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 Objective type question :

1. Which of the following is monosaccharide?
(a) Sucrose (b) Galactose (c) Maltose (d) Lactose
2. Which of the following carbohydrates is most abundant in nature?
(a) Glucose (b) Fructose (c) Starch (d) Cellulose
3. The commonest disaccharide has the molecular formula:
(a) C10H18O9 (b) C10H20O10 (c) C12H22O11 (d) C12O22H11.
4. The disaccharide present in milk is:
(a) sucrose (b) lactose (c) maltose (d) none of these
5. Starch is polymer of:
(a) fructose (b) glucose (c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of these
6. Enzymes are:
(a) carbohydrates (b) lipids (c) proteins (d) none of these
7. On hydrolysis, proteins give:
(a) nucleotides (b) nucleosides (c) amides (d) amino acid
8. Which of the following have coiled helical structure?
(a) Proteins (b) Lipids (c) Carbohydrates (d) Vitamins
9. Which of the following carbohydrates is used in silvering of mirror?
(a) Sucrose (b) Cellulose (c) Glucose (d) None
10. Hydrolysis of sucrose gives:
(a)invert sugar (equal mixture of glucose and fructose) (b)glucose
(c)fructose (d)none of these
11. Iodine deficiency in diet is known to cause:
(a)beri-beri (b) rickets (c)night-blindness (d) goiter
12. When glucose is react with bromine water, the major product is:
(a)gluconic acid (b)saccharic acid (c)sorbitol (c)galactose
13. Glucose and fructose are:
(a)optical isomers (b)functional group isomers (c)chain isomers (d)position isomers
14. The number of chiral carbon atoms is β-D- (+)-glucose molecule is:
(a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 4 (d) 6
15. Which of the following is a ketohexose?
(a)glucose (b) fructose (c)sucrose (d) starch
16. Glucose is a/an:
(a)oxidising sugar (b)reducing sugar (c)reducing and oxidising sugar (d)none of these

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17. The carbohydrates which serves as a reserve as a glucose in body is:

(a) sucrose (b) starch (c) glycogen (d) fructose
18. The substances which are even richer sources of energy than carbohydrates are:
(a)fats (b) proteins (c)vitamins (d) hormones
19. The coagulation of protein is called:
(a) dehydration (b) decay (c) deamination (d) denaturing
20. Main structural unit of proteins is:
(a)ester linkage (b) ether linkage (c) peptide linkage (d) all of these
21. Glucose cannot be classified as:
(a)a hexose (b)an oligosaccharide (c) a carbohydrates (d) an aldose
22. Which one is disaccharide?
(a) Starch (b) Lactose (c) Cellulose (d) Fructose
23. Bleeding gums is generally associated with a deficiency of:
(a) thiamine (b)ascorbic acid (c) folic acid (d) vitamin E
24. Vitamin A deficiency leads to a disease known as:
(a) night-blindness (b) beri-beri (c) scurvy (d) TB
25. Which one of the following contains cobalt?
(a) Chlorophyll (b) Hemoglobin (c) Vitamin C (d) Vitamin B12
26. The only amino acid which is non-chiral is:
(a) lysine (b) proline (c) glycine (d) histidine
27. The organic compounds of high physiological importance which are essential in small amounts for the well
being of all human beings are:
(a) proteins (b) vitamins (c) mineral salts (d) enzymes
28. Which of the following has magnesium?
(a) Carbonic anhydrase (b) Vitamin B12 (c) Chlorophyll (d) Haemocyanine
29. Insulin is secreted from:
(a) thyroid (b) pancreas (c) adrenal body (d)none of these
30. A protein is best described as a:
(a) polyamide (b) polyester (c) polypeptide (d) polyurethane
31. The protein which transport oxygen in the blood stream is:
(a) heamoglobin (b) insulin (c) collagen (d) albumin
32. Calorific value is in the order of:
(a)fat> carbohydrate > protein (b)carbohydrate> fat > protein
(c)protein> carbohydrates > fat (d)fat> protein > carbohydrate

