand mixer is a heavy, stationary mixer with a powerful motor that can handle all sorts

of mixing tasks from thin to thick dough. The point of the mixer is going to take your life

easier whenever you need to mix something. Mix together until everything is well

blended. Create well at the center and add 150 grams of vegetable oil. The measuring

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

spoon is used to measure the amount of ingredients, either liquid or dry, when cooking.

Next 5 cups of malunggay extract will use a juice extractor, it’s a tool used to extract

juice on malunggay leaves this process called juicing. It crushes, grinds, and/or squeezes

the juice out of the pulp of the leaves. Then put 21 liters of water and add more if

necessary. Mix together until a wet and viscous dough is formed. Lifting and slamming is

the best way to develop gluten. This process will help to achieve a very elastic wrap.

After lifting and slamming for some time, the dough will soon begin to hold together like

a rope. At this point, you know you’ve done a good job. When cooking, round large

metal plates are used to mold the dough perfectly. The round large metal plate will be

used to cook the wrapper where the dough is placed or spread. It is stainless metal with

(10.2) inches inside diameter and a thickness of (28) inches and also you will need the

Round gas stove burner this is another cooking utensil where the round metal plates

will be applied and it will provide low heat to cook the wrapper.

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

B. Production/Operations Process

1. Step by Step Procedure

Figure 1

Work in Process of Malunggay Wrapper

Remove the leaf from Mix the dry ingredients Add the water,
the stem in a stand mixer vegetable oil and
malunggay extract

At this point the dough is Lifting and slamming of Mix together until the
ready to cook dough dough is formed

Heat the metal pan into After a few second, you

Smear the dough on a will notice the wrapper is
low heat. Lightly grease
hot pan. pulling away from the pan
with oil

You can now peel it off

from the pan

Figure 1 shows the step by step procedure of making the

Malunggay Wrapper.

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

This picture show the finish product

A. Removing the leaf from the stem - You must pick the greenest mature leaves

and make sure to remove those that have signs of yellowing.

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

B. Mixing all the dry and wet Ingredients- Mix the dry ingredients (flour, salt)

together, and then do the same with the wet ingredients (oil, water, and

malunggay extract) mixing it together until it becomes dough.

C. Mix into the stand Mixer - Once the dough has the right moisture level; it’s time

to mix it with the stand mixer for 30mins until you get the right dough texture.

D. Lifting and Slamming of dough - Continue to repeat these steps until the dough

is smooth and elastic. Usually, that happens in about 15 to 25 minutes. If the

dough has melted and feels really elastic you’ve got the right texture

E. Cooking of dough - Cook for 5 to 10 seconds when Malunggay wrapper side

starts pulling away from the pan you can now peel off on the pan and it’s the

sign that the wrapper is already cook.

F. Packing

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

2. Duration of making Malunggay Wrapper

Steps Duration of Steps

● Removing malunggay leaf from the stem 10minutes

● Mixing all the dry and wet Ingredients 15 minutes

● Mix into the stand Mixer 30 minutes (rich the dough texture)

● Lifting and Slamming of dough 20 minutes

● Cooking of dough 5-10 seconds

● Packing 5 minute

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

3. Labor and Machines Requirement per Step

Table 1

Labor and Machine Requirement per Step of Malunggay Wrapper

Step Labor Tools and Requirement

Removing the leaf from the Production Crew 1 mixing bowl , strainer

Mixing the wet and dry Production Crew 1 Measuring spoon ,

Ingredients Measuring cups

Mix into Stand mixer Production Crew 1 Stand mixer

Lifting and Slamming of Production Crew 2 Metal table


Cooking of dough Production Crew 2 and Metal Plate , round stove ,

Crew 3 oil (for greasing)

Packing of wrapper Production Crew 1 Plastic Seal Pouch

Table 1 shows the required labor, machinery and equipment in a step by step process

C. Production Schedule

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

● Daily Production: 4:00 am - 12:00 pm

● Weekly Production: Monday to Saturday

● Monthly Schedule

Table 2

Monthly Production Schedule of Malunggay Wrapper

Month Volume Quantity Unit Cost Cost

(Pack) (per packs)

JANUARY 4,746 10 P4.00 P18,984

FEBRUARY 4,747 10 P4.00 P18,988

MARCH 4,747 10 P4.00 P18,988

APRIL 4,747 10 P4.00 P18,988

MAY 4,747 10 P4.00 P18,988

JUNE 4,747 10 P4.00 P18,988

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

JULY 4,747 10 P4.00 P18,988

AUGUST 4,747 10 P4.00 P18,988

SEPTEMBER 4,747 10 P4.00 P18,988

OCTOBER 4,747 10 P4.00 P18,988

NOVEMBER 4,747 10 P4.00 P18,988

DECEMBER 4,747 10 P4.00 P18,988

TOTAL 56,963 P227,852

Table 2 shows the monthly production of Malunggay Wrapper from January to

4,476 packs produce and February to December is 4,747 packs with the total of P227

852.00 unit cost.

D. Labor Requirement

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

Table 3

Labor per Output of Workers of Malunggay Wrapper

Labor Labor Per Day / Month

Production Crew 1 200 Pesos - Per Day

(Mixing all the Ingredients , Packing of 5,200 Pesos in 26 days

Monday Day off

Production Crew 2 200 Pesos - Per Day

(Lifting and Slamming of Dough , Cook of 5,200 Pesos in 26 days

Malunggay Wrapper)
Wednesday Day off

Production Crew 3 200 Pesos - Per Day

(Cook of Malunggay Wrapper) 5,200 Pesos in 26 days

Friday Day Off

The Labor Availability table shows where Crew 1 will be the Mixer of all the

ingredients and packing of wrappers, Crew 2 and Crew 3 will be the cook of Malunggay

Wrapper. They will be paid 200 pesos per day, 5,200 pesos per month. They have 1 day

off, per week. Crew 1's day off will be Monday and his task will be assigned to crew 2.

