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Nicole Louise A.

Villanas I I-BMA

Science, Technology, and
1. Among the different civilizations mentioned in our synchronous session which civilization do
you think gave us the most significant contribution to science and technology? Explain your
answer in not less than 8 sentences (10 points)
-I believe that Sumerian civilization is the prehistoric culture that contributed the most to the
advancement of science and technology. What might have influenced the invention of the wheel
which I consider the most significant to science and technology since it is pretty evident how
inaccessible things would be if the wheel does not exist. The written language that we use today is
another. The Sumerians were the first to use ideograms and a system of linguistic norms defined in
a cuneiform language to replace primitive pictographic symbols, allowing people to communicate vast
volumes of information at a scale never previously seen. There's also intricate arithmetic,
geometrical design, cutting-edge construction, and even astronomy. The Sumerians created a
sexagesimal system, multiplication tables, and reciprocal division charts, effectively elevating basic
mathematics from the realm of empirical sets of elements to that of the hypothetical. As a result,
people were able to understand weights, lengths, densities, volumes, quantities, and most
importantly, resources and how they accumulate and are distributed, in a more abstract way.

2. Research for at least 2 more civilizations that were not mentioned in the discussion and
give their technological contributions and it's used you may also include a sample picture
of their contribution. (20 points )
-First is Mayan civilization, They became well-known around the 250 A.D. and led a rural,
agricultural lifestyle. The Maya had one of the greatest civilizations of the Western Hemisphere
before the Spanish conquest of Mexico and Central America. More astounding advances in
astronomy and calendar were accomplished by the Maya. One of their astronomical feats is the
Chichen Itza Observatory. The Mayans also developed a solar calendar as part of the Maya
system. The year was divided into 18 months. These 18 months will last 365.242 days in total,
which is just 0.0002 days off from our most recent accurate projection. The Mayans did
calculate the Venus year in addition to the Earth year. Venus is quite far away. The Mayans
predicted that Venus's year was 584 days long more than 1,000 years ago; there are barely 7
seconds between their calculation and our current computation of Venus. Despite without access
to contemporary observational equipment, the Maya were able to compute the earth's time and
Venus's year with incredible accuracy.
2. Research for at least 2 more civilizations that were not mentioned in the discussion and
give their technological contributions and it's used you may also include a sample picture
of their contribution. (20 points )
-Second is Islamic civilization. The Islamic civilization made numerous significant discoveries
and contributions to world culture. Islamic innovations have benefited other societies in
embracing novel concepts and making significant accomplishments in a vast range of industries.
These disciplines include astronomy, mathematics, philosophy, medicine, art, and literature.
Islamic accomplishments also made life much easier for Muslims on a daily basis. The scientific,
mathematical, and artistic advancements made during the Islamic era were the most significant
and impactful to the modern world. Despite not having invented them, they taught people how to
use ciphers (a.k.a. Arabic numerals), becoming the forerunners of modern day arithmetic. They
also made algebra a precise science, greatly advanced it, and laid the groundwork for analytical
geometry. They are also without a doubt the inventors of plane and spherical trigonometry,
which, strictly speaking, did not exist among the Greeks.

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