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1st sem.2020-2021

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The Diversity of Life

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

• Classify different cell types (of plant/animal tissues) and specify
the functions of each
• Describe some cell modifications that lead to adaptation to
carry out specialized functions (e.g., microvilli, root hair)


Good day and good life!

Before starting this module, I want you to set aside other tasks that may
disturb you while enjoying the lessons. Read and understand the instructions
below to successfully enjoy the objectives of this module. Have fun!
1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated on every page
of this module.
2. Write in your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Writing enhances
learning, which is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers using the answer key
5. Analyze conceptually the post-test and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!


1. Expectations – these are the competencies that you need to learn after you
completed the lessons in this module.
2. Pre-Test – this is will serve as a gauge of new ideas and concepts that should
be enriched in this lesson.
3. Looking Back – this part will test your prior knowledge and skills that you
have developed before.
4. Brief Introduction – this part will give the general idea of this lesson.
5. Activities – this part entails all the activities that you will accomplish
individually or within a group.
6. Remember- this part encompasses all the important ideas of the lesson.
7. Check your Understanding – this will help you know what you have learned
from the lesson.
8. Post-Test – this will measure the level of your learning from this lesson.
9. Reflection – this will assert your overall learning or impression/ reflection from
this learning module.


Life, as we know it, is very diverse. Even if we established that all cells have the
same chemical composition, organisms are still different from each other. Imagine, from
a single-celled organism, life has evolved to be multicellular. Organisms have adapted to
their ever-changing environment and developed different modifications. That’s life for
you! This module will guide you to:
1. classify different cell types (of plant/animal tissues) and specify the functions
of each (STEM_BIO11/12-Ia-c-4); and
2. describe some cell modifications that lead to adaptation to carry out specialized
functions (e.g., microvilli, root hair) (STEM_BIO11/12-Ia-c-5).


I. Multiple Choices. Choose the letter of your answer per each question.
Write your answer on the space provided.

_______ 1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a plant cell?

a. A plant cell has a large vacuole.
b. A plant cell has a chloroplast.
c. A plant cell can develop pseudopods.
d. A plant cell has a cell membrane.
_______ 2. Which of the following cells of the human body have contractile
a. Osteocyte
b. Melanocyte
c. Myocyte
d. Neuron
_______ 3. What is the function of root hairs in plants?
a. Anchorage to soil
b. Absorption of water and minerals
c. Produces antibodies against soil microorganisms
d. Provides anchorage for beneficial microorganisms
_______ 4. Which of the following plant cells is associated with
a. Parenchyma
b. Collenchyma
c. Sclerenchyma
d. Guard cells

_______ 5. Liver cells are specialized to produce fat and detoxify the blood.
Which organelle would you expect to be abundant in liver cells?
a. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
b. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
c. Golgi apparatus
d. Mitochondrion

II. Name the following illustrations of a cell. Choose your answer from the
word bank.

6. ___________________ 7. ___________________ 8. ___________________

9. ___________________ 10. ___________________

Word Bank:

Bone cell Neuron Parenchyma Sclerenchyma

Guard cell Skeletal muscle Smooth muscle

Use the given key answer at the end of this module to check your answer.
If you got a perfect score, Good Job! This means that you can still recall the
previous lessons before. You can use these as your guide for this lesson.
If you got 7 to 9, you have a good memory of most of the previous lessons. You can
focus more on the topics you haven’t fully grasped yet.
If you got 4 to 6, most of the previous lessons might not be fully understood. Look
back onto this as you focus on this lesson.
If you got a score lower than 4, do not worry, you can still look back on to the
questions you missed and research why most of your answers are wrong. This will
help you understand the upcoming lessons.

Looking Back

As you learned from the previous lesson, there are different types of
organisms based on what type of cell they have. In the case of multicellular
organisms like animals and plants, there is more than one type of cell in their
bodies but function as one. What makes these cells belong to plants or animals?
Let us recall.

Directions: Given the characteristics below, identify whether these apply to

plants, animals, or both. Put a checkmark under the corresponding column.