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

Crew 2’s task will be assigned to crew 1 during Wednesday and on Friday Crew 3 task

will be assigned to crew 2 during their day off.

Despite its small nature, the business being in the start-up stage will recognize its

responsibility. To achieve productive control choice will also be based on the

experience, training, moral character and age as these points will surely affect the

course of business.

E. Machinery/Equipment Requirement

Table 4

Machinery/Equipment Requirement of Malunggay Wrapper

Machinery/Equipment Quantity Unit Price Total Cost

Measuring Spoon 1 P40.00 P40.00

Measuring Cups 1 P50.00 P50.00

Mixing Bowl (set) 1 P200.00 P200.00

Stainless Steel Colander 1 P70.00 P100.00

Stand Mixer 1 P6 000.00 P6 000.00

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

Juicer 1 P1 000.00 P2 000.00

Round Gas Stove (2 1 P10 000.00 P10 000.00


Stainless steel 1 P8,000.00 P8,000.00

Preparation Table
(150cm x 60cm x 80cm)

Round Metal Plate 2 P2000.00 P4000.00

Chiller 1 P6000.00 P6000.00

TOTAL P33,360.00 P35,360

Table 7 shows the machinery/equipment requirement in making malunggay

wrapper. The quality of cooking equipment that we choose to use is as outstanding as

the tools themselves when it comes to work and food quality. Even it is a cheap value.

The necessary equipment to make Malunggay Wrapper are: Round Large Metal Plate,

Round Gas Burner, Juice Extractor, Stand Mixer, Measuring Spoon and cups.

F. Raw Materials Requirements

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

Table 5

Raw Materials Requirements of Malunggay Wrapper

Raw Materials Required Unit Cost Total Cost Annual Cost

Flour (3rd class) 10kl P25.00 P250.00 P3000.00


Flour (3rd Class) 10kl P25.00 P250.00 P3000.00


Rock Salt 1kl P15.00 P15.00 P180.00

Vegetable Oil 1Bottle P30.00 P30.00 P360.00

Water 21 Liters

Malunggay 1kl P5.00 P5.00 P1560.00

Total P100.00 P550.00 P8,100.00

Table 8 shows the raw materials or ingredients needed to make malunggay

wrapper. It states the quantity required ingredients, unit cost and the total cost.

The raw materials or ingredients to be used for the production of making Malunggay

Wrapper are the following:

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

Premium Flour - it has a high protein wheat lends itself to production of dough strength

with great extensibility.

Soft Flour - it has less protein and moisture than premium flour which contributes to the

lighter of its produce.

Rock Salt - is a mineral composed of sodium, chloride, a chemical compound belonging

to the larger class.

Vegetable Oil - oil extracted from seeds or from other parts of fruits.

Water - an inorganic transparent, taste less, odorless and nearly colorless and the main

constituent of earth's hydrosphere and the fluids of all known living organisms.

Malunggay - a popular plant known for high nutritional value as well as an herbal


Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

G. Plant / Factory Location

Figure 2

Plant / Factory location of Malunggay Wrapper

This Map shows the San Pablo Public Market where the malunggay wrapper

factory is located. It is located in Brgy. VII-E San Pablo City, Laguna market place stall

number 20.

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla


Figure 3

Plant Layout of Malunggay Wrapper

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

Figure 3 shows the plant layout is tactically designed to support the smooth

process of the proposed business (Malunggay Wrapper). The display area is a place

where the entire finished product is ready to display. There would be a business office

area which would cater to business related transactions. The production area where the

malunggay wrapper will be made by the crew and there will be a proper disposal area,

waiting area and fire exit in case of emergency.

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

I. Garbage Disposal

Project aims to maximize the usage of bio and non-biodegradable to minimize the

wastage of garbage. We will provide garbage bins in the work place and it is indicated

bio and non-biodegradable to separate the material. As time goes by, wastages to

garbage bins will become plenty. Every 4 am we'll collect the material and discharge to

the garbage truck. Biodegradable will suit for fertilizer usage. It supports the malunggay

to grow in its finest. Fertilizer may sell to other small farmers and by the help of this

project; we'll be able to regain expenses that we made. In conclusion, a lot of factors

may help by this project. It is micro effort to the economy but if we make this together,

this micro effect will become macro effect and by means it will benefits all human-


Garbage areas should be easily cleanable and, where necessary, suitably fly-

proofed and free from animals and pests. Food waste, non-edible by-products and other

refuse should be deposited in appropriately constructed, labeled, closable containers

which are made of impervious material, are leak-proof and are easy to clean and

disinfect. Waste containers should be specifically identifiable by label and be lidded and

should not be moved through different hygiene zones. But if you know how to dispose

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

of it responsibly you can achieve optimal levels of productivity, protect the environment

and comply with all waste disposals.

J. Quality Control System

Quality testing involves each step of the manufacturing process. Employees

often begin with the testing of the product, pull samples from along the manufacturing

line and test the finished product. Process control is an essential element of the quality

management system, and refers to control the activities employed in the handling of

sample and examination processes in order to ensure accurate and reliable testing.

We ensure that all equipment we use is in condition .The malunggay leaves will

be clearly inspected and picked to ensure the quality of the product. Also a well labeled

and packaged product will be present to fully serve the consistency. Small discrepancies,

changes, or errors may cause the finished product to be a health hazard, dangerous, and

costly to us, so keeping track of key control points is critical. When public health or

product identification is at risk, critical control points may be self-imposed or

established by legislation. Prior to this we will hold records in the middle of a procedure

that can be performed manually or automatically.

