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Apprentice´s names: Cristian Suarez
Evaluators´ names: Kevin Enciso Dazs
Call Duration: 4:00 minutos

Call assessment
(1 lowest 5 highest score)
1 2 3 4 5
1.- ETIQUETTE , COURTESY AND COMMUNICATION Please write the number in the appropiate cell

5 Andres had a good attitude

Greeeting and first 30": Company´s greeting and/or attitude and handle of the
first half minute. Personalize the call.

Vocabulary: Varied professional with fluency. Avoid using complicated jargon.

Voice: Pleasant, clear, good volume, tone and proper rhythm

5 Good communication, clearly.
Farewell: Adhere to the call closure guidelines, ask customer if they had any
additional questions or issues, thank for calling. he didn't say thank for calling but he asked if the custome


Kindness and Courtesy: Respect and words of kindness. Use customer´s
name throughout the call. 5
Enthusiasm and / or management of the hold time: Creates a positive
reaction. Uses the hold protocol. Avoids long silences. 4
Active Listening: Gives all the attention, knows how to listen, asks and
answers questions. Paraphrases. 5
Empathy: Adapts to the needs of the customer and handles conflict situations.
Empathizes with the client. Apologized when necessary. 5 the agent was emphatic when the customer told his problem, he


Customer Data: Verify the customer’s account appropriately (spelling of first
and last name, account number, passcode). 4
Resolution of the client's request: Responds or resolves the doubts, requests
or customer concerns clearly. Reports of procedures, timeframe, etc 5
Recommendation: Recommend the most appropriate product, service or
pricing plan. 5
Confidence: Transmits confidence, tranquility and convinces. Sounds
professional. 5
Fulfills the Promise: Meets and exceeds the customer's expectations,
achieving optimum satisfaction. The best experience
Follows the call flow: Meets and exceeds the adherence to the protocol.
Quality service total evaluation
0 0 6 8 50 64
ADDITIONAL REMARKS: (What did you like? What didnt you like?)
they did a great job, the Communication was very fluid and entertaining
alling but he asked if the customer has any other question

en the customer told his problem, he also said phrases like I'm so sorry to hear that
55-65: Excellent! 46-
55: Good result. Keep on improving! 36-
45: Acceptable. Room for improvement!
26_35: Some work needed 13-
25: Lots of work needed!

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