Characteristics Plant Animal

1. Transports water and nutrients through a tube
Utilizes light to combine inorganic substances to
produce food
Relies on an exterior matrix and inorganic
molecules for body support
4. Has lysosomes for internal digestion
5. Is capable of producing proteins
6. Can reproduce asexually and sexually
7. Has centrioles for cell division
Can regulate the transport of materials in and out
of the cell
9. Cells are occupied mostly by a large vacuole.
10. Breaks down glucose to produce ATP


1. Do you think the all cells of animals and plants have the same amount of
organelles? Why or why not?

Variety of Cells: Animals

Brief Introduction

Animals are known to be multicellular organisms, but just like other

organisms, animals started as single cells that divided and differentiated to form
a specific function in their bodies. Cells with similar features and functions form
tissues. In more complex animals, there are four identified types of tissues as
shown above. These four types protect and support the body, facilitate
movement, and provide a control system for coordination. In this lesson, we will
look at the cells found on four types of tissue and relate their structure to their


Activity 4.1. Epithelial Tissues

Epithelial tissues can be classified according to their shape and presence
of layers. The major function of epithelial cells is protection, but they can also
play an important role in the exchange, absorption, and secretion.

Directions: Match the following pictures of animal tissues to the schematic

diagram given below. Write only the letter of your answer on the
space provided.

400x 400x

Esophagus lining Lining of bronchus

400x 400x

Kidney tubule Alveoli of the lungs

400x 400x
Parotid (salivary) gland Mammalian small intestine (villus)


Urinary bladder



1. Which type of cells is good for reinforcement and protection against

friction? Why?

2. Which type of cell is the best type for areas of exchange? Why?

3. Which type of cells can be associated with secretion? Why?


4. What are the roles of cilia (blue arrow) and microvilli (red arrow) in
columnar cells?

Activity 4.2. Connective Tissues
Connective tissues are mostly vascular tissues and are composed of mostly
extracellular matrix and few living cells. This group is known to provide
attachment and support to other tissues. Connective tissues are characterized
by the ratio of living cells to the number of fibers present on their extracellular
matrix and the presence of a clear gel known as the ground substance.

Directions: Given the following information about the different types of

connective tissue, answer the following questions.

Notable Cells:
Adipocytes are cells that store fat.
Chondrocytes are mature cartilage cells.
Erythrocytes, or red blood cells, are cells with hemoglobin that delivers
oxygen gas in the body.
Fibroblasts are cells that produce fibers. These are present in most
connective tissues.
Leukocytes, or white blood cells, are a wide group of cells involved in
defending the body against foreign substances.
Osteoblasts are cells that form new bone cells which later may become
either a lining cell or an osteocyte.
Osteoclasts are cells that break down the bone matrix.
Osteocytes are mature bone cells trapped within the solid bone matrix.
Reticulocytes are cells that produce reticular fibers found in reticular
Thrombocytes, or platelets, are fragments of cells involved in blood clotting.


1. Which tissues will be suitable for supporting and protecting vital organs?

2. Which tissues can assist the movement of the organism without tearing?

3. Which tissues are generally for attachment?


4. What do you think will be the consequence for cells with no blood supply
and only rely on diffusion of nutrients?

Activity 4.3. Muscle Tissues
Muscle tissues or fibers are elongated tissues specialized to contract and
expand producing movement and locomotion. The contraction of muscles is
associated with the interaction of two contractile proteins: actin and myosin.
There are three types of muscle fibers, namely, cardiac, skeletal, and smooth

Directions: Given the following muscle fibers, complete the table that follows.

Criteria Skeletal Smooth Cardiac

Striation Present
Number of Nuclei One
Brain Control Involuntary
Rate of Contraction Fast
Branching No
Examples Biceps, Pectoral Heart


1. Cardiac muscles have intercalated discs (yellow arrow) that connect every
cell in the organ. What is the advantage of having this structure?

2. What do you think is the benefit the organs with smooth muscles get from
the rate of contraction smooth muscles have? Cite one example.

Activity 4.4. Nervous Tissues
Nervous tissues are exclusive for control of different processes and relay
of messages when the body receives and reacts to a particular stimulus. The
main cells that perform the said functions are nerve cells or neurons. Aside
from neurons, there are also supporting cells or neuroglia that provide
nutrients, protection, and support.

Directions: Label the parts of the slide below.

