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Lesson Plan Template

LESSON PLAN Subject: Literacy and scenes

Pre-service teachers: Topic or Theme: How we organize ourselves

Class:kg2-d Date & Duration:1.11.2022

Pre-service teachers Personal Goals

I am working on: By the end of the lesson, 100% will understand the lesson

Lesson Focus

I can identify the letters “Ii”

I can identify living things and non living .

Lesson Outcomes

Pre-service teachers will be able to:

K – ESS3 -1 Use a model to represent the relationship between the needs of different plants and animals (including
humans) and the places they live.

RF.K.1d Recognizes and names all upper and lowercase letters of the alphabet.(Ii)
Links to Prior Learning

21st Century Skills

Social Skills :student will contact hen they reflect there work .
Thinking Skills: student will thank when they do the activity
Communication Skills :student will compaction with anther when they do the activity .

Key vocabulary

Go, to , ink, igloo ,insect ,ice ,ice cream ,iguana .

Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

Student will not now the sound of letter I Student will now learn the sound of letter Ii .

Resources/equipment needed

Paper ,object (hours, ice cream ,tree).


& Time
Students will: Teacher will:

Student will say good mooring teacher . Good mooring kg how are you today ?
Student will say the day and date . How can tell me what the day and date today ?
Student will song with teacher . Today kg we will learn now litter but firs lesson
Student will do the activity . for this story.
Student will practice the letter I i. Letter i is an inventor, always inventing
Student will see the video . amazing new toys or gadgets. He is now
inventing a flying car. When he think he
side iiiii .you can see her he look like a
smart man .her job to being now idea
because he inventor .let learn now song
for litter Ii .
My name is I (i, i)
My name is I (i, i)
Ideas just come to me,
They flow so easily,
I'm a fandabbydozy inventor .

Then I will play with student a game it

like puzzle. It will be in carpet will hove
different Picher begging with letter I with
letter Ii for example ink ,insects, ice
cream .then I will hove a dice they will
throw dice in this Picher in each Picher
hove number if dice it come with number
2 they will see what the Picher 2 they will
say what this for example number 2 hove
ink .

Then we will practice litter I .See kg to write

uppercase I well start at the top and do a
straight line down and then go back to the top
and do a line across. Then well go to the
bottom and do a line across. To write
lowercases I we start to middle and do a
straight line down then well go to the top and
do a dot .
Then I will explain for student what mean of
living and non living .
Things which can grow, move, breathe and
reproduce are called living things. Inanimate
describes a non-living thing. Chairs, baseballs,
sofa cushions and sadly, snowmen, are all
inanimate objects.
Then I will show student a video about living
and non-loving . I will give student a activity to
make a circle for living and non-loving .

Main activities
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:

First activity: student will make a ice I will explain for student each activity .
cream and igloo using paper .

Second activity :student will sorting Picher

for living and non living .

Third activity :student will do a letter I by

using a paper to Crite letter Ii
Four activity student will hove object of
living and living thing they will sort with
her friend the object and they will draw
the living and non living .

Differentiation activities (Support)

Activity 1 student need help to ice cream

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

Second activity sort the living thing and non living .

& Time

Students will Teacher will

Student will reflect what they did .


☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment


☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation ☐ Written work and ☐ Verbal feedback



I did my lesson with my kg 2 D students . it about letter I and math count by 10. First I stary my lesson
with review the letter .then I tell student today will learn now think .I explains with the letter by tell him a
story about letter I . Letter i is an inventor, always inventing amazing new toys or gadgets. He is now
inventing a flying car. When he think he side iiiii .you can see her he look like a smart man .her job to
being now idea because he inventor .let learn now song for litter Ii . My name is I (i, i)
My name is I (i, i) Ideas just come to me, They flow so easily, I'm a fandubbed inventor . Then I play
with student a game it like puzzle. It will be in carpet will hove different Picher begging with letter I
with letter Ii for example ink ,insects, ice cream .then I will hove a dice they will throw dice in this
Picher in each Picher hove number if dice it come with number 2 they will see what the Picher 2 they
will say what this for example number 2 hove ink .then I explain for student the activity . First activity:
student will make a ice cream and igloo using paper . Second activity :student will sorting Picher for living and non
living . Third activity :student will do a letter I by using a paper to Crite letter Ii . Four activity student will hove
object of living and living thing they will sort with her friend the object and they will draw the living and non living .
Then ask student to reflect what they did .

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