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2.1 Why do some people have good memories while others don't?
Tại sao nhiều người có trí nhớ tốt, còn nhiều người thì không?
It sounds funny but I think some people are born out of mind while others have
great memories. because memory skills are part of a talent or related to each
person's genes. However, I believe that people can remember things easier and
longer if they enhance their memory every day by learning and practicing some
brain exercises.

2.2 Why do so many people rely on mobile phones to remember

everything? Tại sao nhiều người lại ghi nhớ mọi thứ bằng cách ghi vào
điện thoại?
I think this is because they don't have a good memory so it's always more
convenient to have a smart device that can help remind them of what they need
to do in addition to trying to remember everything themselves. For example,
there are so many reminder apps on your phone that you can set a time on and
the alarm will turn off.

2.3 Are you good at remembering things? Bạn có trí nhớ tốt không?
No, I have to say I have a terrible memory. I'm quite forgetful and tend to depend
on others or reminder apps and other reminder tips to help me remember things.
But the funny thing is that even though I have sticky notes everywhere in the
house, I still forget my car keys several times when I go out.

2.4 Have you ever forgotten something important? Bạn có quên một
vài thứ quan trọng không?
Yes, I do. About a year ago, when I went to school to take the test, I realized that I
didn't have an ID with me. I'm sure every candidate knows how important it is to
confirm their identity to the examiner if they want to take the test. As soon as I
realized I had left the ID at home, luckily, I was able to bring it home in time and
get back to school on time and my exam went very smoothly.
Do you like to read books? Bạn có thích đọc sách không
Yes, I'm definitely a person who likes to read! I believe that books are a way to not
only escape, but also gain more knowledge. Likewise, readers tend to have richer
vocabulary and a higher level of general knowledge, so they tend to have more to
say, and therefore more interesting.
2 Do you read e-books? Bạn có đọc sách điện tử không
I definitely do. I often download my favorite books and copy them to my
smartphone or iPad, and when I'm in the car in other public places, I'll take out my
high-tech devices and start reading right on my phone.
What kind of books do you like to read? Thể loại sách mà bạn thích
I like to read anything in a literary novel. I mean authors like Virginia Woolf, Jane
Austen and Haruki Murakami.
What were your favorite books as a child? quyển sách yêu thích của
trẻ em
I remember loving a book called "My Sister's Keeper." I remember that it was the
story of two sisters, one of whom needed a kidney transplant. Although her sister
was initially apprehensive (scared; anxious) to do so, she eventually donated a
kidney to her sister and saved her.
Have you lent a book to someone else? Bạn có cho ng khác mượn
sách không
I think Sometimes, My friends and I are passionate readers and love to exchange
books with each other. So I often lend my books, mostly English books, to my
friends, and get back some comics to read in my spare time.
Have you borrowed someone else's book? Bạn có mượn sách ngkhac
yes, I have a circle of friends who are nerds! that means I have a habit of
borrowing some comics from my friends to while away during breaks or just to
catch up with everything in the Manga world.
Do you read professional books? Bạn có đọc sách chuyên nghiệp ko
Right now, I'm getting bogged down with work! So I couldn't manage the time
well to read books related to my main field of study, but in the past in my high
school years , I had to say that I was a nerd, and bought books every week to
enhance my expertise.

Part 2
To be honest, I'm not a big fan of books because reading makes me boring. But I
was very interested in a book, its name "How to Influence People". This book is all
about how to make the right decisions and teach me to react to some conflicts. I
mean, I wasn't a perfect person before, I always try to win every debate, be able
to be with friends, be able to be with my siblings as well as my parents. I'm happy
every time I beat them. But after reading this book, I think a lot about my
contradictions in the past, I hurt people by my speeches, I really need a change.
As a result, I have had all the experiences in this book and applied them in my
current life. For example, I just silenced someone shouting at me before I
explained it to them with a beautiful smile. I love this book because it's useful for
my life, it makes me more attractive to the people around me, changing every
argument into peaceful conversations.

Part 3
Do you read a lot of books or do you like to watch TV? Why?

A: I prefer to read books rather than enjoy random shows on television. But that
doesn't mean I hate watching TV. I just feel that reading is a much better habit
than watching TV.  Each book gives us the opportunity to learn something new
and the time spent reading a book is more constructive. I can't say the same thing
to TV. We often watch TV to kill our time and end up scrolling through channels
instead of watching something meaningful.

