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NAME: Daniela Carolina Flórez Ballesteros
CODE: 20191780015

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Fear is everywhere and the problem with this is that it lies because it makes you miss
According to Will Smith, fear can make you miss the opportunity to talk to someone you
like and even omit that you don't want to do an extreme sport for fear of what people will
say. However, in the latter case, if you did not say anything and continues with the idea of
extreme sport, it will allow you to have a wonderful experience that will never be forgotten,
because the point of maximum danger is the point of minimum fear.
For Smith, the best things in life come after crossing the line of terror, of fear, because as
he says: “the confrontation with fear is an absolutely magical way of facing the things we
have to do in this life… forget security live for experience!”.

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According to the video, Bill Gates says that we have 7 rules of success, and these are:
 Have patience in your ideas, because although sometimes we want things to
happen as quickly as possible, there are ideas that take years to become
something big, so even if it seems that we are stagnant, we must be patient
because if it is realized, it can be a great project that changes the world.
 Work hard, No excuse, because to get something, you have to be working on
it every day. In addition, it is necessary to gain new knowledge that can help
the project grow and this is obtained by getting to know new points of view
from different people, for that reason Bill has many meetings a day.
 Learn from competitors and appreciate them, because it is good to know
other ideas, different from our own, because other people, as in the case of
Steve Jobs, also have an intuitive sense of marketing, which they bring to
the industry.
 Sometimes change is necessary, because you can't go on with the same ideas
all the time. New frontiers must be attacked based on new knowledge and
 Believe in your visión, because the vision that Microsoft had many years ago
about how the industry was going to be, is now a reality thanks to
technological advances and the fact that they held firm to their vision.
 Enjoy whatever you do, because that is the key to success in the industry and
in your personal life.
 Hire best people and innovate everyday, because to be successful and to
know what people like, you have to hire the best people with ideas that
allow you to innovate on a daily basis and be sure that you are on the right
My point of view:
I think that the 7 rules of success that Bill Gates presents are fine because they
worked for him. However, I would add some others that have to do with the personal side,
because for me, the success of a person is not only based on the work, it is also on the
intrapersonal and interpersonal side.
For example, for me success also includes having mental stability where I am
surrounded by good people who bring me happiness and good advice. Also, people with
whom I can share my achievements, feel loved and give them love.
I say this because from my point of view, if I make my company the best in the world,
or if I study something that makes me "successful", or if I invent something that people
like, I would not feel complete happiness because for me success is also sharing my
achievements with friends, family and partner.
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Dear Mr Smith:
It was nice to meet you on
Friday. I want to thank you for
your attention and the
opportunity to have listened to
me. I believe that my experience
and my study Will contribute to
the company. If you want to
contact me, my pone number is

Thank you,

Daniela Flórez

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