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Mata Kuliah Bioteknologi Peternakan (PTK 202)



1. Tiara Fadila Alzahra ( 2005104010079 )

2. Mutiara Salina ( 2005104010083)
3. Siti Mutiya (2005104010077)
4. Edo Setia Pratama (2005104010082)
5. Fuji Anjeli (2005104010075)

Dosen Pembimbing :
Prof. Dr. Ir. Eka Meutia Sari, M.Sc



DAFTAR ISI....................................................................................................................................................i
BAB I. PENDAHULUAN.................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Latar Belakang...................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Rumusan Masalah.............................................................................................................................1
BAB II. DASAR TEORI....................................................................................................................................2
BAB III. PEMBAHASAN.................................................................................................................................4
1.CONVENTIONAL AND MODERN BIOTECHNOLOGY...............................................................................4
3.BASIC PRINCIPLES AND TECHNIQUES OF GENETIC ENGINEERING........................................................9
4. TRANSGENIC COW............................................................................................................................10
5. IMPACT OF GENETIC ENGINEERING...................................................................................................11
BAB IV. PENUTUP......................................................................................................................................12
4.1 KESIMPULAN....................................................................................................................................12
DAFTAR PUSTAKA......................................................................................................................................13


1.1 Latar Belakang

Genetics is a science that studies things about genes starting from the chemical
composition of genes, the role of genes in determining the nature or performance of an individual
and how to decrease individual traits which are determined by the genes themselves. If we
study, then all individual traits ranging from amoebas, bacteria, viruses, plants, animals, to
humans are determined by the genes that exist in these creatures. These traits will appear with
the support of a suitable environment or as expected by the creature concerned. A trait will
appear or be shown by an individual in accordance with the genetic potential that determines the
trait if it gets a suitable environment. If the environment does not support it, then the phenotype
that appears or is shown by the individual concerned is not in accordance with the genetic
potential it carries.
Genetic engineering is the transplantation of one gene to another, both between genes and
across genes to produce products that are useful for living things. At first, genetic engineering
was only carried out on plants to solve the food shortage of the world's population, and in its
development genetic engineering not only applies to similar plants and animals, but has evolved
in humans and across species.
Genetic engineering can be defined as the activity of manipulating genes to obtain new
products by making recombinant DNA through gene insertion. Recombinant DNA is DNA
whose sequences have been recombined to have the properties or functions we want so that the
recipient organism expresses the traits or performs the functions we want. The object of genetic
engineering includes almost all groups of organisms, from bacteria, fungi, lower animals, higher
animals, to plants.
The rapid development of science has made genetic engineering technology has touched
various fields ranging from the field of medicine, the food industry (derived from vegetable and
animal origin), agriculture, animal husbandry, and even application to humans by cloning

1.2 Rumusan Masalah

1. What is conventional and modern biotechnology?
2. what is the application of biotechnology in animal husbandry?
3. What are the basic principles and techniques of genetic engineering?
4. what is a transgenetic cow?
5. what is the impact of genetic engineering?


The definition of biotechnology is developing or creating new products to produce new

products that have added value that are more economical and process faster by utilizing living
systems and organisms.Biotechnology itself comes from the word bios which means life, teuchos
which means tool, and logos which means life. Therefore, the long meaning of biotechnology is
as a branch of science from biology that studies the use of living things and products from living
things for production processes that aim to increase the added value of these products.According
to the Office of Technical Assistance (OTA), defines biotechnology as engineering the
utilization of living organisms or parts of organisms with the aim of making or modifying
products in order to increase the added value of living things for consumption.According to
Murray and Young (1996), biotechnology is a combination of 3 sciences, namely the intersection
or intersection of technology (engineering), chemistry and biology. So, how to understand
biotechnology? let's understand the basic principles of biotechnology next.
Biotechnology Science Division The scope of biotechnology is so broad that to simplify
the division of biotechnology, scientists divide biotechnology into red, green, white, and blue
biotechnology. The following is an explanation of each of these divisions.
1. Red Biotechnology
Understanding red biotechnology is a branch of biotechnology that specializes in
studying the application of biotechnology on the medical side, this medical case includes
prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a disease. Usually many are developed by parties
working in the world of health and pharmacy.