2: What kind of book is considered to read well in your opinion? Loại

sách nào mà bạn nghĩ đọc sẽ tốt cho bạn

A: I believe that books that are age appropriate for the reader's age and do not
contain any hate speech or offensive material are a good choice. In general, if a
book can grab readers' interest, get them to think, or help them learn something
new then it's a good book. For me, a captivating story and character development
in it are always important indicators to read well. However, I often prefer books
simply because they are educational and based on real events.

3: Do you think people today read like they did in the past? Hiện nay
con người đọc sách có giống ngày xưa không?

A: I believe we always have readers in our society and we still have people who
like to read more than any other activity. However, the way people read in the
past has changed. Now we have digital devices for reading books and the Internet
to download and read any book we like. Today, the younger generation seems to
be more interested in technology than books but as I said, we still have a large
number of readers who use technology to read the books of their favorite writers.
Online platforms also allow us to express ourselves about a writer and their books
more openly.

4: Do you consider famous writers to be good role models?

Bạn có hâm mộ tác giả nào không?

A: If we look at famous writers in general, they are better role models for us than
many politicians, celebrities and athletes. However, we should follow them
through their works, their contributions to society and their good deeds, not a
handful of people setting a bad example in their personal lives. Writers have
always inspired us and they still do it in many ways. So if we see famous writers as
our role models, we'll have more to gain than lose.

5: If a movie is based on a book, do you want to read the book or

watch a movie? Why? Nếu một bộ phim dựa trên 1 quyển sách thì
bạn sẽ chọn cái nào để xem

A: I wouldn't mind both reading and watching movies. However, my personal

experience has taught me that books are better than movies in most cases. For
many, watching a movie is more enjoyable, and the interesting visual effects of
the film make it more appealing. However, the book can touch the reader more
deeply than the film. While movies can bring the whole world to life before our
eyes, turn characters into life, books burn our imaginations and take us to a world
we don't know and a journey that allows us to feel every experience of the
characters, This leaves a lasting impression on our memories. So I can skip
watching a few good movies based on books but won't want to miss those books.

6: How do our reading habits change as we grow up? Why did it

happen? Thói quen đọc của chúng ta thay đổi khi lớn lên? Tại sao điều
đó lại xảy ra

A: As we grow older, we tend to read more and read habits based solely on our
interests rather than academic requirements. In our childhood, we are very naïve
and therefore a fairy tale can take us to a wonderful mythical world. We want to
be like a hero or heroine who has the magical power to destroy evil. However,
this is not the case as we grow up as our minds mature and it requires more
realistic components to be challenged and entertained. So, in adulthood, we want
to be like a real-life hero who has no mysterious powers but has the sheer will
and determination to face challenges and change the world or at least change the
people around him. Our perspective to see the world around us change as we
grow up and so does our choice of books.

What will you do on your vacation? Bạn sẽ làm gì cho kì nghỉ của bạn
Sometimes I travel so I can broaden my horizons or admire the beauty of nature
and immerse myself in the picturesque landscapes in other parts of my country.
But sometimes, I just like to stay at home with my family and meet on holidays.
Who do you usually spend your vacation with? Ai là người thường đi
du lịch với bạn
It will depend on what kind of vacation it is. If it's a Christmas break, I'll hang out
with friends and chat. If it's a New Year's holiday, I'll just want to spend the
holiday with my family and loved ones in a cozy space.
Do you like to travel alone or in a group? Bạn thích đi du lịch 1 mình
hay nhóm
I can say that I am an introvert so I prefer to travel alone to some quiet and
peaceful landscapes rather than traveling with a group on vacation.
Why is the holiday important to you? Tại sao kì nghỉ quan trọng đối
với bạn
The holiday is the perfect time for me to recharge after a year of trials and
failures, I always take a moment to plan for next year.
If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world, where would you
go? Why? nếu bạn đi du lịch thế giới thì bạn sẽ đi đâu
If I have a choice, I want to travel for the Christmas holidays because the weather
is neither too cold nor too hot. I can admire the picturesque scenery in frozen
lands or tropical seas.

Part 2
Speaking of the outstanding holidays of Vietnam, it is impossible not to mention
the Lunar New Year. I will share with you about my last holiday. I was able to feel
the bustling atmosphere of the New Year in the whole month before Tet, the
streets filled with decorations and spring music made everyone excited and
looking forward. On this day, I had the opportunity to try on new outfits and get
lucky red packages from relatives. Tet is a special occasion for everyone to gather
together and exchange loving wishes. It's also a time when I can rest after
stressful school days. That's why I like it the most.