Word Bank:

Axon Cell Body

Dendrites Neuroglia
Nucleus Schwann cell

A _______________

B _______________

C _______________

D _______________

E _______________


1. Nerve cells are said to be

the only cell to have long
cytoplasmic extensions. Why do
you think they have these

2. Nerves are one of the tissues that cannot divide, hence, the damage is
permanent. What could be the reason for this?


Animal cells can be classified according to the tissue they are

associated with.
Epithelial cells serve as protection for the rest of the body. These cells
may contain pigments and keratin making them good protectors. They
may also play an important role in secretion.
Microvilli and cilia are some modifications in epithelial cells that help
the cells in terms of absorption and movement of materials out of the
Connective tissues are tissues that attach other tissues and provides
support and protection to vital organs.
Cells found in connective tissues are mostly cells that produce the
fibers needed for strength and flexibility and cells for regeneration.
Muscle fibers have been specialized to contract and expand due to the
presence of actin and myosin.
Nerve cells conduct impulses as the body receives and reacts to
stimuli. Neurons have axons and dendrites to relay and receive
electrochemical impulses.

Check Your Understanding

Directions: Match the following functions in Column A to the type of cell or

tissue in Column B. Write only the letter of your answer on the space provided.

_____ 1. Attaches bones and muscles a. Adipocytes
_____ 2. Conducts electrical impulses b. Areolar
_____ 3. Stores fats and provides cushion c. Blood
_____ 4. Transports materials in the body d. Bone tissue
_____ 5. Give additional support for bones e. Cardiac muscle
_____ 6. Contracts for continuous blood flow f. Cartilage
_____ 7. Facilitates the exchange of materials g. Fibrous tissue
_____ 8. Provides body structure and protection h. Neurons
_____ 9. Protects organs from mechanical stress i. Pseudostratified ep.
_____ 10. Facilitates slow movement of materials j. Simple squamous
in and organ k. Skeletal muscle
l. Smooth muscle
m. Stratified epithelium

Variety of Cells: Plants

Brief Introduction

Just like animals, plants are also multicellular organisms. Plants also have
different tissues that perform specific functions. Since plants have some
differences to animals in terms of bodily functions, their structures also show
these differences. As seen in the illustration above, plants have two major types
of tissues, meristematic and permanent tissues. Permanent tissues are further
divided into surface or epidermal tissue, ground tissues, and the vascular
tissues. Most of the tissues that will be discussed in this lesson contribute to
how plants effectively transport water and nutrients throughout their bodies. Let
us look at each type of plant tissue.


Activity 5.1. Meristematic Tissue

Plant’s growth and development are associated with the meristematic
tissues due to their ability to divide. This provides an increase in length or
primary growth, an increase in width or secondary growth, and new roots, leaves,
and flowers.

Directions: Study the following pictures of root apical meristem and lateral
meristem slides below. Answer the questions that follow.

Root apical

Root apical and lateral

meristems (cambiums)


1. Which of the following meristems is associated with the primary growth of

plants? With the secondary growth?

2. What activity should be visible in the cells for you to locate the area
meristems? Why?

3. Are there any animal counterparts for these cells? Give two examples.

4. Are these animal cells pluripotent as the plant meristems? Why or why not?
Cite your sources.

Activity 5.2. Epidermal Tissues

Water is very important in plants for this provides shape and is one of the
main requirements for photosynthesis. To retain water, plants have the
epidermal tissue which has almost the same functions as the animal epithelial
tissue. Aside from water retention, epidermis plays an important role in water
absorption, gas exchange, and protection from foreign substances. The
epidermis has various modifications to perform its functions like the stomata,
cuticle, cork, trichomes, and root hairs.

Directions: Study the following pictures of the epidermis. Answer the questions
that follow.

Modifications of plant
epidermis in leaves,
stem and roots


Root hairs

1. What is the difference between the cuticle and the cork? What types of
plants will have a cork?

2. How do guard cells regulate the opening and closing of the stoma?

3. What is the difference between trichomes found in leaves and stems and
those that are found on roots or we call root hairs?

4. What advantages do plants get from developing root hairs?


Activity 5.3. Ground Tissue

Ground or fundamental tissues occupy most of the plant’s body. Most of
the cells you will see on every cross-section of leaves, roots, and stems. The cells
found on this tissue has three important functions: produce food via
photosynthesis, store nutrients, and provide support for the entire plant. There
are three major cells you will see on this tissue: parenchyma, collenchyma, and

The three ground

parenchyma (cell
walls stained light
green), collenchyma
(cell walls stained
dark green and
sclerenchyma (cell
walls stained dark

Chlorenchyma is a type of parenchyma cell Aerenchyma is a type of
with numerous chloroplasts seen in leaves. parenchyma cell that forms
Other parenchyma cells have big vacuoles large spaces to trap air
instead which are abundant in stems, roots within the plant.
and even fruits.