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33. Which of the following base is found only in RNA and not in DNA?
(a)Thymine (b) Guanine (c)Uracil (d) Adenine
34. Which of the following base found in DNA not in RNA?
(a)Cytosine (b) Guanine (c)Adenine (d) Thymine
35. The sequence in which amino acids are arranged in protein is called its:
(a)primary structure (b)secondary structure (c)tertiary structure (d)quaternary structure
36. Amino acids present in insulin are:
(a) 21 (b) 51 (c) 30 (d) 10
37. At the isoelectric point, amino acids are present as:
38. Yeast is:
(a)bacteria (b) antibiotic (c)virus (c) fungi
39. Fibrous proteins are present in:
(a)wool (b) muscles (c)silk (d) all of these
40. Globular proteins are present in:
(a)wool (b) silk (c)insulin (d) all of these
41. Keratin, a fibrous protein is present in:
(a)hair and nail (b) wool (c)silk (d) all of these
42. The linkage between the two monosaccharide units lactose is:
(a) C1 of β-D-glucose and C4 of β-D-galactose (b) C1 of β-D-Galactose and C4 of β-D-glucose
(c) C1 of α-D-Galactose and C4 of β-D-glucose (d) C1 of β-D-Galactose and C4 of α-D-glucose
43. Which one of the following is not a fat soluble vitamin?
(a)Vitamin C (b) Vitamin D (c)Vitamin E (d) Vitamin A
44. Rickets is caused due to the deficiency of:
(a)vitamin A (b) vitamin B (c)vitamin C (d) vitamin D
45. Identify the vitamin whose deficiency in our food decreases reproductive power:
(a) vitamin A (b) vitamin C (c)vitamin D (d) vitamin E
46. Scurvy is caused due to the deficiency of:
(a) vitamin B2 (b) vitamin B12 (c) ascorbic acid (d) glutamic acid
47. Bases common to RNA and DNA are:
(a)adenine, guanine, cytosine (b)adenine, uracil, cytosine
(c)adenine, guanine, thymine (d)guanine, uracil, thymine
48. A ‘base-sugar-phosphate’ unit in nucleic acid is called:
(a) base phosphate (b) phosphotide (c) nucleotide (d) nucleoside

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49. RNA is a :
(a) single helix strand (b)double helix strand (c) triple helix strand (d)none of these
50. Lactose is made of:
(a)α-D-glucose only (b) β-D-galactose and β-D-glucose
(c) α-D-galactose and β-D-glucose (d) β-D-galactose and α-D-glucose
51. The number of asymmetric carbon atoms in fructose is:
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
52. An example of non-reducing sugar is:
(a) sucrose (b) maltose (c) lactose (d) Glucose
53. Cellulose is a linear polymer of:
(a) α-glucose (b) β-glucose (c) α-fructose (d) amylose
54. The conversion of maltose to glucose is possible by the enzyme:
(a) zymase (b) lactase (c) maltase (d) diastase
55. DNA multiplication is called:
(a)translation (b) transduction (c)transcription (d) replication
56. At pH = 4, glycine exists as:
(a) H3N–CH2–COO– (b) NH3-CH2–COOH (c)H2N–CH2–COOH (d) H2N–CH2COO-
57. A mixture of amylopectin and amylose is called:
(a)lactose (b) starch (c)cellulose (d) sucrose
58. Which one is correct representation of peptide bond?
(a) H-C–N- (b) –C–N– (c) H –C –N – (d) None of these
59. Which one of the following vitamins is water soluble?
(a)Vitamin K (b) Vitamin A (c)Vitamin B (d) Vitamin E
60. Vitamin B12 contains:
(a) Co (b)Mn (c) Mg (d) Fe
61. Glucose contains in addition to aldehyde group:
(a)one secondary –OH and four primary –OH groups
(b)one primary –OH and four secondary –OH groups
(c)two primary –OH and three secondary –OH groups
(d)three primary –OH and three secondary –OH groups
62. Which of the following sets consists only of essential amino acid?
(a)Alanine, Valine, Glycine (b)Valine, Lysine, Alanine
(c)Alanine, Glutamine, lysine (d)Valine, Lysine, Histidine

