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Positive discipline

- Introduction
In this presentation, I’m going to talk about positive discipline.

It is a way of teaching and guiding children. Moreover, it shows them what behavior is
acceptable but in a firm and kind way.

Proponents of positive discipline argue that it is a more effective way to handle students who
misbehave in the classroom, rather than using punishment or rewards. It allows students to
learn and adapt their behaviors so they can meet expectations in the classroom, while
teaching them how to make better choices on their path to adulthood.

It is based on communication, love, understanding and empathy. It enables children to enjoy

family relationships and gives tools to the parents so they can understand their children’s
behavior. Even when it’s not appropriate they can redirect them respectfully, without power
struggles and in a positive way.

- Provide a clear indication of your position

In my opinion…
Personally, I believe that…
There are, of course, arguments both for and against and I am going to start by talking about
the benefits that positive discipline has on human behavior.

- Present your first argument, with supporting evidence

I´ll begin by talking about …
1 It helps children to feel the connection and have a sense of belonging.

2 It’s mutually respectful and encouraging (it´s slogan is kindness ad firmness at the same time)

3 It is effective in the long term. It is considerate about what the child is thinking, feeling,
learning and deciding about itself, its world and it´s future.

4 It teaches important social and life skills – respect, concern for others, problem solving,
cooperation as well as the skills that contribute to the home, school or larger community.

5 It invites children to discover how capable they are. It encourages the constructive use of
personal power and autonomy.

- Present your second argument, with supporting evidence

Secondly …
Furthermore / In addition …

- Present your third argument, with supporting evidence

Furthermore / In addition …

- Indicate that there is another side to this argument, with some idea of the points
likely to be made for the view(s) which are opposite to your own
On the other hand, there are people that are against positive discipline and defend the
punishment. Yelling, spanking or silent treatment are all examples of what is considered as
¨negative discipline¨.

These parents defend the punishment like the correct way to educate their children. They
criticize positive discipline because they think it is permissive way of education. The detractors
of this discipline believe that it is a temporal style of education. They see the positive discipline
as a magic wand that works immediately and finishes with bad behavior quickly.

- Reiterate your position and conclude

In conclusion, positive discipline is a respectful and firm style of education. It is effective but
difficult to be carried out on children. In my opinion, if we want the best results for our
children, it is worth trying it.

This is the end of my presentation. Would you like to ask me any question?

---make sure your presentation doesn´t last more than 4 minutes and 50 seconds

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