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Studying the pattern of diffraction of light using Young’s
single slit experiment and calculating the wavelength of given
source of light

Name: Snigdha Rathore

Class: 12 – G
Roll no.:
School: Delhi Public School, Bangalore – South
Academic Session: 2022-23
Name: Snigdha Rathore
Class: 12 – G
Roll no.:
School: Delhi Public School, Bangalore – SouthAcademic
Session: 2022-23

This is certified to be the bonafide work of the student Snigdha

Rathore in the Physics project “Diffraction – Young’s Single Slit
Experiment for Calculating Wavelength of Light from Source” during
the academic session of 2022-23.

Signature of Internal Examiner Signature of Student

Examiner no.:

Signature of External Examiner School Seal

Examiner no.:


I, Snigdha Rathore, would like to thank my school,

DelhiPublic School, Bangalore – South and our Principal,
Mrs. Anitha Bijesh, for providing me with an opportunity to
perform this experiment.

I would also like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my

physics teacher, Mrs. Satya Srikanth, and all the lab assistants
for guiding me and helping me complete my project

I would like to extend my gratitude to my project

partners, Suhani Mishra and Shruthi Kurnool, for their aidin
the completion of this project.

I would like to thank my parents for their encouragement

and my classmates for their support.


1. Abstract 5

2. Introduction to Diffraction ----------------------------------- 6

3. Experiment 10
a. Aim ………………………………………………. 10
b. Materials Required ………………………………. 10
c. Set-Up Used ……………………………………… 10
d. Theory ……………………………………………. 11
e. Procedure ………………………………………… 14
f. Observations and Results ………………………... 15

4. Precautions 19

5. Sources of Error 20

6. Bibliography 21


The purpose of this project is to understand the

phenomenon of diffraction and to calculate the wavelength of
a given source of light using Young’s single slit experiment
Diffraction is the term used to describe the phenomenon
of bending of light in the presence of an obstruction in its
linear path.
Classically, it is believed that light always travels in a
straight line. But when a barrier to the linear path of light is
posed in the form of an obstructing object, light shows a
tendency to bend around the edges of the object and spread
out. The obstruction is equal to or smaller than the wavelength
of light.
An example of diffraction from our everyday life is when
we see sunlight coming through the gaps between clouds on a
cloudy day. The light seems to spread out and fall on the
Young’s single slit experiment is a simple demonstration
of diffraction and can be used to calculate the wavelength of
the light source. The same has been carried out in this project,
Keywords: diffraction, Young’s single
slit experiment, wavelength, fringe width,
slit width, convex lens
Figure 1 - Diffraction in everyday



Light is commonly defined as an electromagnetic radiation. The

range of wavelength of this radiation visible to the human eye is
called visible light. The whole spectrum is quite broad, ranging from
radio waves to gamma rays.



Electromagnetic spectrum, as the name suggests, describes

fluctuations of electric and magnetic fields, transporting energy at the
speed of light (c=3x108m/s).
Light is commonly described as a stream of photons. Photons
are the smallest quantity of energy which can be transported, known
as quanta or packets of energy.

Theories of Light

At first, there was a lot of controversy and debate regarding the

nature of light; some believed it to be a wave and others, that it had
particle nature.
Newton proposed the Corpuscular Theory of Light. According
to him, light was made of many tiny particles and that these particles
obeyed the laws of physics much like any other object with mass.
This theory could explain phenomena like reflection, refraction and
dispersion, but could not explain interference, diffraction and
Later, Huygens proposed the Wave Theory of Light.


Diffraction, as mentioned previously, is the spreading out of

waves as they pass through an aperture or around objects. The extent
of bending around the edge of an object depends on the relative size
of the wavelength of light to the size of the opening.
If the opening is much larger than the light's wavelength, the
bending will be almost unnoticeable. However, if the two are closer in
size or equal, the amount of bending is considerable, and easily seen
with the naked eye.
Consider our example from before, of light spreading from the
gaps between water droplets in clouds.

Figure 2 - Diffraction of light from clouds'

Diffracted light can produce fringes of light, dark or coloured
bands. An optical effect that results from the diffraction of light is the
silver lining sometimes found around the edges of clouds or coronas
surrounding the sun or moon.

Figure 3 - Corona around sun

Optical effects resulting from diffraction are produced through

the interference of light waves.


