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3.4 Memahami dan mengidentifikasi teks tulis dan lisan untuk

meminta/ memberi informasi secara berterima yang melibatkan
tindak tutur: menyatakan persetujuan, dan penolakan/tidak setuju.
4.4 Menyusun teks tulis dan lisan untuk meminta/ memberi informasi
secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: menyatakan
persetujuan, dan penolakan/tidak setuju. menolak terhadap
pendapat /saran seseorang

Materials : asking/giving opinion/suggestion, agree/disagree

Activities :

1. Listen and repeat

2. Look at the pictures. Find the differences and write

3. Read the text loudly

4. Make mind map besed on the text

5. Listen, repeat, speak


Activity 1

Listen and Repeat!

I think ….

In my opinion ….

I think learning English is fun.

In my opinion, reading is better than

watching TV
Activity 2

Look at the pictures. Find the differences and write!

What do you think ?

more facilities
I think village is : I think city is :
more job opportunities _______________
_________________ helpful neighbours _______________

_________________ _______________
_________________ _______________
peaceful and quiet
_________________ _______________

_________________ fresh air _______________

_________________ more open spaces _______________

_________________ _______________
cheap cost of living
_________________ _______________
expensive cost of living _______________

Activity 3

Read the text loudly!

Live in Harmony

Mr. Emil is from Surabaya, a big city in Indonesia. Surabaya

is a crowded city. He lives in a modern lifestyle with complete

facilities but hight cost of living.

Mr. Emil and his family move to Pacitan for his job. They have

to adapt the culture of Pacitan. Life in Pacitan is diferent from

Surabaya, but Mr Emil and his family are happy there. People in

Pacitan are nice. They respect each others. Pacitan also has

beautiful beaches and scenery. Mr Emil thinks they can live there

for a long time.

(adapted from:

Activity 4

Make mind map besed on the text!


True or False

1. Mr Emil is from Pacitan T/ F

2. Surabaya is a high cost living city T/F

3. Pacitan and Surabaya have the same culture T/F

4. Pacitan people are nice T/F

5. Mr Emil’s family can enjoy beautiful scenery in Pacitan T / F

Activity 5

Listen, Repeat, Speak!

Agree or disagree?
Do you agree that….

 I agree with you.
 That’s a good idea.
 I think so.
 You’re right.

× I disagree with you.
× I don’t agree.
× I don’t think so.
× I’m sorry, but I think that’s not a good idea.

Let’s speak!

Work in pair, make a dialogue using the situations below!

No Student A Student B
Eating salad is better than
1 Agree
junk food
2 Disagree Boys can run faster than girls
Girls can draw more
3 Disagree
beautifully than boys
4 Agree Practice make perfect
Living in city is better
5 Disagree
than in countryside
6 Agree Internet makes life easier

Exercise 1

1. A : Do you agree that eating salad is better than junk food?

B : I agree with you. Eating salad can make us healthy.

2. B :________________________________________________________________________________
A : _______________________________________________________________________________

3. A :_______________________________________________________________________________
B : _______________________________________________________________________________

4. B :________________________________________________________________________________
A : _______________________________________________________________________________

5. A :_______________________________________________________________________________
B : _______________________________________________________________________________

6. B :________________________________________________________________________________
A : _______________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 2
Write your opinion!

Statement My opinion

Doing sport is fun

Doing homework together is
better than doing it alone
We need to study only for
the test
Children don’t want to help
Playing outside is better
than playing mobile game

Circle a, b, c on the correct answers!

1. Surabaya is a big city. I think ….

a. Surabaya is crowded
b. big city is cheap cost of living
c. we can get fresh air in Surabaya
2. Reading book is a good habit. In my opinion ….
a. book makes us lazy
b. book is not interesting
c. we can get knowledge from book
3. Dona : Living in the village is nice
Fiqa : ….
Village people are nice.
a. I agree with you
b. That’s not true
c. I don’t agree
4. Children have to eat nutritious food. I think ….
a. instant noodle is good for children
b. healthy food make us healthy
c. junk food is delicious
5. Ahmad : I think boy can run faster than girl.
Aisyah : …
I’m sure that I can beat you.
a. That’s a good idea
b. I don’t think so
c. Yes, you are right
6. We study hard only for the test. In my opinion ….
a. study is boring
b. we don’t have to study hard
c. we have to study hard everyday
7. Ofan : Playing game in cellphone is fun.
Rizky : I don’t agree with you. I think ….
a. playing game in cellphone is interesting
b. playing outside is fun and healthy
c. cellphone is good for our eyes
8. We have to sleep at 9.00 pm every day. In my opinion ….
a. we have to sleep at 11.00 pm
b. sleep enough makes us healthy and fresh
c. watching TV is better than sleep at 9.00 pm
9. Father : Let’s go to the Safari park next holiday.
Dodo : That’s … Dad. I love animals.
a. a good idea
b. expensive
c. boring
10. Nana : We have an English homework
Bella : Why don’t we do it together?
Nana : ….
Doing homework together is easier.
a. I’m sorry.
b. I don’t think so
c. That’s a good idea

Answer these questions based on your opinion!

1. We have to eat breakfast before going to school.

2. Children must help their parents.
3. English is easy.
4. We have to brush our teeth before sleeping.
5. Wash our hand before eating.
_______________________________________ ____

90% - 100% = Excellent

80% - 89% = Good

70% - 79% = Fair

< 70% = Poor

1. agree = setuju

2. disagree = tidak setuju

3. opinion = pendapat

4. crowded = ramai, berjubel

5. helpful = suka menolong

6. peace = damai

7. fresh air = udara segar

8. cheap = murah

9. expensive = mahal

10. boring = membosankan

Azar, Betty Schrampfer, Understanding and Using English Grammar, Prentice Hall, Inc, New
Jersey, 1992

Ling, Judy and Smith, Anne, My Pals Are Here, Marshall Cavendish, United Kingdom, 2006

Burt, Sally and Ridgard, Debbie, Cambridge Primary English Stage 5 Learner’s Book,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2015

Boylan, Jane and Medwell Claire, Cambridge Global English Stage 5 Learner’s Book,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2014

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