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

We believe that every food product should have written documentation of the

formula or recipe, which can be used to ensure continuity through batches and even

days of production. For highly sensitive recipes, it is important for us to know the

specifics and a condensed formulation may be used to ensure that the product

information must remain confidential. Lastly, be sure to go over all of the details and

adjust the requirements as required

K. Production Cost

1. Total Production per Year

Table 6

Total Production per year of Malunggay Wrapper

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

Year Unit produced per year Unit Cost Total Production Cost
per Year

2021 56,963 P4.00 P239,852

2022 59,811 P4.00 P239,244

2023 62,802 P4.00 P251,208

2024 65,942 P4.00 P263,768

2025 69,239 P4.00 P276,956

Table 6 shows the total production of Malunggay Wrapper per year. There is

increase in production in the succeeding years due to the increase of production and

expand the target market

2. Production Cost per Unit

Table 7

Production Cost per Unit of Malunggay Wrapper

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

Month Volume (Pack) Quantity Unit Cost Cost

(per packs)

JANUARY 4,746 10 P4.00 P18,984

FEBRUARY 4,747 10 P4.00 P18,988

MARCH 4,747 10 P4.00 P18,988

APRIL 4,747 10 P4.00 P18,988

MAY 4,747 10 P4.00 P18,988

JUNE 4,747 10 P4.00 P18,988

JULY 4,747 10 P4.00 P18,988

AUGUST 4,747 10 P4.00 P18,988

SEPTEMBER 4,747 10 P4.00 P18,988

OCTOBER 4,747 10 P4.00 P18,988

NOVEMBER 4,747 10 P4.00 P18,988

DECEMBER 4,747 10 P4.00 P18,988

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

TOTAL 56,963 P227,852

The table 7 shows the production cost of every unit per month .It shows the

volume packs total is 56,963 and the total cost on its first year is 227,852.00 pesos.


I. Market Study

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

This chapter will help to know the marketing aspect of the business. The

marketing aspect covers the following: General Business Condition, Target Market,

Demand, Projected sale Marketing Strategy and Pricing Strategy.

For the business to prosper, it should be given time and effort. The proponents

of this business must have the desired creativity so as to be able to provide quality

service to its customers. The fulfillment of the needs and wants of its customer or target

market must be the key objective of the recommended business.

A. Product to Sell

Malunggay is one of the leading crops in the country that is a non-seasonal

vegetable that is easy to grow and has an abundant supply in the market. Farmers in this

kind of crop are purchased for penny priced dealing, for wholesalers primarily prefer to

buy other vegetables commonly sold in the market. Therefore Malunggay is at the

bottom of their list.

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

As experienced in recent years, demand for the Lumpia wrapper industry is

continually increasing due to many people love to eat lumpia , lumpiang gulay , pancit

wrap and other dishes that you can use in the lumpia wrapper. The trend of health and

wellness shifts the demand to go upward because a lot of people choose to go healthy


In general our group wants to introduce ‘’ Malunggay Wrapper’’ in the market.

We as the proponents envisioned putting up a store highlighting Malunggay in our

product. The proposed product aimed to offer a healthier twist of a popular Lumpia

wrapper. To promote our tagline, ‘’Eat healthy, live better’’. As we experience today

with the outbreak of covid 19 more people wanted to protect their health as they

believed that is the most important thing to do. One of the healthiest leafy vegetables is

malunggay and it is one of the cheapest. Enjoying food without even noticing that it

contains healthy ingredients is way out of the top.

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

B. Target Market

1. Area Coverage

The feasibility study of Malunngay Wrapper will be located at the Brgy VII-E San

Pablo City, Laguna Marketplace. The chosen location enables the business to conduct its

operation, well exposed to its target market since it is situated near a wide range of

residential areas, different institutions, banks, churches, offices, hospitals and seller of

wrapper in the market place.

San Pablo city market is the main area that we will deliver our product. The

proponents will supply them according to their order. We will become the distributor of

selling wrapper in the market.

2. Consumers/Customer

Product that has a less healthy nutritional content, over the conventional foods

that are said to be “good for our health" that are available in the market. Promoting a

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

healthy and convenient way of eating by introducing this new product that the

consumers do not taste already. We are very sure that our product is healthy and

affordable to the customer in the target market and we can also prove that our product

is better than those offered by competitors. We make this product proposal for the

purpose that we want to serve our valued customers in a new product that we give

them healthy food that will be enjoyed not only for adults, but also for the young ones.

Consumers are rapidly turning to herbal products for their health, so it's easier for them

to buy Malunggay wrapper than buying ordinary wrapper. We want our customers to

buy our product, but we can stand a better chance of making those sales and gaining

customer trust. We’re not tending to have one-time-customers but to have a frequent,

long standing customer.

C. Demand and Supply Analysis

1. Total Potential Demand

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

Total Potential Demand for Malunggay Wrapper is 69,047 populations in San

Pablo city Laguna market. The proponents used a random sampling method in order to

identify the total potential demand. Based on our survey conducted most of the

respondents our Satisfied in Malunggay Wrapper that is much healthier than the usual

wrapper you will get in the market.

Description of the Respondents

The respondents of the study were the residents of the city proper of San Pablo City.
The study employed simple random sampling techniques for it draw a sample where in
each sampling unit was equal chance being take.

Samples of the Study (Population & Sampling)

Total Population Total Sample

City Proper of San Pablo 69,047 398

Population & Sampling

The number of population and sample used in our study. There were total
populations of 69,047 for eight barangays in the city proper of San Pablo City and by
using the Slovin’s Formula, a total sample of 398 was obtained.