2. Green Biotechnology
Green biotechnology is an application of biotechnology whose development is in the
fields of agriculture and animal husbandry.

3. White Biotechnology
White biotechnology is a science of biotechnology whose application to industry is by
developing and utilizing microorganisms, enzymes and others to produce new products of higher
value. Well, the products themselves include food products and also non-food products such as
biomaterials, biopolymers, and new compounds.

4. Blue Biotechnology

Blue biotechnology is biotechnology whose development has penetrated the aquatic
sector, including in the waters and marine areas. An example of blue biotechnology itself is
utilizing marine plants as a source of energy and biofuel.

ioinformatics is a specialized field that studies biological problems using computations.
The development of biotechnology is currently in line with the development of bioinfirmatics.
bioinformatics has an important role in functional genomics, structural genomics, and proteomics
capable of producing important needs that are beneficial to humans. Actually this division is
very new, yes. So, those are the 5 divisions or branches of biotechnology.



Biotechnology is a field of application of bioscience and technology that concerns the
practical application of living organisms or their subcellular components in service and
manufacturing industries as well as environmental management. Or it can also be defined as a
technology that uses biological systems (biological processes) to obtain goods and services that
are useful for human welfare. Biotechnology utilizes: bacteria, yeast, mold, algae, plant cells or
cultured animal cells as constituents of various industrial processes.
In general, biotechnology is divided into traditional and modern biotechnology.
Traditional biotechnology is biotechnology that uses microbes (organisms) to modify materials
and the environment to obtain optimal products. For example, making tempeh, tape, bread,
composting waste. While modern biotechnology is carried out through the use of human skills in
manipulating living things so that they can be used to produce products according to what
humans want. For example through genetic engineering techniques. Genetic engineering is a
technique to produce DNA molecules that contain new desired genes or combinations of new
genes or can be said to be manipulation of organisms.
Modern biotechnology is developing rapidly after molecular genetics is well developed.
Beginning with an understanding of the structure of DNA in the 1960s and through the
development of various molecular techniques have led to a better understanding of genes. Genes
or what is often known as DNA, is the genetic material that is responsible for all the properties
possessed by living things (Sutarno, 2014). Genetics is the study of how the traits of a living
thing are passed down from parents to their offspring. Most of the properties possessed by a
living thing is controlled by genes that are in the cell nucleus (nucleus), and the pattern of
inheritance is studied in Mendelian Genetics ( Mendelian Genetics). The basic principle of this
Mendelian inheritance pattern is that half (50%) of a trait is passed on to offspring from the male
parent and half (50%) from the female parent. However, there are also characteristics of living
things that are controlled by DNA outside the nucleus (mitochondria, chloroplasts), whose
inheritance pattern does not follow Mendelian patterns, so they are often referred to as
nonMendelian genetics.Non-Mendelian Genetics) (Sutarno, 2015). In non-Mendelian genetics,
the traits possessed by the offspring as a whole (100%) come from the female parent, so the
pattern of inheritance is often referred to as maternally inherited.With the development of
molecular technology, techniques for manipulating genes have also developed so that genetic
engineering techniques emerge.
Advances in science and technology that already exist in the fields of physics, chemistry,
mathematics and biology have triggered the advancement of biotechnology. In addition, many
things also played a role in triggering the birth of biotechnology, including the increasing
demands to achieve the desired target with a faster process and innovative breakthroughs that