Interference is the combination of two or more electromagnetic

waveforms to form a resultant wave in which the displacement is
either reinforced or cancelled.
Essentially, what this means is that, when two waves, such as
light waves, interact and interfere with each other, they often come
together to produce a new wave.
A crest or trough is formed when the incident waves are of same
frequency and wavelength and have phase difference as 0, π, 2π, 3π,
etcetera. This leads to the addition of their amplitudes and the
resultant amplitude is maximum. This is often called as positive or
constructive interference.
A flatline is formed when the incident waves have phase
difference as π/2, 3π/2, 5π/2, 7π/2, etcetera. This leads to the
subtraction of their amplitudes and the resultant amplitude is

minimum. This is often called as negative or destructive interference.
This leads to the amplitude becoming 0.

Figure 4 - (a) Constructive Interference (b) Destructive Interference

Young’s Single Slit Experiment

Young’s Single Slit Experiment is a demonstration of diffraction

of light leading to the formation of bright and dark fringes.
Bright fringes are formed due to constructive interference and
dark fringes, due to destructive interference. This alternating bands of
dark and bright gives us the interference pattern.

Figure 5 - Interference Pattern


To study the pattern of diffraction of light using Young’s single

slit experiment and calculate the wavelength of given source of light.

Apparatus Required

• Laser pointer of any colour (here, red laser taken)

• Single slit of adjustable width
• Convex lens
• 2 clamp stands
• Metre scale
• Screen (white chart paper on wall)
• Stationery (pencil or pen)
• Dark room

Set-Up Used

Figure 6 - Set Up for experiment


Thomas Young’s famous double-slit experiment, performed in

1801, demonstrates the wave nature of light. In this experiment,
monochromatic light is shone on two narrow slits. The waves, after
passing through each slit, superimpose to give an alternate bright and
dark distribution on a distant screen. All the bright fringes have the
same intensity and width.
In the single slit experiment, monochromatic light is passed
through one slit of finite width and a similar pattern is observed on the
Unlike the double-slit diffraction pattern, the width and intensity
in the single-slit diffraction pattern reduce as we move away from the
central maximum.
According to Huygens’ principle, when light is incident on the
slit, secondary wavelets generate from each point. These wavelets start
out in phase and propagate in all directions. Each wavelet travels a
different distance to reach any point on the screen. Due to the path
difference, they arrive with different phases and interfere
constructively or destructively.
If a monochromatic light of wavelength λ falls on a slit of width
d, the intensity on a screen at a distance D from the slit can be expressed
as a function of θ.
Here, θ is the angle made with the original direction of light. It is
given by,
𝐼(𝜃) =
𝛼 = sin 𝜃,
and I0 is the intensity of the central bright fringe at θ=0.

The angular distance between the two first order minima is
called the angular width of central maxima. It is given by,
2𝜃 =

The linear width of central maxima, or fringe width, is given by,

Here, β = fringe width
λ = wavelength
d = slit width
D = distance between slit and screen

The width of the central maximum in the diffraction formula is

inversely proportional to the slit width. If the slit width decreases, the
central maximum widens, and if the slit width increases, it narrows
down. It can be inferred from this behaviour that light bends more as
the dimension of the aperture becomes smaller.
It is important to note here that the slit behaves as the light
source for Young’s single slit experiment.

Conditions for diffraction:

1. Incident light should be monochromatic.
2. Slit width should be comparable to wavelength of incident

Figure 7 - Young's Single Slit Experiment for Diffraction

Figure 8 – Diffraction

Figure 9 - Interference Pattern in YSSE


To find the width of central maxima or the brightest fringe

1. First, set up the apparatus as shown in Figure 6.
2. The slit and laser are clamped to stand and slit is placed between
the laser and screen.
3. The distance between slit and screen is measured, this is D.
4. Laser pointer should be adjusted so that the light passes through
the centre of the slit.
5. Now, adjust the slit width until you get a distinct interference
pattern of dark fringes and intense bright fringes.
6. Using a pencil and white paper, mark the size of the central
maxima or the brightest central fringe. The length of this is
notes as fringe width or β.
7. Change the distance, D, and repeat the steps two more times.

To find the slit width (d) of single slit using convex lens
1. Without changing slit width after finding fringe width (β) for
three different values of D, place a convex lens in front of slit
and a screen (white paper) behind the lens.
2. Using trial and error method, adjust the distance between lens
and slit (object distance, u) and distance between lens and
screen (image distance, v).
3. This must be done until a bright circular spot of light is formed
and interference pattern is not seen on the screen.
4. Measure the diameter of the bright spot. This is the height of the
image, hi.
The above steps should be repeated for three different slit widths.