Sample Respondents size is computed as follows:

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

1+ N e 2

Where n= sample size

N= Total Population of 2021

1= Constant

e = Margin of Error (5%)


n= 2
1+ N e
69,047 69,047
n= n=
1+[69,047(0.05)2 ¿ ] 1+ 172.62

69,047 69,047
n= n=
1+[69,047(0.0025)¿] 173.61

n= 398

Data Interpretation

From the given data we arrive at 39

398 respondents out of 69,047 households in
San Pablo City.
From the 97% of respondents who wants to buy the Malunggay Wrapper.
Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

2. Present Supplier/Competition

In this business we are the manufacturer of Malunggay Wrapper. For the raw

materials needed to make malunggay wrapper the supplier of our raw materials will be

the Arck Trading in San Pablo city.

The present business who offers wrappers and spring rolls can be considered as

competitors of Malunggay Wrapper. In every business there are always competitors.

Business exists in a competitive environment. With regards to our consideration about

our competitors, we consider small markets and other manufacturers of the normal

wrapper will be the competitors. They can be really noteworthy about their profit and

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

customer satisfaction but not into making community health wise. The fact that the

value of its wrapper is affordable yet it consists only of a few nutrients that our body

needs is somewhat deceiving for their customers or for their future customers.

A. Age of the Respondents

20-22 years old 22-24 years old 26-28 year old




Figure 4 : Age of the Respondents

The result shows that 80% of the respondents ages 20-22 years old , 15% are 22-

24 years old and only 5% ages from 26-28 years old. This means that most of the

respondents are teenagers.

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

B. Gender

Figure 5: Gender

The result shows that 67.6% of the respondents are female and 32.4% are male.

The majority of the respondents are female.

C. Do you eat Vegetable?

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

Figure 6: Do you eat Vegetable?

The result shows that among 100 respondents 97.1% eat vegetables and only 3%

doesn't eat. This means served as one of a great factor that our product will be feasible

in the market.

D. How often do you buy lupia wrapper?

1-7 times 8-15 times 16-23 times 24-31 times 32-39 times

5% 10%



Figure 7: How often do you buy lupia wrapper?

It shows that 40% of the respondents buy lumpia wrapper16-23 times in a

month, while 30% buy 24-31 times and the least is 5% that buy 32-29 times.

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

E. Do you like lumpia?

Figure 8: Do you like lumpia?

Among 100 respondents it seems that all of them eat lumpia. It takes a lot of

opportunity to sell lumpia wrapper in the market.

G. How do you find Malunggay Wrapper as an alternative for our Conventional

Lumpia Wrapper?

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

Figure 9: How do you find Malunggay Wrapper as an alternative for our

Conventional Lumpia Wrapper?

It shows that 50% of the respondents are very satisfying, while 43.1% are

satisfying and almost 6% are average.

G. How much are you willing to pay for the Malunggay Wrapper?

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

Figure 10: How much are you willing to pay for the Malunggay Wrapper?

The result shows that 81.4% are willing to pay for only 8-10 pesos , while 18.6%

are 15-20 pesos.

I. What variety of Malunggay Wrapper is your Favorite?

Figure 11: What variety of Malunggay Wrapper is your Favorite?

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

The result shows that 46.1 % among 100 respondents prefer to eat lumpiang

shanghai, while 42.2% are lumpiang gulay and 11.8% are lumpiang sariwa .

A. Projected Sale

1. Projected Sale per Month

Table 8

Projected Sales of Malunggay Wrapper per month


January Malunggay Wrapper P47,460

February Malunggay Wrapper P47,470

March Malunggay Wrapper P47,470

April Malunggay Wrapper P47,470

May Malunggay Wrapper P47,470

June Malunggay Wrapper P47,470

July Malunggay Wrapper P47,470

August Malunggay Wrapper P47,470

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

September Malunggay Wrapper P47,470

October Malunggay Wrapper P47,470

November Malunggay Wrapper P47,470

December Malunggay Wrapper P47,470

TOTAL P569,630.00

The table 8 shows the production sale per month and its total of Five hundred

sixty nine thousand, six hundred thirty pesos (P569, 630.00) represents the production

sales per year.

2. Projected Sales in Volume and in Peso

Table 9

Projected Sales in Volume and in Peso of Lumpia Wrapper

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla



January 4,746 P10.00 P47,460

February 4,747 P10.00 P47,470

March 4,747 P10.00 P47,470

April 4,747 P10.00 P47,470

May 4,747 P10.00 P47,470

June 4,747 P10.00 P47,470

July 4,747 P10.00 P47,470

August 4,747 P10.00 P47,470

September 4,747 P10.00 P47,470

October 4,747 P10.00 P47,470

November 4,747 P10.00 P47,470

December 4,747 P10.00 P47,470

TOTAL 56,963 P569,630.00

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

Table 9 shows the projected sale in volume which is Fifty six thousand nine

hundred sixty three with the Total sale in peso of Five hundred sixty nine thousand, six

hundred thirty pesos (P569, 630.00)

E. Marketing Program/Strategies

1. Practice of Competitors

Businesses exist in a competitive environment. Competition typical wrappers are

commonly offered by other factories. They are really noteworthy about their profit

customer satisfaction, but not into making the community health wise. Some consumers

today are aware of their health but some are not especially kids nowadays that most of

them are not into eating vegetables. Seeing our competitors in this business they are

lacking the health benefits of their product, social media advertisement, giving flyers to

their target market and even posting some tarpaulins in their business maybe there very

complacent of their product. But now that we are all suffering for pandemics most of

the people want to live healthy. These are firms that produce the same or very similar

goods. However, our product is different in some way because it has a Malunggay which

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

is the main ingredient in our product and one of the very healthy leaves in the

Philippines and has a lot of nutrients that you can get.