Part 3
1. Why do you think people go on vacation? Bạn nghĩ tại sao con
người lại đi nghỉ mát

Life is too short to spend doing the same things over and over again for all of our
lives and becoming "bored" to death. The only way we can get rid of this
"boredom" is to do something different over time, and there seems to be no
better way to do this than to go on vacation. So people go on vacation to enjoy
their lives a little bit and have some fun because it helps them reduce stress and
increase immunity levels. In fact, some reports suggest that people, who don't go
on vacation, have a 21% higher risk of dying from all causes.  When you go on
vacation, you become more positive about your life and surroundings as you are
exposed to new environments, different human behaviors, cultures, and diverse
ways of working. In other words, going on holiday caters to you as an
unstructured education for you, where you absorb the "treasure of lessons" that
can't be achieved otherwise.

2. How important is it for families to go on vacation together? Gia

đình cùng nhau đi du lịch quan trọng ntn?

Answer: It's extremely important for families to go on vacation together because

when we're working or doing something, we tend to compromise on our
relationships, especially in the family. In fact, when "work deadlines" take
precedence in our lives, we often miss family gatherings and regular bonding
opportunities. Now, if we wait for retirement to make up for our lost time and
opportunities, we will have to wait for a long, long time. But, fortunately, we can
make up for lost times and opportunities by going on vacation with our families
by carefully planning them whenever we have the opportunity. In other words,
we should never underestimate the power of the holidays as a very good way to
create a stronger bond with our family even if it means spending an hour enjoying
a family meal together.

3. Why do some people go on vacation alone? Tại sao có 1 số người

lại đi du lịch 1 mình

A: Some people go on vacation primarily because traveling alone can be an

incredibly liberating experience with the freedom to do exactly what you want to
do, when you want to do it, when you want to do it, and exactly how you want to
do it. If you're on vacation alone, there will be no controversy, no compromises,
and no worries about where to visit and what foods to eat. Some people also
prefer to go it alone because they just don't like to come up with some of the
"annoying" habits of their companions.

4. What kind of holidays will be popular in the future? Những loại

ngày lễ nào sẽ phổ biến trong tương lai?
A: We can argue all we want about what kind of holidays will be popular in the
future, but one thing is for sure that some will be "high-tech" real and much more
"luxurious" than what it is in the current days. Interestingly, the popular British
newspaper, The Guardian, published an article in 2014 on what kind of holidays
will be popular in the future (in 2024, to be exact), which predicts that tourists
will "not need to meet a single human being" from the moment they check in to
the moment they check out of their hotel to the moment they check out! In other
words, the robot will do the job. In fact, hotel rooms will be transformed into
digital, hyper-interactive spaces in which even pillows will be "embedded" with an
electronic device to massage your neck and wake you up in the morning! Now, if
that's not surprising enough for you, please wait until you read what else the
newspaper has said! "The walls will display high-definition images of your friends
and family, hologram personal trainers will hang out with you, and showers will
use sound technology to "incite" dirt from your body, using traffic lights to
indicate when you're clean enough to get out. That sounds pretty cool! Isn't it!

5. Is it better to go on vacation in your country or abroad? Why? Du

lịch nước bạn hay nước ngoài tốt hơn

A: I want to say that I would like to have a vacation in my country because my

country has quite a lot of things from blue and beautiful oceans to mountains, to
many green spaces and many unique architectures. I would like to be more
interested in seeing my own beautiful country than some remote lands. Besides, I
will definitely feel more comfortable and safe when having a vacation in my
country. On top of that, I also haven't traveled to most areas and places in my
country because it has a pretty large area. So if I visit some of those places,
chances are I'll see something very unique right here in my country without
having to see them in another country. Of course, I have nothing against visiting
another country, but, given what I've had in my own country, I've always liked my
country as a more popular holiday destination than others.

6. What problems can people have while on vacation abroad? Mọi

người có thể gặp vấn đề gì khi đi du lịch nc ngoài

A: People may experience some problems, especially if they don't know the
language of the locals, when enjoying a vacation abroad. For example, you may
lose your important things, or you yourself may get lost in the process of traveling
from one place to another, and you'll be in real trouble if you can't communicate
your problems properly to the locals. You will also have difficulty getting used to
the food of a foreign land no matter how "weird" and delicious they seem.
However, the biggest problem of having a vacation abroad will be getting sick
really. Without close family or friends (considering that you are traveling alone)
and without proper health insurance policies, your life could be in real danger
abroad if you get sick.

Part 2
Sample answer:

I want to talk about one of my favorite activities on the beach, swimming. You
know, I live in Phu Quy Island. So, in the summer, my friends and I often go
swimming in cool water to avoid hot weather. In fact, swimming is a relatively
easy sport. You know, I learned to swim when I was 5 years old and it only took
me a week to get used to some of the swimming strokes like breaststroke,
backstroke and butterfly strokes. Before entering the water, I usually warm up and
stretch my muscles and joints to avoid injury, then put on my swimsuit and jump
into the water.