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63. A H2O/H+ glucose + fructose

B H2O/H+ glucose + glucose
C H2O/H+ glucose + galactose
The disaccharide A, B, and C respectively are:
(a)lactose, sucrose, maltose (b)sucrose, maltose, lactose
(c)sucrose, lactose, maltose (d)maltose, sucrose, lactose
64. Which of the following is capable of forming a zwitter ion?
(a) H2NCH2COOH (b) CH3COOH (c) CH3CH2NH2 (d) CCl3NO2
65. The cell wall of plant is mainly:
(a) starch (b) cellulose (c) amylose (d) xylose
66. Which of the following is non reducing?
(a) cellulose (b) sucrose (c) starch (d) all of these
67. The β-pleated sheet structure of a protein is an example of its:
(a)primary structure (b)secondary structure(c) tertiary structure (d)quaternary structure
68. Which of the following is a complementary base pair?
(a) adenine-cytosine (b) adenine-guanine (c) guanine-cytosine (d) guanine-thymine
69. Which of the following is an example of fibrous protein?
(a) Myosin (b) Albumin (c) Insulin (d) Keratin.
70. The presence or absence of hydroxyl group on which carbon atom of sugar differentiates
RNA and DNA?
(a) 1st (b) 2nd (c) 3rd (d) 4th
71. The pyrimidine bases present in DNA are:
(a) cytosine and adenine (b) cytosine and guanine (c)cytosine and thymine (d) cytosine and uracil
72. RNA contains:
(a) ribose sugar and thymine (b)ribose sugar and uracil
(c)deoxyribose sugar and uracil (d)deoxyribose sugar and thymine
73. Which of the following is leavorotatory?
(a) Glucose (b) Fructose (c) Sucrose (d) None to those
74. The hydrolysis of sucrose leads to
(a) saponification (b) hydration (c) esterification (d) inversion
85. Which of the following functional groups is/are present in amino acids?
(a) −COOH group (b) −NH2 group (c) −CH3 group (d) −(a) and (b)
76. The purine base present in RNA is
(a) guanine (b) thymine (c) cytosine (d) uracil
77. How many peptide bonds are there in a tripeptide?
(a) One (b) Two (c) Three (d) Four

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78. On heating glucose with Fehling’s solution we get a precipitate whose colour is :
(a) yellow (b) red (c) black (d) white
79. Amino acids are building blocks of :
(a) carbohydrates (b) fats (c) proteins (d) vitamins
80. Which protein is main constituent of milk?
(a) Casein (b) Insulin (c) Myosin (d) Keratin
81. A vitamin which plays a vital role in the coagulating property of blood is :
(a) vitamin A (b) vitamin D (c) vitamin E (d) vitamin K
82. Which of the following is responsible for the heredity character of cell?
(a) Enzymes (b) Nucleic acid (c) Proteins (d) Hormones
83. Which of the following biomolecules contains a non-transition metal ion?
(a) Haemoglobin (b) Chlorophyll (c) Vitamin B12 (d) None of these
84. Which of the following is the sweetest sugar ?
(a) Sucrose (b) Glucsoe (c) Fructose (d) Maltose
85. Lack of vitamin B1 causes :
(a) scurvy (b) beri-beri (c) rickets (d) lips inflammation
86. Which one of the following is not an aldose?
(a) Glucose (b) Ribose (c) Fructose (d) None of those
87. Which of the following disaccharide has different type of linkage?
(a) Maltose (b) Galactose (c) Starch (d) Sucrose
88. Vitamin A is known as
(a)ascorbic acid (b)retinol (c)calciferol (d)tocopherol
89. Ascorbic acid is a
(a)vitamin (b)enzyme (c)protein (d)amino acid
90. The human body does not produce
(a)enzyme (b)DNA (c)vitamin (d)hormones
91. Carbohydrate which yields three to ten monosaccharide units on hydrolysis is called
(a)monosaccharide (b)disaccharide (c)oligosaccharide (d)polysaccharide
92. Which is a polysaccharide
(a)starch (b)maltose (c)fructose (d)glucose
93. Which of the following is carbohydrate?
(a)Thymine (b)Lactose (c)Glycerol (d)Insulin
94. One of the different amino acids which can be synthesized in the body is
(a)lysine (b)histidine (c)valine (d)alanine
95. Formula of sucrose is
(a)C12H22O12 (b)C12H22O11 (c)C12H24O11 (d)C12H22O10
96. Vitamin C is
(a)citric acid (b)lactic acid (c)ascorbic acid (d)none of these
97. Which is not a macromolecules?
(a)DNA (b)Starch (c)Palmitate (d)Insulin