2. Own Marketing Program/Strategies

Promotional activities may be done in many creative ways where limited costs

could produce substantial outputs in terms of increase in sales. The strategies of the

enterprise to penetrate the target market share are word of mouth, storytelling to the

consumers, and exposure via digital marketing such as social media marketing, flyers

and tarpaulins. This business plan executes a broader marketing strategy not simply to

build name recognition and awareness but also to build deeper relationships with the

target customers whom they believe will help to promote our product to reach the

target customer.

F. Marketing/Selling Expenses

Table 10

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

Marketing / Selling Expense

Strategy Cost

Social Media Advertisement P1,000.00

Tarpaulin P400.00

Flyers P400.00

TOTAL P1,800.00

The table shows the marketing and selling expenses of the enterprise for the first

year of the business operation. The proponents will allocate the amount of One

thousand eight hundred pesos (P1800.00) for its marketing and selling cost. This amount

is expected to cover the project's expenses for the promotional materials and sample


Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla




Malunggay Wrapper, guided by the Filipino culture and traditions will promote a

healthier version of wrapper and to be the distributor in the market. We will be a living

proof that caring, integrity; hard work and innovation at all levels create success.


Our mission is to provide the highest quality Malunggay wrapper and the best

possible services to the food industry to be able to become a well-known product


This chapter tackles the entire organization arrangement of the business. The

management aspects suggest a clear and precise identification of duties and

responsibilities, flow of authority and manpower level requirement. This contains the

organizational chart and the qualification of the people involved in the formation of the

business organization structure. To attain this, management must be able to plan all

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

activities, for the company to become dynamic and competitive business over and done

with human resource, financial capability and new technologies. Form of Ownership The

proposed business is composed of five partners where in the type of business ownership

will be a partnership; in which partners pool money, skills, and other resources and

share profit and loss in accordance with the terms of the partnership agreement. In the

absence of such agreement, a partnership is assumed to exist where the participants in

an enterprise agree to share the associated risk rewards proportionately,

complementary skills and additional contacts of each pattern can lead to the

achievement of greater financial results together than would be possible apart. Mutual

support and motivation are needed for the business to last longer.

A. Legal Form of Business

The members will form a partnership and they will be classified as a capitalist.

Every member will be contributing their money and their expertise as we establish this

business. As agreed, every partner now will be liable or entitled for either loss or profit

in the business, in equal shares. As a partnership, the business must be registered with

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

the Securities and Exchange Commission, before we can apply for the Mayor's Permit in

the Municipality of San Pablo City, Laguna.

Partners of the business will be in charge of the overall management in terms of

financial, production and marketing aspects of the business.

B. Organizational Structure

Figure12. Organizational Structure

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla




Figure 12 shows that the supervisor is responsible for all the action and decisions

of the company. He/she makes sure that the rules, guidelines and procedures will be

executed correctly. He/she observes and considers employees and the company in

making decisions in engaging future problems.

Production 1 will be assigned to removing the leaf from the stem using a mixing bowl

and strainer, mixing the dry ingredients and packing of wrappers using the tools that are

needed. Production 2 will be responsible for lifting and slamming of dough. Cooking of

dough will be assigned to Production 2 and 3.

C. Qualification of Officers

Table 11

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

Qualification of Officer of Malunggay Wrapper


● Supervisor ❖ Male/ Female

❖ 25 years old and above

❖ With 2 years of experience of supervising a business

❖ Communicating and management skills

❖ Good leadership and trustworthy

❖ Flexible in time

● Worker 1 , 2 and 3 ❖ Male

❖ 18 years old and above

❖ Physically Fit

❖ Communication Skills

❖ Flexible in time, can work daytime or night time

❖ Strong reading and math skills

❖ Knows how to operate machineries and use of equipment

The table 11 shows the qualification of supervisor and workers needed in the


Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

D. Office Equipment

Table 12


Office Table 1 P1100.00

Chair 3 P480.00

Ceiling Fan 3 P4200.00

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

TOTAL P5,780.00

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

E. Gantt Chart Activities

● Charting activities against time

Pre-Operational Activities
Feb March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.

Creation of
Activities of
Working for
Distribution of
flyers to
promote the
Hiring of
Training of
hired workers
Suppliers and
Start of
The figure shows the pre-operational activities of the business Malunggay

Wrapper from Feasibility Study preparation until the start of business operation.

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla


This chapter discusses the financial aspects of the study. In order for a business

plan to understand it needs money to start. To determine whether the future industry

will remain profitable through the existence of competitors and unfavorable economic


This chapter includes the source of funds balance sheet, income statement, cost

of goods and cost of sales.

Financial Plan

A. Permit and Licenses

Permit and Licenses

  2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

Mayors Permit 500 510 520 530 540

Business Tax 2,000 2,040 2,080 2,122 2,164

Barangay Clearance 100 110 120 130 140

Sanitary Permit 90 90 90 90 90

BIR 500 510 520 530 540

Occupational Permit 200 200 200 200 200

Business Plate 200 200 200 200 200

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

Fire Safety Inspection 200 200 200 200 200

Fire Extinguishers 1,000 1,020 1,030 1,040 1,050

Garbage Fee 200 204 208 212 216

Miscellaneous Expense 1,000 1,120 1,130 1,140 1,150

Health Fee 90 90 90 90 90

SEC Registration 2120 2162 2207 2,251 2296

Total P8200 P8456 P8595 P8735 P8876

Table 14: Permit and Licenses

B. Sources of Financing

Source of Financing of Malunggay Wrapper

Partners Contribution

Angeles , Capital 25,000.00

Ilagan , Capital 25,000.00

Luciano , Capital 25,000.00

Manalo , Capital 25,000.00

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

Perez , Capital 25,000.00

TOTAL P125,000.00

Table 15: Sources of Financing

The table shows the equal contribution of each partner.