Observations, Results and Conclusions

1. An interference pattern of alternating light and dark bands or
fringes is seen.
2. The central bright fringe is the brightest.
3. Intensity of bright fringes reduces as we move away from the
central maxima.

From the formula of magnification of convex lens,
𝑣 ℎ
𝑚= = 𝑖
𝑢 ℎ𝑜
 ℎ𝑜 = ℎ𝑖 × =𝑑
This gives us, slit width, d which is equal to object height, ho.
Now, we know, fringe width is,
Solving for the wavelength, λ, we get,
1. For slit width d1,

Object distance, Image distance, Image height, Object height,

u v hi ho
(cm) (cm) (cm) (cm)
32.3 17 0.04 0.076

Sl. Slit width, d Distance between Fringe width, β Wavelength,
No. (cm) slit and screen, D (cm) λ
(cm) (nm)
1 380 0.65 650
2 0.076 400 0.70 665
3 420 0.75 678
Average wavelength, λ = 664.3nm
2. For slit width d2,

Object distance, Image distance, Image height, Object height,

u v hi ho
(cm) (cm) (cm) (cm)
32.8 12 0.03 0.082

Sl. Slit width, d Distance between Fringe width, βWavelength,

No. (cm) slit and screen, D (cm) λ
(cm) (nm)
1 380 0.62 669
2 0.082 400 0.65 667
3 420 0.70 683
Average wavelength, λ = 673nm
3. For slit width d3,
Object distance, Image distance, Image height, Object height,
u v hi ho
(cm) (cm) (cm) (cm)
29.7 9.5 0.03 0.094

Sl. Slit width, d Distance between Fringe width, β Wavelength,

No. (cm) slit and screen, D (cm) λ
(cm) (nm)
1 380 0.50 618
2 0.094 400 0.54 634
3 420 0.60 671
Average wavelength, λ = 641nm

4. Average of all three wavelengths from different slit widths,

664.3 + 673 + 641

λ= = 659.43 ≈ 660𝑛𝑚
1. For slit width d1,
0.04 + 32.3
ℎ𝑜 = = 0.076𝑐𝑚
0.65 × 0.076
λ= = 650𝑛𝑚
2 × 380
0.70 × 0.076
λ= = 665𝑛𝑚
2 × 400
0.75 × 0.076
λ= = 678𝑛𝑚
2 × 420
650 + 665 + 678
λ𝑎𝑣𝑔 = = 664.3𝑛𝑚

2. For slit width d2,

0.03 + 32.8
ℎ𝑜 = = 0.082𝑐𝑚
0.62 × 0.082
λ= = 669𝑛𝑚
2 × 380
0.65 × 0.082
λ= = 667𝑛𝑚
2 × 400
0.70 × 0.082
λ= = 683𝑛𝑚
2 × 420

669 + 667 + 683
λ𝑎𝑣𝑔 = = 673𝑛𝑚

3. For slit width d3,

0.03 + 29.7
ℎ𝑜 = = 0.094𝑐𝑚
0.50 × 0.094
λ= = 618𝑛𝑚
2 × 380
0.54 × 0.094
λ= = 634𝑛𝑚
2 × 400
0.60 × 0.094
λ= = 671𝑛𝑚
2 × 420
618 + 634 + 671
λ𝑎𝑣𝑔 = = 641𝑛𝑚

Interference pattern of alternating bright and dark fringes is
seen when light passes through a single slit of slit width comparable
with the wavelength of light.
Using Young’s Single Slit Experiment, we get that the
wavelength of given light source is approximately 660nm which is
valid since red light has wavelengths ranging from 630-680nm.

Figure 10 - Pattern observed

1. Ensure that the room is as dark as possible so that the
interference pattern is distinctly seen.

2. The slit width should not be too small or too large as this may
lead to diffraction being less noticeable.

3. While calculating slit width, ensure that the interference pattern

does not form on the screen, through the lens.

4. All measurements should be kept track of properly.

5. Light from laser pointer should pass through the approximate

middle of the slit.

1. Laser light may flicker, i.e., light may not be constant.

2. Measurements of distances while calculating slit width may not

be accurate.

3. There may be parallax error while taking readings.

4. Central fringe measured may not be the brightest.

5. Other sources of light may hinder distinction of pattern.



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