I really like swimming on the beach for a number of reasons. Firstly, unlike other
water sports such as diving or windsurfing, which require expensive equipment,
swimming costs nothing. Second, swimming is extremely beneficial for our health.
It provides a comprehensive body workout, as nearly all of our muscles are used
while swimming. So it builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular
fitness. Finally, going swimming is a good means of entertainment as it allows me
to relax myself, reduce stress and have a great time with friends. Summer is
coming, so I'm definitely planning to visit some beaches. I planned to go to Phu
Quoc beach because I found it on the picture very beautiful.
The next questions:

1. Why do so many people prefer to go to places with water

such as lakes, rivers or oceans? Tại sao nhiều ng lại thích đến
nơi có nước
Young people benefit more from going to the beach or coast than the
elderly. The first point worth mentioning is that young people are active
and adventurous, so they are quite engaged in the mixed variety of
outdoor activities. So, obviously, they can make the most of their trips. In
contrast, older citizens are passive and do not like to move their bodies
around. This means that they only see such travel trips as an opportunity
to idle their time away.
1. As a place to spend leisure time, do you think the coast is more
suitable for children or the elderly? Bạn nghĩ bờ biển thích hợp
cho trẻ em hay ng già
I personally think that the coast is a good place to go for both the young
and the elderly, but in terms of which age group is more suitable, then I
suppose I would have to say the elderly, simply because they are more
aware of the dangers of the ocean. So, if children go to the beach, their
parents need to keep a close eye on them.
2. What would you do if you spent your free time at the beach?
Bạn sẽ làm gì nếu ở bãi biển
Option 1: I think I'll do a few things. For example, I would definitely go
boating at sea, because I always love to do it whenever I go to the beach,
and it's much less effortless than swimming! I suppose another thing I
would probably do was just lie on the beach, which I know is quite
boring, but also really relaxing - you know, you can just close your eyes
and listen to the sound of the waves crashing on the shore.

3. Do you think the government should invest money in the

development of water sports facilities? Bạn có nghĩ chính phủ sẽ
đầu tư phát triển thể thao dưới nước
No, not really. Because I think there are a lot more important things that
the government should focus on. I mean, after all, water sports are purely
recreational, so without money invested in them, then it won't really have a
significant effect on anyone. So I think the government can use their money
much better by investing in things like education and health care, which will
make a much bigger difference to people's lives.
4. Do you think children and the elderly do the same things
when they go to a beach? Bạn có nghĩ trẻ em và ng già sẽ làm
việc như nhau ở bãi biển hay không?
No, I don't really think so. Their range of activities and interests vary
greatly. For young people, they show a preference for strenuous physical
activities like surfing, swimming or building sand castles, so they tend to
be really engrossed in what they're doing. On the contrary, older people
would rather choose a good book to read, prepare some snacks for their
children to graze on, or find time to chat with one of their relatives,
whom they may not have been in touch with for years.
5. Why do some people like water sports?
Obviously, some people like young people are extremely fond of water
sports. This is easily understandable because they are active and
adventurous so they are quite drawn by water balloons, surfing,
snorkeling to name but a few. Some such sports tend to take risks so this
may be the time for young guys to challenge themselves and test their
own limits, which can help them be more confident in life.
6. Do you think human activity is posing a threat to the world's
oceans? Bạn có nghĩ hoạt động của con người sẽ có hại cho
đại dương
Yes, absolutely. Although some argue that the vast ocean and the
pollution we cause are trivial, I would say that it has a negative impact on
marine ecosystems. For example, more commercial activity means more
ships are used to transport cargo across the oceans, and there have been
more oil spills reported so far. This has claimed the lives of many animal
creatures and affected the local environment. Moreover, wastewater
being dumped directly into rivers means that sometimes in the future
the ocean will likely be affected.
7. How important is water in people's daily lives? Nước quan
trọng với cuộc sống hàng ngày của con người ntn
Water plays an important role in our daily lives. Imagine that without
water, humans would be filthy and smelly because there would be
nothing to wash our bodies clean except water. The second is that we
need water to wash the raw food and vegetables we eat every day;
otherwise, people may suffer from a number of health-related problems
such as food poisoning, cholera and diarrhea, but a few.
8. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of
traveling on the ocean? Thuận lợi và khó khăn cho việc du lịch
trên biển
Sailing is an adventure. The food on the cruise ship is probably as good as
it can be on a budget for economy class and when the fresh ingredients
are out of reach, and when thousands of meals must be cooked and
served almost at the same time. It's also relaxing and you have the
opportunity to meet many others. However, a trip can be really
expensive and with soaring competition among travel companies, it has
become difficult for travelers to choose the right one. Moreover, as we
all know the pristine environment of these areas is currently susceptible
to pollution, so this exposure definitely adversely affects terrestrial and
aquatic life.