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98. The two functional groups present in a typical carbohydrate are

(a)-OH and -COOH (b)-CHO and -COOH (c) C =O and -OH (d)-OH and -CHO
99. Glucose when reduced with HI and red phosphorus gives
(a)n-hexane (b)n-heptane (c)n-pentane (d)n-octane
100. Glucose can be converted into ethyl alcohol using
(a)invertase (b)zymase (c)maltase (d)diastase
101. Polysaccharides have ------ linkages
(a)glycosidic (b) anomeric (c)epimeric (d) polymorphic
102. How many monosaccharides are obtained by hydrolysis of sucrose?
(a)1 (b)2 (c)3 (d)4
103. A peptide made up of n number of amino acids contains how many peptide linkages?
(a)n (b)n + 1 (c)2n -1 (d)n -1
104. The anomeric carbon in D(+) glucose is
(a)C -1 carbon (b)C -2 carbon (c)C-5 carbon (d)C-6 carbon
105. How many C-atoms are there in a pyranose ring?
(a)3 (b)5 (c)6 (d)7
106. Glycosidic linkage is an
(a)amide linkage (b)ester linkage (c)ether linkage (d)acetyl linkage
107. What is the basic formula for starch?
(a)(C6H12O6)n (b)(C6H10O5)n (c)C12H22O11 (d)(C6H12O4)n
108. Carbohydrates are stored in human body as the polysaccharide
(a)starch (b)glycogen (c)cellulose (d)amylose
109. Which of the following is basic amino acids?
(a)Lysine (b)Proline (c)Alanine (d)Aspartic acid
110. Which of the following is an acidic amino acid?
(a)Glycine (b)Valine (c)Leucine (d)Glutamic acid
111. Proteins are condensation polymers of
(a)α-amino acids (b) β-amino acids (c) α-hydroxy acids (d)β-hydroxy acids
112. Globular proteins are present in
(a)blood (b)eggs (c)milk (d)all of these
113. Most common types of secondary structures of proteins are
(a) α-helix and β-helix structures (b) α-helix and β-pleated sheet structures
(c) right and left hand twisted structures (d) globular and fibrous structures
114. Which of the following statements is true for proteins?
(a)They act as antibodies (b)They act as hormones
(c)They catalyse the biochemical reaction (d)All of these
115. Denaturation of protein leads to loss of its biological activity by
(a)formation of amino acids (b)loss of primary structure
(c)loss of both primary and secondary structure (d)loss of both secondary and tertiary structures

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116. Vitamin A is present in

(a)fish liver oil (b)milk (c)butter (d)all of these
117. Vegetable oils like wheat germ oil, sunflower oil, etc. are the good source of
(a)vitamin K (b)vitamin E (c)vitamin D (d)vitamin A
118. Vitamin C must be supplied regularly in diet because
(a)it is water soluble hence excreted in urine and can’t be stored in the body
(b)it is fat soluble hence stored in the body and cannot be used on regular basis
(c)it is required in a large amount by the body hence supplied regularly
(d)it is water soluble hence used by the body on daily basis and is to be supplied regularly
119. Deficiency of vitamin E causes
(a)rickets (b)scurvy (c)muscular weakness (d)beri beri
120. Nucleic acids are
(a)small molecules (b)dipeptides
(c)long chain polymer of nucleotides (d)polypeptides

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