Directions: Study the following pictures of the three types of ground tissue.
Accomplish the table below and answer the questions that follow.

Criteria Parenchyma Collenchyma Sclerenchyma

Size of cells

Cell wall thickness


1. How can parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma cells perform their

2. Which of these three cells have an animal counterpart in terms of

function? What are these?

3. What is the importance of aerenchyma cells in plants? What plants do you

think will have more of this type of parenchyma cell?

Activity 5.4. Vascular Tissue

Vascular tissues play an important role in plants for these gave way for
effective distribution of materials throughout the plant. The development of these
tissues enables plants to grow taller than before. Plant’s vascular tissues are
divided into two depending on what they transport. These are the xylem and the
phloem. Xylem transports water and dissolved minerals from the soil to the
leaves. The phloem transports glucose and amino acids from the leaves to the
different parts of the plant via translocation. One notable difference between the
xylem and the phloem is their cell compositions. Xylem is dominated by dead
cells while the phloem has more living cells.

Directions: Study the following pictures of xylem and phloem from different
samples. Accomplish the table below and answer the questions that

Slides showing the xylem (black) and phloem

(yellow) of (a) a monocot stem, (b) a herbaceous
dicot stem, and (c) a woody dicot stem.

Slides showing the xylem (black) and phloem
(yellow) of (a) a monocot root, (b) a herbaceous
dicot root, and (c) a woody dicot root.

1. In general, what vascular tissue has a bigger size and a thicker cell wall?
Why do you think so?

2. Which vascular tissue is usually oriented near the center of the plant or
sometimes called the pith? Why is this so?

3. What could be the consequence of the position of the phloem to the plant’s
growth and survival?


Plants have two major types of tissues, namely meristematic and

permanent tissues. Meristematic tissues are responsible for the
primary and secondary growth of plants. Permanent tissues are tissues
whose cells are already specialized for a specific function.
The cells in the epidermis have developed different modifications mostly
for protection. The cuticle found on leaves and cork on the stems of
woody plants prevents too much water loss and protects foreign
organisms. Guard cells open and close the stomata in leaves for gas
exchange. Trichomes found on plants can help in temperature
regulation and may produce substances that may kill potential
predators. Root hairs provide more surface area for water and mineral
Ground tissues mostly occupy the plant’s body. It has three types of
cells: parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma. Parenchyma cells
act as storage of glucose and site for photosynthesis, while collenchyma
and sclerenchyma provide support to the different parts of the plant.
Vascular tissues serve as the transport system of the plant. Xylem
transports water and minerals from the soil to the different parts of the
plant while phloem translocates glucose and other nutrients from the
leaves to all the parts of the plant.

Check Your Understanding

Directions: Write True if the following statement is correct, otherwise, write

False on the space provided.

________ 1. Xylem cells are dead at maturity.

________ 2. All parts of the plant have a meristem.
________ 3. Parenchyma cells have the thickest cell wall.
________ 4. When the guard cells are swollen, the stoma is open.
________ 5. Root hairs are cytoplasmic extensions of one root cell.
________ 6. Phloem can transport nutrients from and to the leaves.
________ 7. The stomata of plants are always open for gas exchange.
________ 8. Collenchyma cells are actively dividing as meristems are.
________ 9. Mature sclerenchyma cells have thick walls and are dead.
________ 10. The phloem is usually situated near the center of the stem.

OUTPUT 1: Draw me a Cell!

Directions: Draw one sample of each tissue discussed in this lesson on a

separate sheet of paper and properly labeled the parts. Visit the website given
below for the sample slides you will use as your reference. Use the sample
drawing format below as your guide.

Brelje, T., & Sorenson, R. L. (2019). Histology Guide - Slidebox. Retrieved July
26, 2020, from
BSA Online Image Collection, Plant Anatomy. (2013). Retrieved July 26, 2020,

Sample Format per

each tissue/ cell:

Cells/ Tissues to Draw:

• 7 types of animal epithelium
• 7 types of animal connective tissues
• 3 types of animal muscle tissues
• 1 neuron
• One entire cross-section of monocot stem/ root/ leaves (whichever is
• One entire cross-section of dicot stem/ root/ leaves (whichever is
• One trichome
• Stomata
• Root hairs


