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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

1st Quarter Examination in MAPEH 9

S.Y. 2022-2023

Name:_____________________________ Date:________________________
Grade and Section:_____________________  Teacher:___________________


Direction: Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer;

1. What period when the Christian church highly influenced culture and the political
affairs in Europe?
a. Medieval Period c. Renaissance Period
b. Baroque Period d. Ancient Period

2. What is the other name of Middle Ages or Medieval Period (700-1400 AD) ?
a. Age of Enlightenment   b. Age of Extinction   c. Dark Ages d. Ice Age

3. What is the name of the pope during the Middle Ages who developed the
Gregorian Chant and Gregorian Calendar?
a. John Paul II b. Gregory I    c. Benedict XIV d. John XXIII

4. What do you call the Ancient form of Musical Notation used during the Middle
a. Neume   b. Nomad    c. Normal d. Nomes

5. Which famous French Composer during the Middle Ages is a former priest and a
a. Morley   b. Handel c. Vivaldi d. De la Halle

6. The following statemement is characteristic of Gregorian chant, except________.

a. Based on Latin Liturgy c.Free Meter
b. Polyphonic texture d. Modal

7. What does the French word “renaitre” (where the term Renaissance was derived)
a. rebirth   b. return   c. remove d. remark

8. The Renaissance Period is said to be the “Golden Age” of what?

a. Gregorian Chants   b. A Capella c. Madrigal d. Troubador

9. What is the “sacred music” during the Renaissance Period?

a. madrigal   b. mass   c. chants d. chorale

10. What part of the MASS means “Glory To God in the Highest?” ?
a. Kyrie   b. Agnus Dei   c. Credo d. Gloria

Address: P. Burgos St. Mabalacat, Pampanga

Telephone No. : (045)-331-8143
Website Address:
Identification: Determine the composer of each composition. Write the letter of
the correct answer.

a. Thomas Morley
b. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
c. Johan Sebastian Bach
d. Adam Dela Halle
e. Antonio Vivaldi
f. George Friedrich Handel
11. Four Seasons
12. Messiah
13. Fire, Fire my Heart
14. Fugue in G Minor
15. Pope Marcellus Mass


16. What kind of art form that best describe the picture?

a. Mosaic   b. Cave Paintings   c. Relief d. Fresco

17. What era wherein the purpose of their paintings is to make the deceased afterlife place
a. . Ancient Egypt b. Prehistoric Era c. Greek Era d. Roman Era

18. What do you call the Ancient Egyptian picture writing system?
a. Hieroglyphics   b. Cuneiform   c. Sanskrit d. Cyrillic

19. What is a Megalith Stone usually standing vertically on the ground, in the middle
of the field, called?
a. Dolmens   b. Menhir   c. Cromlech d. Stonehenge

20. What do you call the method in painting where water based pigments are painted
on freshly applied plaster on walls?
a. Mosaic   b. Cave Paintings   c. Relief d. Fresco

21. What are Red vases that are figured pottery shaped into Pelike, Lekanis,
Lebesgamikos, or Krater in Greece called?
a. Calyx   b. Cave Paintings   c. Kerch d. Fresco

22. Your group was tasked to do a mural painting in your school using the colors made with
grind powder pigments in pure water to make the painting become an integral part of the
wall. What technique of painting is ideal for mural painting using the above-mentioned
a. fresco b. encaustic c. kerch style d. mosaic 

23. What are paintings done on a panel of wood that maybe of a single piece or
several panels joined together?
a. Calyx   b. Panel Painting   c. Kerch d. Mural

24. What is the name of Massive Stone Structures built during the Pre-Historic
a. Megaliths b. Mastaba   c. Pyramid d. Obelisk

Address: P. Burgos St. Mabalacat, Pampanga

Telephone No. : (045)-331-8143
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25. You were asked by your art teacher to paint using melted beeswax and mineral
pigment to varnish your work of art. What medium of painting are you going to
a. fresco b. encaustic c. kerch style d. acrylic
26.  A very popular method of painting during classical period that uses the method
of fresco in either tempera (waterbased) or encaustic (wax).
a. panel painting c. scroll painting
b. tomb/wall painting d. plain-air painting

27. What is the name of Egyptian Tombs with a flat roof, rectangular structure with
outward sloping sides?
a. Megaliths b. Mastaba   c. Pyramid d. Obelisk