1. What types of buildings are there in your city? Thành phố bạn có
những loại toà nhà gì?
Well, when it comes to the city of The Bowl, Phan Thiet City, the first thing that
comes to mind will be a growing metropolis with a blend of historic and modern
buildings. Historical buildings include many temples, pagodas, and monuments,...
meanwhile, modern apartments include many high-rise apartments, commercial
complexes and office blocks,...

2. Are historic buildings important? Công trình lịch sử có qt ko

Yes, absolutely. In fact, historic buildings are important to every city, region, and
even country. They are witnesses to the t2e past and it is very important and
practical that we preserve them in order to pass on knowledge to the next

Part 2
Vietnam has many different impressive buildings but for me, the most prominent
skyscraper is Landmark 81, located in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City. If I remember
correctly, it was built in 2015 and is currently the tallest building in Vietnam, with
81 floors.
This building is inspired by the image of a rising bamboo tree, referring to
vietnam's rising prosperity and modernity. It attracts not only domestic tourists
but also international tourists, contributing to the country's economy. Landmark
is made of glass and equipped with LED system, which lights up at night and gives
the tower a beautiful color.
This tower is a mixed-use project consisting of the bottom half with a commercial
center and the upper half occupied by restaurants, lounges and apartments.
Therefore, people can visit the shopping center or enjoy the splendid views of the
city from restaurants or lounges on the higher floors of the building.
In my opinion, it not only contributes to the economy but also brings pride to
Vietnam. It is proof that the Vietnamese can create amazing skyscrapers that are
comparable to any other country in the world. However, since it attracts so many
people, other historic buildings are being forgotten. For example, the younger
generation does not recognize the Independence Palace or the Saigon Opera
House, which has both the historical and cultural value of the country.

Part 3
No, not really. Because I think there are a lot more important things that the
government should focus on.

1. What is most important for a public building: design, location or facilities?

Điều gì quan trọng đối với công trình công cộng

Everything has its price, so they're all important. However, in my opinion, the
design and facilities should be given more attention than others. When it comes
to design, it's appearance, architectural style or aesthetics that should be
discussed because it's the first thing people notice about a building. In other
words, it's important to catch the eye to make people have a good impression.
After that, the internal facilities also play an important role. If there is more
entertainment or art space in the building, people will be attracted to stay there
despite the inconvenient location.
2. Do you think the appearance of a building is important? Bạn có nghĩ diện mạo
của 1 toà nhà là quan trọng?

Totally. No one likes eyesight. It's like something really ugly and big at the same
time that you have to always notice it from afar. The appearance of a building is
considered important as a good impression of a person.  For example, when a
tenant walks into a building what they see? It should be architectural or aesthetic
style. Therefore, in a highly competitive market, the emergence of an asset can
not only go a long way to attracting new customers, but can also help retain
customers and maximize asset value. In fact, it can become something iconic of
the town or city if it is well designed.

1. What's more important: preserving old buildings or building new ones?

Bảo tồn toà nhà cũ hay xây mới quan trọng hơn
Both are equally important. We must constantly innovate our construction methods
and ensure that we are on a par with other developed nations. Old buildings must
also be preserved.  But there must be a good reason to preserve them. In addition,
there should be enough funding to maintain the building.
1. What kind of public buildings do people like to visit in your country?
Những loại công trình công cộng mà mọi người muốn đến thăm ở nước
It changes from one person to another. Children love to visit buildings such as
planetariums and libraries while adults want to visit entertainment places such as
cinemas and shopping malls. Shopping malls are becoming increasingly popular
because of the number of services they offer under one roof.
1. What buildings do young and old people like in your country? ng trẻ và ng
già thíchtofa nhà nào ở nc bạn
Young people are attracted to shopping malls and cinemas. They often choose
places that entertain them well. The elderly tend to go to places of religious
importance such as temples.
1. What measures should be taken to deal with damage to public buildings?
Cần thực hiện những biện pháp nào để sửa chữa công trình công cộng
People should be conscious when using public buildings. For example, when they
visit a public building like a palace, they should be careful not to scribble on the
wall. In addition, the government should allocate funds for the maintenance of
these buildings.

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