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hello great and

welcome to the seventh week of our

discussion on plate tectonics

now this week let's talk about the

possible causes of blade movements and

that includes the slab pool

the rich push and the convection current

at the end of the lesson you should be

able to one

describe convection current slab pull

and reach push and number two explain

what causes plate tectonics

there are three forces that interact to

create plate motion

we have the convection current the slab

pull theory

and the ridge push now let's explain how


force cause plate movement let's start


lesson one convection current

have you seen the apparatus where the

luggage of the travelers

are placed what do you call that device


well that is a conveyor belt it is used

to transfer heavy objects from one point

to another

one of the forces that drives plate

movement works the same way the conveyor

belt does

and that is the conduction current now


is a convection current convection helps

to move

heat within the earth convection current

refers to the continuous loop of sinking


soft rocks caused by energy transfer in

the asthenosphere

convection creates loops of sinking and

rising materials in the mantle

this circular pattern is called

convection cell

this carries heat to the surface of the

mantle much faster than hitting by


a convecting mantle is essential feature

of plate tectonics

convection in the mantle behaves the

same way convection happens in a pot

soap on a hot stove

the material near the heat source

becomes hot and expands

making it less dense than the materials


buoyancy causes it to rise and cooler

materials flow

in from the sides then sinks at the


creating cycles of the sinking of cold

and rising of warm water

this convection circling within the

mantle pushed the magma up

forming new crusts and exerting a

lateral force

on the plate pushing it apart to create

seafloor spreading

when colder magma sinks during

convection it pulls the surface together

making the denser crust to subduct

convection currents in the asthenosphere

drive plate motion

this theory of mental convection was


by arthur holmes according to him

as the mantle became heated its density

decreases and eventually rise and up

when the material cooled it would sink

exhibiting a circling behavior that

would look like a conveyor belt

the pressure heated magma broke the

continents apart

forcing the pieces to drift in opposite


he also speculated that when the

material sink

continents will be brought back together

next is lesson 2 slab pool theory

slab pool theory states that gravity and

the plates themselves are the ones

responsible for the plate tectonics

through subduction process to clearly

explain how slab

pool works let's take a closer look at

this simple demonstration

in here the paper clip chain represents

abducting tectonic plates

now look closely as to what happens as

the chain moves

off the edge this simple demonstration

explains that slab pull is a strong

force that drives abducting tectonic


the weight of the tectonic plate drives

subduction in oceanic crust

as the slob is pulled down into the

mantle it drags the rest of the plate

along with it

causing tectonic plate movement a very

dense slab will sink faster than

a less dense slot because of the

gravitational pull

and it will exert greater force on the

plate attached to it

slab pool theory believes that mantle

is not the cause of plate tectonics but


it is a product of subduction

now we have lesson 3 the ridge push

ridge push or sliding plate force is a

proposed driving force

for blade motion in plate tectonics this

occurs at mid ocean ridges

as the result of the rigid lithosphere

sliding down the hut

raised asthenosphere below mid ocean


this gravity-driven mechanism results

from the elevated position

of the oceanic ridge which causes slabs

of lithosphere to slide down the flux

of the ridge this gravity sliding ridge

push model was proposed by

bot a geologist which states that the

pushing on the plates

is actually due to difference in

gravitational potential energy

between a plate at its spreading center

and subduction zone

the asthenosphere is a zone of soft

plastic material which is less

dense than the riding plate above it it

acts as a massive

shear zone for the overriding plate

the plate will effectively slide down

the slope of the asthenosphere

due to the weight difference between the

plate and its spreading center

and the subduction zone since the plate


thicker and denser the farther away from

the spreading center

the ridge push force will increase

towards the subduction zone

and that ends our lesson i hope you

learned something today

thank you for watching

thank you

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