C. Cost and Expense


Malunggay Wrapper

ITEM Cost 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

Premium Flour P1200 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,280 14,280

Soft Flour P1200 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,280 14,280

Rock Salt P15.00 540 540 540 550 550

Vegetable Oil P30.00 9,360 9,360 9,360 9,547 9,547

Water - - - - - -

Malunggay P5.00 1560 1591 1623 1655 1688

Total 2,450 39,460 39,491 39,523 40,312 40,312

Table 16: Cost and Expense

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

Malunggay Wrapper

Statement of Cost of Goods Sold

 Direct Materials 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

Beginning Inventory 1,000 1,200 1,500 1,800

Purchases of Raw Materials 39,460 39,491 39,523 40,312 40,312

Less : Raw Materials End 1,000 1,200 1,500 1,800 2,000

Direct Materials
Used In Production 38,460 39,291 39,223 40,012 40,112

Direct Labor 187,200 190,944 194,760 198,654 202,626

Cost Of Goods Sold 225,660 230,235 233,983 238,666 242,738

Table 17: Statement of Cost Goods Sold

  Furniture and Fixture


Display Rack 2 P6000.00 P600.00
Kitchen Table 1 P1500.00 P150.00
TOTAL   P7,500.00 P750.00
Table 18: Furniture and Fixture

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

  Office Supplies  

Calculator 1 P250.00
Record Book 3 P110.00
Ball pens 5 P15.00
TOTAL   P375.00
Increase by 2%

Table 19: Office Supplies



Water 400 P4,800.00

Electricity 1000 P12,000.00
LPG 600 P7200.00
TOTAL 24,000
Table 20: Utilities Expense

  Rent Expense  

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla


Rent P5,000.00 P60,000.00

TOTAL P5,000.00 P60,000.00
Table 21: Rent Expense

Malunggay Wrapper


  2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

Angeles , John Lawrence 25,000        

Ilagan , Alqueen 25,000        

Luciano , Mary Blanca 25,000        

Perez , Mark Ivan 25,000        

Manalo , Kathleen 25,000        

Total 125,000        

Beginning Equity 125,000 326,821 552,000 803,410 1,081,160

Add Net Profit 201,821 225,179 251,410 277,750 306,257

Total Equity 326,821 552,000 803,410 1,081,160 1,387,417

Table 22: Statement of Change in Equity

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

Advertising Expense

Items 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

Flyers P1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

Social Media boost P400 400 400 400 400

Tarpaulin P400 400 - - -

Total P1,800 1,800 1,400 1,400 1,400

Table 23: Advertising Expense

Salaries Expense

Manpower 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

Production Staff 1 62,400 63,648 64,920 66,218 67,542

Production Staff 2 62,400 63,648 64,920 66,218 67,542

Production Staff 3 62,400 63,648 64,920 66,218 67,542

TOTAL 187,200 190,944 194,760 198,654 202,626

Table 24: Salaries Expense

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla


Employee 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

Production Staff 1 7,800 7,878 7,956 8,035 8,115

Production Staff 2 7,800 7,878 7,956 8,035 8,115

Production Staff 3 7,800 7,878 7,956 8,035 8,115

TOTAL 23,400 23,634 23,868 24,105 24,345

Table 25: SSS Contribution


Employee 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

Production Staff 1 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,200

Production Staff 2 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,200

Production Staff 3 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,200

TOTAL 12,600 12,600 12,600 12,600 12,600

Table 26: Philhealth Contribution


Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

Employee 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

Production Staff 1 2,496 2,496 2,496 2,496 2,496

Production Staff 2 2,496 2,496 2,496 2,496 2,496

Production Staff 3 2,496 2,496 2,496 2,496 2,496

TOTAL 7,488 7488 7488 7488 7488

Table 27: Pag-ibig Contribution

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

C. Financial Statement

1. Projected Statement of Cash flow



  2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

Operating Activities          

Cash Receipts 569,630 598,110 628,020 659,420 692,390

Decrease in Accounts Receivable   20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000

Increase in Accounts Receivable 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000

Payment for Suppliers 39,460 39,491 39,523 40,312 40,312

Payment for Permits & Licenses 8200 8456 8595 8735 8876

Payment for Advertising Expenses 1,800 1,800 1,400 1,400 1,400

Payment for Office Supplies Expenses 375 382 390 390 400

Payment for Rent Expenses 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000

Payment for Salaries Expenses 187,200 190,944 194,760 198,654 202,626

Payment for Benefits Expenses 43,488 43,772 43,956 44,193 44,433

Payment for Utilities Expenses 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000

Net Cash for Operating Activities 185,107 224,265 250,396 276,736 305,343

Investing Activities        

Payment for Purchase of Machinery 35,360 -  -  - -

Payment for Purchase for Furniture and

Fixture 7,500 -  - - -

Net Cash for Investing Activities 142,247        

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla


Financing Activities          

Cash Receive from the owners 125,000        

Net Cash For Financing Activities        

Cash From the Beginning of the Period   267,247 491,512 741,908 4

1,018,64 1,323,98
Cash Balance at the End of the Period 267,247 491,512 741,908 4 7