could benefit mankind. Biotechnology also has an important role in today's science,
biotechnology itself has undergone various updates from traditional biotechnology to modern
biotechnology. The benefits of biotechnology for human life in improving welfare and
improving life have been proven, including its application to fight hunger, overcome the scarcity
of energy resources,
Bioteknology cloud used for increase livestock production, trough:
1). production technology, such as artificial insemination, embryo transfer, embryo
cryopreservation, in vitro fertilization, sperm and embryo sexing, cloning and splitting.
2). genetic engineering, such as genome maps, marker assisted selection(MAS),transgenic, gene
identification, molecular conservation, and
3). improving feed efficiency and quality, such as manipulation of rumen microbes, and
biotechnology related to the veterinary field (Gordon, 1994; Niemann and Kues, 2000).


1. Nucleus Transplant (Clone)

This technology is better known as cloning technology, which is the technology used to
produce duplicate individuals (similar to the parent). Cloning technology has been successfully
carried out on several types of animals. One of them is cloning sheep known as Dolly sheep.

Through animal cloning, several human organs for transplantation to cure a disease have been
successfully formed.
2. Artificial insemination

This technique is known as injection mating, atechnique to introduce thawed and

processed sperm from male livestock into the female genital tract using special methods and
3. Embryo Transfer

If injectable mating focuses on male sperm, embryo transfer will not only optimize the
potential of males, but also optimize the potential of superior quality females. In this TE
technique, superior females do not need to be pregnant but only function to produce embryos
which can then be transferred to the caretaker with quality that does not need to be good but has
the ability to become pregnant. Embryos obtained can be directly transferred into recipient cows
or frozen for storage and transfer at another time.
4. Genetic engineering

Genetic engineering or recombinant DNA is a collection of experimental techniques that
allow researchers to isolate, identify, and multiply fragments of genetic material (DNA) in their
pure form. The use of genetic techniques in agriculture and animal husbandry is expected to
contribute, both in helping to understand the basic mechanisms of metabolic processes and in
their practical applications, such as for the development of agricultural plants and livestock with
superior characteristics. For this purpose, it can be done through cloning or transfer of genes
encoding important economic traits in animals and plants, the use of DNA clones as markers in
helping to increase selection efficiency in breeding programs (Sutarno, 2002).
Genetic engineering is the basis of biotechnology which includes gene manipulation,
gene cloning, recombinant DNA, genetic modification technology, and modern genetics by using
procedures for identification, replication, modification and transfer of genetic material from
cells, tissues, and organs. Most of the techniques used are direct manipulation of DNA with
orientation to the expression of certain genes. On a broader scale, genetic engineering involves
markers or markers that are often referred to asMarker-Assisted Selection(MAS)which aims to
increase the efficiency of an organism based on its phenotypic information. One application of
genetic engineering is in the form of manipulation of animal genomes. Animals that are often
used for testing are mammals. Mammals have a larger and more complex genome than viruses,
bacteria, and plants. As a consequence, to modify the genetics of mammals must use molecular
genetic techniques and recombinant DNA technology.
The advantage of genetic engineering is that it is able to transfer genetic material from
very diverse sources with high accuracy and control in a shorter time. Through this genetic
engineering process, various organisms and products that are beneficial for human life have been
successfully developed.
Specific technologies used in genetic engineering include recombinant DNA technology,
which is the formation of new combinations of genetic material by inserting DNA molecules into
a vector so as to allow it to be integrated and reproduced in a cell of another organism that acts as
a host cell.
The benefits of genetic engineering methods include:
1. Reduce costs and increase the supply of a large number of materials now used in medicine,
agriculture and industry

