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Answer the following questions:

1. Which of the definitions of politics you agree the most and explain why.

“Politics As Art of Governance Focuses on the role of politics as guiding principle in

governance and public administration. Politics here is seen as an essential knowledge for

leaders and rules.”

I think politics has definite ideologies in terms of managing your power. Regardless of your

personal image, power and wealth, your knowledge in politics and how things works reflects

what kind of leader you are. If a person has extraordinary capacities in living then he is

capable to become a leader. How you take part in politics will take effect in your society. You

can choose to be governed by corrupt or the upright.

2. Given the definition of politics, how can we become political?

We can become political by being involved in governing, public affairs, practice our

power and cooperating in reaching a common goal. Being political means having an

opinion with what you stand in, it is not an ideology, it is an action, a language that

should be spoken. We can become political by calling out, signing petitions,

supporting laws and regulation and fighting for what is right.

3. Is democracy better than other forms of government in your opinion? Explain

your answer?

Yes, when being governed by the right people, democratic government is much better

than other forms. In this government, you can express your freedom, liberty and

practice your rights. You are not being dictated and controlled to do what they think is

right and wrong. You can also be part of the governing authority. If the system is not

corrupted, you can pave your way to government by doing the right thing. Above from

all of this, you can say that in a democratic country, you have a right.

4. How can we protect democracy?

We can protect our democracy by voting the right people, using our rights to oversee

the governments’ checks and balances and strengthen the politician’s accountability

and transparency to the public. We should also establish laws against dictatorship

and abuse of power and become more observant to Government’s movements.

5. Look for any quotes on democracy or politics and choose the one that you like.

Explain why.

“The ballot is stronger than the bullet” – Abraham Lincoln

I like this quote because it explains how powerful democracy is, democracy can give

life or kill. This seemed to send a message that your vote is powerful, your right is

important and it should be practiced. It reminded me to vote wisely and since I have a
choice, I will choose to vote for my future that will either point a gun at me or save me

from the bullet of my choices.

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