Table 28: Statement of Cashflow

2. Projected Income Statement


YEAR 2021-2025


  2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

Sales 569,630 598,110 628,020 659,420 692,390

Less : Cost of Goods Sold 225,660 230,235 233,983 238,666 242,738

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

Gross Profit 343,970 367,875 394,037 420,754 449,652

Less: Operating Expense

Permits & Licenses 8200 8456 8595 8735 8876

Advertising Expenses 1,800 1,800 1,400 1,400 1,400

Office Supplies Expenses 375 382 390 390 400

Rent Expenses 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000

Benefits Expenses 43,488 43,772 43,956 44,193 44,433

Utilities Expenses 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000

Depreciation Expenses 4286 4286 4286 4286 4286

Total Operating Expense 142,149 142,696 142,627 143,004 143,395

Net Income 201,821 225,179 251,410 277,750 306,257

Table 29: Income Statement

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

3. Projected Balance Sheet




Current Assets 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

Cash 267,247 491,512 741,908 1,018,644 1,323,987

Accounts Receivable 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000

Raw Materials Inventory 1,000 1,200 1,500 1,800 2,000

Total Current Assets 288,247 517,712 773,408 1,055,444 1,365,987


Non-Current Asset          

Equipment 35,360 35,360 35,360 35,360 35,360

Less Accumulated Depreciation 3536 7,072 10,608 14,144 17,680

  31,824 28,288 24,752 21,216 17,680

Furniture and Fixture 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500

Less Accumulated Depreciation 750 1,500 2,250 3,000 3,750

  6750 6000 5250 4500 3,750


Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

Total Non-Current Asset 38,574 34,288 30,002 25,716 21,430


Total Asset 326,821 552,000 803,410 1,081,160 1,387,417


Owners’ Equity          

Malunggay Wrap , Ending Equity 326,821 552,000 803,410 1,081,160 1,387,417

Table 30: Balance Sheet

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

D. Profitability Indices



  2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

201,821 225,179 251,410 277,750 306,257

Profit Margin 569,630 598,110 628,020 659,420 692,390

35% 38% 40% 42% 44%

201,821 225,179 251,410 277,750 306,257

Return on Investment 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000

1.6% 1.8% 2% 2.2% 2.6%

201,821 225,179 251,410 277,750 306,257

Return on Asset 326,821 552,000 803,410 1,081,160 1,387,417

61% 41% 31% 26% 22%

201,821 225,179 251,410 277,750 306,257

Return on Equity 326,821 552,000 803,410 1,081,160 1,387,417

61% 41% 31% 26% 22%

201,821 225,179 251,410 277,750 306,257

Sales Ratio 569,630 598,110 628,020 659,420 692,390

35% 38% 40% 42% 44%

Table 31: Financial Ratio

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

Table 31 Shows the Financial Ratio of Malunggay Wrap Food Manufacturing.

1. Payback Period

In order to arrive at Return on Investment the Formula to be use is:

Payback Period = Initial Investment

Net cash flow

The payback period of Malunggay Wrap Food Manufacturing is 0.87 months or

approximately 10 months.

2. Net Income: Sales Ratio

In order to arrive at Return on Investment the formula to be use is:

Sales Ration = Net Income


Table 32

Year Percentage

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla


Table 32 shows the Net Income to Sales ratio of the Malunggay Wrap Food Manufacturing

for 5 years of operation.

3. Break-even Point

In order to arrive at Break –even point the formula to be use is:

Break-even Point = Fixed Cost

Contribution Margin per Unit

Table 33

Year Unit Sales in peso

2021 56,963 569,630

2022 59,811 598,110

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

2023 62,802 628,020

2024 65,942 659,420

2025 69,239 692,390

Table 18 shows the unit to be sold and the sale in volume of Malunggay Wrap

Manufacturing to meet its Break-even point.

4. Projected Sales volume

Table 34

Year Sales in Units Selling Price Projected Sale in Peso

2021 56,963 P10.00 P569,630

2022 59,811 P10.00 P598,110

2023 62,802 P10.00 P628,020

2024 65,942 P10.00 P659,420

2025 69,239 P10.00 P692,390

E. List of Assumptions Used

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

The proponents will use social media to recognize the new product awareness and to

increasing the sales of product start on small branch up to huge. On the second year of

operation the business produce almost 100 packs of wrapper and it is manufactured on

different branch who sell lumpia wrapper. On the third year of operation the proponents

decided to add workers as part of increasing sales of the business. As time goes by the business

growth by supplying different branch in San Pablo City Laguna. On the fourth year of operation

the proponents will plan to supply the product in other places. In the fifth year of operation the

product will be shipped in Batangas. On the sixth year of operation this will be the luckiest year

the business produce almost hundreds wrapper a day and it is supplying for the whole country

and will try to export the products.

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla


I. Socio Economic Impact of the Project

The proposed project aims to help our localities and farmers of the country and to give

healthy lifestyle to the people. Nowadays it is important that small entrepreneurs should realize

the worth innovating and starting a business that would largely contribute to the socio-

economic development of the country.

In the certain project, the proponents consider the whole part of the business especially

the social impact in the community.


Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

Figure 13: Socio economic Impact of the Project

Contribution to Income and Employment

The main goal of a certain Business is to have high income especially in the part of the

owner. The business should generate pleasant relationship between the manager and

employees to attain the main goal of the business which is to have an income and to promote

healthy lifestyle. For workers and employees in the business it will serve as income to support

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

their own needs and also for their service rendered in the business. It will also be their

opportunity of having another source of income.

Tax Contribution

The business is expected to give a great contribution to the government in the form of taxes.

The taxes payment from the business would help the localities as well as the economy in its

future project. This would help the people to become more sprightly.

I. Related Studies

Malunggay is rich in nutrients and vitamins that its image is used as the official logo of the

Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) of the Department of Science and Technology. Due

to its high vitamins A, C, and E, which are very potent antioxidants, malunggay is a very good

quencher of unstable free radicals that can react with and damage molecules that cause aging

(Marrero, 2012)

Antioxidants reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. They also prevent the

onset of various chronic diseases like arthritis, cancer, and heart and kidney diseases (Tacio,


Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

The astringent properties of the plant help to dry out infections and wounds and have

proven to be effective with killing germs, leaving skin cleaner and clearer (Mendez,2002)

When you are in the sun, your body receives most of its vitamin D intake through your

skin. Therefore, using a soap filled with the power of Moringa can help treat your skin issues

and help with your overall wellness (Marero, 2014).