2. Developing superior agricultural crops
3. Exchanging genes from one organism to another according to human desires, induces cells to
make previously unmade materials etc.
With the development of molecular techniques, it has been possible to accelerate developments
in the field of genetic engineering of living things. Mastery of recombinant DNA techniques has
allowed the development of genetic material engineering techniques that allow the formation of
transgenic animals. Transgenic animals are animals that have been modified the composition of
their genetic material to produce animals or plants that have the characteristics desired by
humans. Transgenic technology in animals can be carried out through several techniques, for
example by micro-injecting DNA fragments into fertilized eggs. The aim of this technology is to
increase the production of livestock such as meat, milk, and eggs to be higher. An example of an
animal experiencing this technology is the transgenic sheep. The sheep's DNA was inserted with
a human gene called factor VIII (a blood-clotting protein) in the hope that the gene was
expressed. Transgenic sheep that express the inserted gene will produce milk containing factor
VIII which can be purified to help hemophilia sufferers.
Genetic engineering can also preserve rare species. For example, zebra eggs that have been
fertilized are then implanted in the womb of a horse which is another species as a surrogate

This genetically engineered preservation technique is very useful, for the following reasons:
1. Parent of common species can give birth to offspring of rare species.
2. Eggs of rare animals that have been fertilized can be frozen, then stored for years even though
the mother is dead. These frozen eggs can then be transplanted.
Another example of the use of genetic engineering in animals is the use of the hormone bST
(bovine somatotrophine hormone). With genetic engineering, animal growth hormone, namely
bST, is produced, through the following techniques:
1. Plasmids of E.Coli bacteria were cut with an endonuclease enzyme.
2. Bovine somatotropin gene isolated from bovine cells
3. The somatotropin gene is inserted into the bacterial plasmid
4. The bacteria that produce bovine somatotrophine are grown in a fermentation tank
5. Bovine somatotrophine is extracted from bacteria and purified.
This hormone can trigger growth and increase milk production. bST controls lactation (milk
production) in cows by increasing the number of mammary gland cells. If these genetically
engineered hormones are injected into animals, milk production will increase by up to 20%. The
use of bST has been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the drug and food
control agency in America. America believes that milk produced by the hormone bST is safe for
consumption, but in Europe this is prohibited because mastitis in animals given this hormone has
increased by 70%. In addition to affecting milk production, treatment with this hormone can
affect the size of cattle up to 2 times their normal size. You do this by injecting the egg to be
fertilized with the BST hormone.


Several methods that are often used in genetic engineering techniques include the use of
vectors, cloning, PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), and selection, screening, and analysis of
recombinants. The steps of genetic recombination include:
(1) Identify the expected gene
(2) The introduction of the DNA code to the expected gene
(3) Engineered gene expression regulation
(4) Monitoring of gene transmission to offspring.

Modifying the genetic material of animals has been widely carried out with the aim of having
various benefits that can be taken, including:

(1) The field of Science and Veterinary Medicine which has been genetically modified or known
as Genetically Modified Animal (GMA) such as in test animals, namely mice, can be used for
research on how the functions of animals exist. Besides, it is also used to understand and
develop treatments for diseases in both humans and animals.
(2) Disease Treatment. Several studies have used proteins in humans to treat certain diseases by
transferring human genes into the genes of animals, such as sheep or cattle. Furthermore, these
animals will produce milk that has proteins from human genes that will be used for healing in
(3) Modification of Animal Production Results. Some countries carry out genetic engineering
on livestock which are expected to produce livestock that are fast growing, resistant to disease,
and even produce protein or milk which is very beneficial for humans. Here are some
applications of Genetic Engineering on several types of animals.
The essential elements needed in DNA cloning are:
1. Retraction enzymes (DNA cutting enzymes)
2. Vector cloning (carrier)

3. Ligase enzymes that function to connect DNA chains
The basic processes in DNA cloning include:
1. DNA cutting (DNA of the studied organism and vector DNA)
2. Splicing the pieces (fragments) of DNA organisms with DNA vectors using the enzyme ligase
3. Transformation of recombinant DNA (vector + DNA insertion) into Eschericia coli bacterial
4. Selection (screening) to get the desired DNA clone.


