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1. Uzupełnij zdania stosując zerowy okres warunkowy. Popatrz na schemat budowy.


1. Water (boil) if you heat it to 100 degrees.

2. If you (freeze) liquid, it becomes solid.

3. If you mix blue and yellow, you (get) green.

4. Plants (die) if you don’t water them.

5. When you (not eat), you feel hungry.

6. If someone (not work), they don’t have enough money.

7. When the lift (break) down, press the alarm button.

2. Zastosuj teraz pierwszy okres warunkowy. Popatrz na schemat i pamiętaj, że

poniższy wzór może zmieniać swoją kolejność, w zależności, którą informację
chcemy podkreślić.


1. If I get this job, I .............................. (move) to Leeds.

2. If the weather ............... (be) sunny tomorrow, we’ll go to the beach. What do you think?
3. I ......................... (not eat) any sweets if I go on a diet.
4. If you ........................ (not get) enough sleep, you’ll feel very tired.
5. ............... you ............... (show) me some places in town if you have some time?
6. If they call us again, I ....................... (not pick) up the phone.
7. If he ...................... (wait) a bit longer, we’ll give him something to eat.
8. If the police find out that you have a gun, they ..................... (arrest) you!
3. Przekształć zdania na zerowy lub pierwszy kres warunkowy, używając
zasugerowanych słów.

1. If you don’t pay me, I won’t clean your house. (UNLESS)

2. Take your umbrella because it can rain. (IN CASE)
3. Unless you exercise, you put on weight. (IF)
4. Marry will get a promotion if she makes progress at work. (AS LONG AS)
5. When they finish the project, they’ll start another one. (AS SOON AS)

4. Uzupełnij zdania w drugim okresie warunkowym. Posiłkuj się podpowiedzią w



1. If I ...................... (go) abroad to work, I would earn a lot of money.

2. If I bought a new car, all the girls from my neighbourhood ........................ (see) me!
3. It would be a great idea if we ...................... (phone) him and say what we really think.
4. If Adele ...................... (sing) a concert in Poland, I would definitely go.
5. We ........................... (be) happier if we had more friends.
6. If he ...................... (not earn) good money, he would quit this job.
7. I would be grateful if you .........................(look) after my dog this afternoon.
8. They ......................... (answer) the question if they knew the right solution.
9. If I ..................... (speak) Spanish, I would go on holiday to Barcelona more often.
10. If she liked the fanpage of Gettin’ English, she ................... (learn) a lot!

5. Przetłumacz na język angielski poniższe zdania w drugim okresie warunkowym.

1. Gdybyś pracował więcej, miałbyś dużo pieniędzy ..................................................................

2. Gdybym był na Twoim miejscu, wyprowadziłbym się ...............................................................
3. Poszliby do kina, gdyby wiedzieli o tym pomyśle ...........................................................................
4. Gdybyś wygrał na loterii, byłbyś bogaty .........................................................................................
5. Porozmawialibyśmy, gdybyśmy mieli czas .....................................................................................
6. Uzupełnij zdania w trzecim okresie warunkowym. Bądź uważny stosując
odpowiednie formy czasownika, łatwo można się pomylić na samym początku.


1. If I ............................... (have) enough money, I’d have bought a fast truck last year.
2. If they applied on time, they ............................. (get) that job easily.
3. Ronald ........................... (become) a priest if he hadn’t met that lovely girl.
4. Patrice wouldn’t have broken his leg if he ........................... (not run) so quickly.
5. If they had set the alarm, the thieves ................................... (not break) into their house.
6. If the terrorists ......................... (not buy) the weapon, they wouldn’t have attacked the
USA on September 11th.
7. Would Diana have taken this job if they .......................... (offer) her a better salary?
8. The company ............................ (not go) bankrupt if they hadn’t invested so carelessly.

7. Wybierz poprawną formę czasownika (wszystkie okresy warunkowe).

1. If it starts raining, we won’t / wouldn’t go out for a walk to the park.

2. Jessica wouldn’t have done it if they warned / had warned her earlier.

3. If Henry moved / had moved abroad, he would miss his family.

4. Normally if your car breaks down, it won’t work / doesn’t work.

5. Dinosaurs wouldn’t have died / wouldn’t die if there hadn’t been a global disaster.

6. My sister will be very angry if I take / took her jeans without asking.

7. This hotal would be / were better if they were nicer for guests.

8. If one doesn’t work / won’t work, they don’t have good living conditions.

9. If the Titanic didn’t strike/ hadn’t struck the iceberg, a lot of people would have lived.

10. If you open my diary, I would be / will be angry with you.

11. Would / Will you call Carlos if you knew he loves you?

12. We would have stayed / would stay longer if we had time but thanks anyway!

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