Ancient literature of many cultures is filled with thousands of herbs and plants that have

tremendous medicinal properties. One plant is considered to be so packed full of health

promoting and disease-fighting properties that it is sometimes called “Miracle Tree” or “Tree of

life”. The plant that we’re talking about here is called the Moringa plant. It’s native to the sub-

Himalayan regions of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan and has long been used in

Asian traditional herbal for its countless health benefits especially for skin diseases (Facing

AcneArticles Worldwide, 2007)

II. SWOT Analysis

The analysis of strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that will make the business

survive its internal and external environment strategic in its planning process is the life and

success of the company.


Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

 Product completely innovative.  Many competitors

 Quality of the product  Uncertain about many Challenges

 Outstanding customer service  Conservation

 Very affordable  Lack of attraction features for foreign

 Localize taste investors.


 Health conscious trend  Competitors is located nearby

 Cheaper product range  Price of competitors

 Online marketing  Appearance of competitors in a short

 Loyal returning customer time

 Innovation of a healthy product  Similar concept or service

Table 35: SWOT


Just like any other businesses product quality and innovation is very important. So, this

business created a wholesome product which everyone will love. “Eat Healthy, Live Better” this

campaign enables the business to show that having a healthy habit can make your life better.

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

This is eating a healthy food at the same time with affordable price. They encourage each and

every one to consume and support a localize product, be healthy yet satisfied taste.


There will always be a competition in every business and may face certain challenges in

dealing with the market. Also, the conservation of the resources may occur when producing

this kind of product. Foreign investors may not be able to be attracted because some

companies are selling some similar products.


Every Filipino’s love to enjoy their food and with this situation of ours they are conscious

about their health. As online marketers are rising, they include selling it online and make a

unique characteristic of advertising it includes a cheaper price yet innovative healthy product

that everyone will love to avail.


Threats will always be by any businesses fear which competing must be put first to survive.

Some concepts will be similar to them and price may be cheaper. Another threat is that they may be

more innovative than the products they offer considering healthy food trends are in demand today.

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla




After bearing in mind the significant factors in this study that we conducted such factors like

marketing, financial, management and socio-economic study. It is therefore recommended that

MALUNGGAY WRAPPER will be purchased and the business establishes at Brgy. VII-E San Pablo

City, Laguna market place stall number 20.


Based on the research and study that we conducted, we therefore conclude that our business

is feasible and viable in the market.

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla


Pharmeasy. (n.d.). Moringa Leaves-16 Health Benefits That You Should Know.

Jaiswal D, et al Effect of Moringa oleifera Lam. leaves aqueous extract therapy on

hyperglycemic rats . J Ethnopharmacol. (2009)

Arnarson, BSC, PHD, Atli. (2018, May 4). 6 Science-Based Health Benefits Of Moringa Oleifera.



Shih MC, et al Effect of Different Parts (Leaf, Stem and Stalk) and Seasons (Summer and Winter)

on the Chemical Compositions and Antioxidant Activity of Moringa oleifera . Int J Mol Sci.


Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

Palada M.C.. (2017). The Moringa Industry In The Philippines: Status Challenges And

Opportunities. International Society For Horticultural Science.

Medical Health Guide. (n.d.) Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) Herbal Medicine.

Valerio and M.P. Peren.:Marketability of Products of the DSAC Food Processing Center Book,

Volume 11 Numbers 1 & 2, January –December ,1997.p. 87-102.

Book Begum, Raheena; A Textbook of Foods, Nutrition & Dietetics. Green Park Extension, New

Delhi, Sterling Publishers, 1991, Chapter 11: p. 105-109; Chapter 22: p. 150-156

Canlas, Elsie and Felicitas A. Quilondrino: New World of Food Processing; 2 nd Edition ,Wizzard

Publishing House, San Sebastion , Tarlac City , 2014.

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

Sethi N, et al Abortifacient activity of a medicinal plant "moringa oleifera" in rats . Anc Sci Life.


Thurber MD, Fahey JW Adoption of Moringa oleifera to combat under-nutrition viewed through

the lens of the "Diffusion of innovations" theory . Ecol Food Nutr. (2009)


[1] country/yam


Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla





Appendix A

Survey Questionnaire

Utilization of Malunggay in Lumpia Wrapper

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

Hello, Good day! We are 3rd year college Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major
in HRDM student researchers from Dalubhasaan ng Lungsod ng San Pablo, we are encouraging
you to answer this questionnaire that aims to determine the impact of Utilization of Malunggay
in Lumpia Wrapper

Your participation in this study is a big help not only for us but also for future researchers. Rest
assured that your data, opinions and preferences will be fully considered and will be held

Thank you for your time and effort!






1. Do you eat Vegetable?

o Yes

o No

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

2. Do you often eat Vegetable?

o Everyday

o Occasionally

o Often

o Very Often

3. Do you like to eat Lumpia?

o Yes

o No

4. Do you often buy Lumpia Wrapper?

o 1-7 times

o 8-15 times

o 16-23

o 24-31

o 32-39

Laguna Northwestern College

Student: Ella May M. Umali Semester: Third Semester

Course: Masters in Business Administration Professor: Dr. Entilla

5. How do you find Malunggay Wrapper as an alternative for our Conventional Lumpia


o Very Satisfied

o Satisfying

o Average

6. How much are you willing to pay for the Malunggay Wrapper?

o PHP 8-10 (Per tanda)

o PHP 15-20 (Per tanda)

6. What variety of Malunggay Wrapper is your Favorite?

o Lumpiang Gulay

o Lumpiang Shanghai

o Pancit Wrap

o Lumpiang Sariwa


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