Transfer of genetic material with recombinant DNA technology is a new discovery

method to produce transgenic livestock. Transgenic cattle show a variety of new phenotypes
through the expression of exogenous DNA molecules. Transgenic cattle are produced by micro-
injection of genes into the pronucleus shortly after fertilization and before the first division of the
zygote, then implanted in the uterus of a surrogate mother.
Gene transfer (GMO) means the stable union of a gene from another species or breed
within one species, so that the gene functions in the recipient animal and is passed on from one
generation to the next. A transgenic animal is an animal whose offspring's DNA has been
enhanced by adding or replacing DNA from another source through recombinant DNA.
Scientists have used this technology to develop transgenic livestock such as transgenic
cattle which have high growth rates and good meat quality and have also produced transgenic
sheep with thick fur etc.
Transgenic animals can be used as a mainstay as a potential animal in advancing the
world of animal husbandry. Starting from mice to development to livestock such as sheep,
cattle, rabbits and pigs. The production of transgenic cattle is highly dependent on the quality of

the one-cell embryos to be injected. If embryos are obtained in vivo, the procedure begins with
superovulation of donor cattle (to obtain multiple embryos), zygote collection (one-cell
embryos), micro-injection of DNA into embryos, embryo culture until the blastocyst stage,
transferred to recipient mothers and obtained transgenic cows (Bondioli)., 1991).
Transgenic animals are a potential biological research tool and are very interesting
because they are a unique model to reveal specific biological phenomena. Some transgenic
animals are produced to have certain economic properties, for example to produce milk that
contains special human proteins that can help in the treatment of certain diseases. Other
transgenic animals are produced as disease models (animals are genetically manipulated to show
disease symptoms so that treatments can be studied more effectively).
The ability to introduce functional genes into animals is a valuable breakthrough for
solving complex biological processes and systems. Transgenics overcome the drawbacks of
classical animal breeding practices which require a long time to modify, and can also be used to
remove barriers/limitations across taxonomic pathways.


1) With genetic engineering, genotype changes are not designed naturally according to the needs
of population dynamics so that it will cause drastic changes that are dangerous.
2) The use of bovine growth hormone (BGH) can increase cow's milk production by up to 20%
which can result in losses for small farmers.
3) The impact of the use of genetically modified insulin that has caused death in the UK.
4) The use of BGH in cattle contains new chemicals that have the potential to harm human
5) Cloning for health cannot be accounted for ethically because there are bound to be deviations
that cannot be fully controlled (Setiowati, Tetty, et al. 2007).


Genetic engineering can be defined as the activity of manipulating genes to obtain new
products by making recombinant DNA through gene insertion. Recombinant DNA is DNA
whose sequences have been recombined to have the properties or functions we want so that the
recipient organism expresses the traits or performs the functions we want. The object of genetic
engineering includes almost all groups of organisms, from bacteria, fungi, lower animals, higher
animals, to plants.


Bondioli,K.R, Biery, KA., Hill, KG., Jones, KB. and De Mayo, F.G., 1991. Production of
Transgenic Cattle by Pronuklear Injection in "Transgenic Animals. pp. 265 -273.
Gordon I. 1994. Laboratory Production of cattle embryos. Cab International Walingford.
Niemann, H. and W.A. Kues, 2000. Transgenic Livestock : Premises and Promises. J. Anim.
Reprod. Sci. 60 : 277 -293.
Rizma Dera AP, 2016. Aplikasi rekayasa genetik pada hewan ternak melalui sapi transgenik,
Tugas mata kuliah Genetika Molekuler.
Sutarno, Cummins, J.M., Greeff, J., Lymbery, A.J. (2002). Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms
and fertility in beef cattle. Theriogenology, an International Journal of Animal Reproduction 57:
Sutarno (2015). Genetika Non-Mendel. DNA mitokondria dan perannya dalam produksi hewan
dan kelainan pada manusia. ISBN no 978-979-498-872-5. UNS Press, Solo


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