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Avaliação Bimestral Inglês/Recuperação Data NOTA:

PROF.º (a): Viviane Pires Aluno(a): Turma: 2411
1. Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à forma ativa da frase a seguir:
A detailed description (...) is given.
a) The authors give a detailed description.
b) The authors will give a detailed description.
c) The authors have given a detailed description.
d) The authors gave a detailed description.
e) The authors will have given a detailed description.

2. Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à voz ativa da sentença a seguir:

The 1994 cup was hosted by the United States.
a) The United States hosted the 1994 Cup.
b) The United States will host the 1994 Cup.
c) The United States have hosted the 1994 Cup.
d) The United States had hosted the 1994 Cup.
e) The United States will have hosted the 1994 Cup.

Text to questions 3 e 4

Office: "Control tower, this is the Captain on duty speaking. The jumbo jet 104 isn't allowed to take off. Cancel
clearance. I repeat: cancel clearance right away."
Controller: "I'm afraid it's impossible, Sir. The jumbo jet 104 departed two minutes ago."

3. According to the dialog above, mark the correct statement.

a) The control tower could cancel the clearance though the jumbo jet had departed two minutes later.
b) It was impossible to cancel the clearance because the officer wasn't allowed to take off.
c) When the officer ordered to cancel the clearance, the jumbo jet would depart in two minutes.
d) When the officer on duty ordered the control tower to cancel the clearance, the jumbo jet had already taken off.

4. The dialog in the Indirect Speech would be:

a) The Captain advised the Controller that the jumbo jet 104 was not allowed to take off and canceled clearance at that
moment. Then, the Controller replied he was afraid and that it was impossible as the jumbo jet 104 have departed two
minutes before.

b) The Captain warned the Controller that the jumbo jet 104 wasn’t allowed to take off and ordered him to cancel
clearance immediately. So, the Controller answered he was afraid that it was impossible as the jumbo jet 104 had
departed two minutes before.

c) The Captain reassured the Controller that the jumbo jet 104 isn’t allowed to take off and to cancel clearance right
away. Then, the Controller mentioned he had been afraid and that it was impossible as the jumbo jet 104 departed two
minutes before.

d) The Captain commanded the Controller that the jumbo jet 104 hadn’t been allowed and took off to cancel clearance
immediately. So, the Controller said he was afraid that it had been impossible as the jumbo jet 104 had departed two
minutes before.
7 – O texto acima corresponde ao modelo de um documento. De que documento se trata? Qual seria a cor dos olhos da
sua pretensa portadora? (1,5)

8 – Em que mês a pretensa portadora do documento teria nascido e a que se refere a data expressa pela sequência
numérica “09-30-08”? (1,5)

DIED. SIR STANLEY MATTHEWS, 85, English football icon; in Staffordshire, northern England. Famed for
fooling opponents with his trademark left-right “shimmy”, Matthews was also known as a gentleman player: he was
never booked during his 33-year career. Matthews, who made his professional debut in 1932 at age 17, won
innumerable trophies and in 1965 became Britain's first football knight After playing more than 750 matches, including
54 for the England team, he retired in 1965 at the record age of 50, later saying his only regret was that he quit too soon.
(1,5 cada)
9. Em que lugar da Inglaterra ele morreu?

10. Qual foi, segundo suas próprias palavras, o único arrependimento de Stanley Matthews?

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