Criteria 2 3 4 5 Score
General Poor Fair Good Great!
Formatting Lined paper is The drawing is a The drawing is The drawing is
used AND/OR little too large or large enough to large enough to
the drawing is a little too small. be clear (about be clear (about
much too small More than one of 1/2 of a page of 1/2 of a page of
or much too the following is typing paper). typing paper).
large. missing: Student Missing only one The student
name and date of the following: name and date
is at the top. The student's are the top.
name and date
is at the top.
Drawing- Poor Fair Good Great!
General There are There are a few There are a few Lines are clear
several erasures, erasures, and not
erasures, smudged lines smudged lines, smudged. There
smudged lines, or stray marks or stray marks are almost no
or stray marks on the paper, on the paper, erasures or
on the paper, which detract but they do not stray marks on
which detract from the greatly detract the paper. Color
from the drawing OR from the is used carefully
drawing. color is not drawing. Color is to enhance the
Overall, the used used carefully to drawing.
quality of the enhance the Overall, the
drawing is drawing. Overall, quality of the
poor. the drawing is drawing is
good. excellent
Drawing - Poor Fair Good Great!
Details Fewer than Almost all Almost all All assigned
85% of the assigned details assigned details details have
assigned details (at least 85%) (at least 85%) been added. The
are present OR have been have been details are clear
most details are added. A few added. The and easy to
difficult to details are details are clear identify.
identify. difficult to and easy to
identify. identify
Accuracy Poor Fair Good Great!
Less than 85% 94-85% of the 94-85% of the 95% or more of
of the assigned assigned assigned the assigned
structures are structures are structures are structures are
drawn AND/OR drawn drawn drawn
labeled accurately and accurately and accurately and
accurately are recognizable. are recognizable. are
94-85% of the All assigned recognizable. All
assigned structures are assigned
structures are labeled structures are
labeled accurately. labeled
accurately. accurately.


I. Multiple Choices. Choose the letter of your answer per each question.
Write your answer on the space provided.

_______ 1. What is the appropriate function for simple squamous

a. Protection against abrasion
b. Site for exchange of materials
c. Secretion of important proteins
d. The first line of defense against bacteria
_______ 2. Jayson is studying a tissue specimen from an animal under a
microscope. He noted that the tissue was spacious and
dominated by unorganized fibers. Very few living cells of
different types were identified. What tissue did Jayson saw?
a. Areolar tissue
b. Skeletal muscle
c. Fibrous connective tissue
d. Stratified squamous epithelium

_______ 3. Which of the following is NOT a function of ground tissues?

a. Storage
b. Support
c. Protection
d. Photosynthesis
Which of the following plant cells or tissues will still be living
_______ 4.
as it reaches maturity?
a. Cork cells
b. Xylem fibers
c. Collenchyma cells
d. Sclerenchyma cells

_______ 5. Which of the following is true about muscle tissues?

a. Smooth muscles react slowly to a stimulus.

b. All muscle tissues have striations on their cells.
c. Cardiac muscles can also be found in blood vessels.
d. Skeletal muscles have a distinct separation between cells.

II. Analogy. Study the first given pair of terms, then, use the relationship
between the first pair to identify the missing pair of the last
term. Write your answers on the space provided.

1. Epithelium : Surface tissue :: Bone cell : _______________

2. Heart : Cardiac :: Stomach : _______________
3. Photosynthesis : Parenchyma :: _______________ : Sclerenchyma
4. Fibrous : Attachment :: _______________ : Insulation
Water and
5. Xylem : Minerals
:: Phloem : _______________


Directions: Answer the following questions briefly in the table provided below.

THREE things you have LEARNED from this lesson

TWO things you find CHALLENGING in this lesson

ONE QUESTION you still have in mind


Evangelista, E.V. & Evangelista, L.T. (2009). Worktext in General Botany. C&E
Publishing, Inc.
Marieb, Elaine N. (2004). Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology Seventh
Edition. Pearson Education South Asia PTE LTD.
Morales-Ramos, A.C. & Ramos, J.D.A. (2017). Exploring Life Through Science
Series: General Biology 2. Phoenix Publishing House
Reece, J. B., Urry, L. A., Cain, M. A., Wasserman, S. A., Minorsky, P. V., &
Jackson, R. B. (2014). Campbell Biology Tenth Edition. Pearson Education, Inc.

Images were taken from Berkshire Community College Bioscience Image


Pre-Test Answer Key

1. C
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. B
6. Skeletal muscle
7. Neuron
8. Guard Cell
9. Parenchyma
10. Bone Cell

Prepared by:

Alfredo S. Alcantara
Module Writer


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