28. Which Architectural Style that utilizes pointed arch and stone vaulting? 
a. a. Roman b. Greek c. Gothic d. Byzantine

29. Your group was tasked to do a mural painting in your school using the colors
made with grind powder pigments in pure water to make the painting become an
integral part of the wall. What technique of painting is ideal for mural painting
using the above-mentioned materials?
a. fresco b. encaustic c. kerch style d. mosaic 

30. A typical art process in Romantic era where pieces of colored glass, stone, or
other materials were formed together to create an image.
a.. fresco b. encaustic c. kerch style d. mosaic


31. It is a twist, pull or tear of muscle or tendon. 

a. Fracture b. Sprain c. Strain d. Dislocation 
32. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of strain? 
a. Loss of Strength b. Muscle Spasm c. Fever d. Pain 
33. What do you call the immediate and temporary care given to a person who has
been injured or suddenly taken ill? 
a. R.I.C.E. Method b. Injury c. First Aid d. Sports Officiating 

34. What is the ability of the heart, lungs and blood vessels to deliver oxygen to
working muscles and tissues, as well as the ability of those muscles and tissues
to utilize the oxygen?
a. Cardio-vascular endurance c. Coordination
b. Body Composition d.
35. This injury happens when the two bones that come together to form a joint
become separated
a. Fracture b. Sprain c. Strain d. Dislocation 
36. It is a twist, pull or tear of muscle or tendon. 
a. Fracture b. Sprain c. Strain d. Dislocation 
37. One of the common injuries encountered by sports officials characterized by a
stretch or tear of ligament. 
a. Fracture b. Sprain c. Strain d. Dislocation 

Address: P. Burgos St. Mabalacat, Pampanga

Telephone No. : (045)-331-8143
Website Address:
38. What do you call the break in the bone that can occur from either a quick, one-
time injury or from repeated stress to the bone over time? 
a. Fracture b. Sprain c. Strain d. Dislocation 
39. What is the capacity of an individual to perform his/her daily task without undue
fatigue and still has extra energy for recreation and emergencies?
a. Fitness b. Physical Fitness c. Agility d. Speed
40. What kind of beverage should you give a person that experienced heat
a. Electrolyte beverage b. Liquor c. Coffee d. Soft drinks 


41. Which does not describe a healthy community?

a. A clean and safe environment
b. An environment that meets everyone’s basic needs
c. An environment that promotes social harmony and actively involves
d. An environment that is fully aware of its daily opportunities
42. Which best describes a community health program?
a. It maintains, protects, and improves the health of all members of the
community through organized and sustained community efforts.  Of the
b. It maintains and improves the health of all members of the community
through organized and sustained community efforts.
c. It protects and improves the health of all members of the community
through organized and sustained community efforts.
d. It maintains, protects, and improves the health of all members of the

43. Which best describes the benefits of a healthy environment

a. Less disease, less health care costs
b. Active community involvement
c. More budget for health problems, increased supply of medicines.
d. More community projects for community development
44. Which of the following problems is a leading cause of environmental destruction?

a. Soil Erosion
b. Oil Spill
c. Illegal Mining
d. Deforestation

45. What environmental problem reduces the ability of soil to store water and
support plant growth?
a. Soil erosion
b. Oil Spill
c. Illegal Mining
d. Deforestation
46. What environmental problem does when putting chemicals on the water?

a. Water pollution
b. Deforestation
c. Improper waste disposal

Address: P. Burgos St. Mabalacat, Pampanga

Telephone No. : (045)-331-8143
Website Address:
d. Flashfloods.

47. Which is not an effect of climate change?

a. Dead trees from oil spillage
b. Increase risk of drought, fire and floods
c. More health related illness and disease
d. Economic losses
48. Which of the following environmental problems causes climate change?

a. Oil spill
b. Deforestation
c. Pollution
d. Flashfloods

49. Which of the following programs of the Department of Health promotes

community health?

a. Maternal Health
b. Primary Health Care
c. Child Health Care
d. Control of Communicable Diseases

50. Why do we need to ensure community health in planning for community

a. To attain luxury of life
b. To keep the safety of the community
c. To live in a clean, safe and comfortable home
d. To maintain an enjoyable lifestyle

Address: P. Burgos St. Mabalacat, Pampanga

Telephone No. : (045)-331-8143
Website Address:
Address: P. Burgos St. Mabalacat, Pampanga
Telephone No. : (045)-331-8143
Website Address:


1. A 16. D 31. C 41. D
2. C 17. A 32. C 42. D
3. B 18. A 33. C 43. A
4. A 19. B 34. A 44. D
5. D 20. D 35. D 45. A
6. B 21. C 36. C 46. A
7. A 22. A 37. B 47. D
8. B 23. B 38. A 48. C
9. B 24. A 39. B 49. B
10. D 25. B 40. C 50. C
11. E 26.B
12. F 27.B
13. A 28.C
14. C 29.A
15. B 30.D

Address: P. Burgos St. Mabalacat, Pampanga

Telephone No. : (045)-331-8143
Website Address:
SY 2022 – 2023

Grade Subject
9 MAPEH Grading Period: 1ST Date:    
: :

Encode the Possible Levels of Difficulty (encode the item number)

NUMBER Number of
the Easy (60%) Average (30%) Difficulty (10%) Total
Encode the LEARNING OF Items per Encode
Competency NUMBE
ITEM NUMBER Rememberin Under- Appl- Analy- Evaluati Creat-
DAYS/ the total no.
HOURS of items) ITEMS g stan-ding ying zing ng ing

describes the musical

elements of
selected vocal and
1 instrumental music of 3 4 4 1,2,3,4   1, 2,3,4         4
Medieval, Renaissance
and Baroque music;
MU9MRB -Ib-f-5
2 explains the 3 3 9 5,10,6,9,11, 5,10     6,9   11,12, 9
performance practice 12,13,14,15 13,14,15
composition, role of
and audience)

Address: P. Burgos St. Mabalacat, Pampanga

Telephone No. : (045)-331-8143
Website Address:
MU9MRB -Ia-h-2
relates Medieval,  
Renaissance and
Baroque music to other
3 2 2 2 7,8     7,8     2
art forms and its  
history within the era
MU9MRB -Ic-f-3
analyzes art elements
and principles in the
production of work
4 2 1 1 16       16   1
following the style of a
western and classical
art A9EL-Ib-1
identifies distinct
characteristics of arts
5 3 1 1 17   17         1
during the different art
periods A9EL-Ia-2
identifies     5
representative artists
6 from 2 5 5 18,27 19,24
19,24,20   20    
various art periods
discusses the use or       2
function of artworks by
evaluating their
7 utilization and 2 2 2 28, 21
28       21  
combination of
art elements and
principles A9PL-Ih-2

Address: P. Burgos St. Mabalacat, Pampanga

Telephone No. : (045)-331-8143
Website Address:
creates artworks       1
guided by techniques
8 3 1 1 26
styles of Western   26        
Classical art traditions
applies different media       3
techniques and
processes to
communicate ideas,
9 experiences, 3 3 3 22,25,29
and stories showing
the characteristics of
Western Classical art
traditions A9PR-Ic-e-3
evaluates works of art       2
in terms of artistic
concepts and ideas
10 3 2 2 23,40
using criteria from the     23 30    
Western Classical art
traditions A9PR-If-4
Undertakes physical       2
activity and physical
11 fitness 3 3 2 39,34
39 34        
assessments PE9PF-Ia-
12 Performs appropriate 3 3 9 31,33,38,       9

Address: P. Burgos St. Mabalacat, Pampanga

Telephone No. : (045)-331-8143
Website Address:
first aid for injuries and
emergency situations
in physical activity and
37,32, 31,33,38 35,36,37   32,35,40    
settings (e.g. cramps,
sprain, heat
exhaustion) PE9PF-Ib-
explains how a healthy       1
positively impact the
health of people and
13 3 1 1 50
communities (less       50    
disease, less health
care cost, etc.) H9CE-
discusses the nature of       1
14 environmental 3 1 1 42
issues H9CE-Ib-d-11
suggests ways to       1
prevent and manage
15 2 1 1 41
environmental health       41    
issues H9CE-Ie-f-13
analyzes the effects of
environmental 44,45,46
16 2 6 6 43,44,45,46,47,48,       43  
issues on people’s ,47,48 6
health H9CE-Ib-d-12

Address: P. Burgos St. Mabalacat, Pampanga

Telephone No. : (045)-331-8143
Website Address:
Total 40   50
Encode the Total
Number of Contact 1    
Hours /Days
Pls Check
Encode the Total
50 Possible  
Number of Items Number of
Prepared by:

Address: P. Burgos St. Mabalacat, Pampanga

Telephone No. : (045)-331-8143
Website Address:

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