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Describe your own "family type", give at least 3 positive and negative impacts with regards to
financial, emotional and psychological aspects.

“Home is where the heart is”, each of us longs to be with our family at the end of a tiring day.It
is in the family that we feel we are loved,secured and accepted.An adolescent’s development is
also formed by how the family shaped her valued,beliefs and principles.However, not all parents
can give the proper nurturance and guidance for adolescents to have well-adjusted personality
and acquire sound decision making skills.This scenario becomes an impetus to a series of
behavioral maladjustments which leave teenagers to become confused and jaded.

For instance, a single parent who has devoted her time to earn for the family may not be
consistently around to supervise her teen’s special needs such as guiding her in her studies,or
advising her about the pros and cons of having early romantic relationship.Most often than not,
the result of adolescents’ experimentation might bring more harm than good and increase the
chances of developing risk-taking behaviors.

I come from typical type of family which is the so-called nuclear family.There is a funny saying
that “the family that lives together, quarrels with each other”.funny but true.This is exactly how I
describe my family although my family is unique, despite all obstacles our family have gone
through, ours is still intact and complete.

I can say that we hadn't been raised and nurtured properly.The warm love is always there but the
full support in regards to our future and our vital needs as individuals is missing at all.Since we
are seven in the family we have been lacking financial support and this actually affected every
aspect of our lives.

My parents are separated in thoughts and actions, even though they are legally
married.Everything has boundaries with them, they don't agree on many things especially in
family matters which is very vital,and so we their children suffered trauma especially our
perception and ideas on becoming adolescents.

The good part of having many siblings though makes all the work easier and if parents can't
afford everything, older siblings will necessarily help and interfere.You help each other
financially, psychologically and emotionally, in every angle of situations when you are as many
in the family.

The very difficult part was for us to work at an early age just for us to afford food and education.
Oldest siblings or other members of your family need to sacrifice more and they become the
provider of the family or the breadwinner.And for that you feel the world is unfair, you don't
have the time for yourself because you feel obligated all the time.Thus, your point of view about
life unconsciously traumatized. If I could say one thing about my family,I would say ,I wish they
had known about family planning.

It’s true that having a family is a wonderful thing but creating a family that is well-planned and
organized will be as harmonious as melody.

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