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Mid Term Test: Questions and Items for Study

Historical Sketch of FLTM
1. Describe the statement of ―the changing winds and shifting sands of foreign
language teaching method! What factors which contribute to the change in
trends? From what fields does foreign language teaching method owe some
insights for method?
2. What does Classical Method, designer methods, Communicative Approach, and
scientific approach mean and their characteristics!
3. Based on the concept of beyond method, the nowadays teachers should be enlightened,
eclectic. Explain
Approach Method and Technique:
4. According to Anthony, approach, method, and techniques are interrelated and
hierarchical. Explain briefly and give examples of the terms (in Anthony‘s
5. What is Grammar School? Why w a s Latin taught in schools in England during

the 16th, 17th, 1nd 18th centuries? What can students benefit from literature?
6. What is GTM? What is its main goal? Briefly describe its main characteristics and the
classroom techniques.
7. Explain the emergence of the Reform Movement in French and Germany and explain
the three basic principles of the Reform Movement.
8. Explain the basic principles of the Direct Method and its classroom activities.
SLT: Questions and Items for Study and Discussion
9. Explain the background of the emergence of Situational Language Teaching! What
have Palmer and Hornby developed for the scientific foundation for the SLT?
10. The two main aspects in SLT are vocabulary and grammar. Explain why!
11. What is meant by situation in SLT and how to bring the situation in the classroom?
Audiolingual Method (ALM)
12. The emrbio of Audiolingual method is ASTP? What is ASTP and the teaching
method used in ASTP?
13. The theory of language learning underlying ALM is behaviorism, explain in
14. Discuss the manin principles of Audilongual Method, and give examples of the
type of classroom techniques in Audilongual Method.
CLL: Questions and Items for Study and Discussion
15. Community Language Learning is developed by Currant and Forge based on
psychological counseling technique. How does this technique apply in foreign
language teaching?
16. How does Currant compare the development in language proficiency to the birth
and growth of a new self in language learning, and his concept of security is known
of the formula SARD.
17. Describe CLL procedure, the teacher’ roles and learners’ roles!
TPR: Questions and Items for Study and Discussion
18. Total Physical Response is considered as a comprehension method and a
natural method. What does comprehension approach say? Explain the naturalistic
process of language acquisition?
19. Asher proposes three influential learning hypotheses: Bioprogram, Brain-
lateralization, Reduction of stress. Explain these hypotheses briefly!
20. Explain the main chracteristics of TPR and its classroom practices!
SW: Questions and Items for Study and Discussion
21. The Silent Way is developed by Caleb Gattegno based on his experience in literacy
and mathematics pedagogy. How does this apply in foreign language teaching?
22. What facilitates learning according to Gattegno and What is the basic teaching aid
used and the function in teaching?
23. Mention different materials used in the Silent Way!
Suggestopedia: Question for Study and Discussion
24. Suggestopedia is developed by Georgi Lazanov based on Suggestology, how human
brain works effectively in learning. How does this apply in forieg language teaching?
25. The key features of Suggestopedia are Classroom arrangement, Classroom decoration,
the music, and the Placebo system. Explain
26. Explain the ways to remove the psychic tensions used in Suggestopedia!
27. Explain the classroom procedures using Suggestopedia!
1. Language teaching methods are just like fashions. They come into existence, used, and
replaced. This is a sketch of these changing winds and shifting sands of foreign language
teaching over the years. Different goals and theories about the nature of language and the
nature of learning have changed. These contribute to the change in trends of foreign
language teaching. Some insights from the fields of linguistics, psychology,
sociolinguistics, or second language acquisition give significant contribution to the
development of foreign language learning.

2. - The study of classical Latin, in which the classical works of Virgil, Ovid, and
Cicero were written, was also meant to learn its great philosophy. Thus, the Western
world of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, foreign language learning was associated
with the learning of Latin and Greek, both supposed to promote their speakers'
intellectuality. "Both Latin and Greek were not being taught for oral communication
but for the sake of their speakers' becoming "scholarly" (Howatt and Widdowson,
2005: 45).

- An instructional design method refers to the approach a designer takes when

developing a new system of instruction. Though the designer's approach may vary
from case to case, many of the established methods of instructional design are
similar in their fundamental nature. the characteristic are CLL, TPR, SW,
- The communicative approach is an approach that aims to improve students'
communication skills, emphasizing the development and development of students'
communicative abilities. The application of the communicative approach is fully
carried out by students (student center) while the teacher is only a facilitator.
the carachteristic are Develop learner communication skills. b. Emphasis on
meaning as a whole and functional. c. Context oriented. d. Sharpen social
- The term science is derived from Latin word scientia which means knowledge. It is
a systematic and logical approach through testing and analysis to discover how
things in the universe work. Science is based on fact, not opinion or preferences.
This practice, according to Lindberg (2007: 362) can be traced back to Aristotle
(4th Century BCE), Ptolemy (2nd Century AD), and Ibn al-Haytham (11th Century
AD) who carried out scientific experiments (though they did not use the term
scientific). This practice is called scientific approach, the process by which science
is carried out. Characteristic is student act as scientists or inquirers.


4. According to Anthony, approach, method, and techniques are interrelated and

hierarchical. Explain briefly and give examples of the terms (in Anthony‘s view)
answer.According to Edward Anthony's model (1965) approach is the level at which
assumptions and beliefs about language and language learning are specified; method is
the level at which theory is put into practice and at which choices are made about the
particular skills to be taught, the content to be taught, and the order in which the
content will be presented; technique is the level at which classroom procedures are


6. a. What is GTM ? is a method of teaching foreign language derived from the

classical (sometimes called traditional) method of teaching Ancient Greek and Latin.
b. What is the main goal? To enable students to read and translate literature written in
the target language, and to further students general intellectual development.
c. The main characteristics : (1) Classes are taught in the mother tongue ; (2) Focus
on elaborate explanations of grammatical parsing; (3) Reading of difficult classical
texts starts early; (4) Much vocabulary is taught in the list of isolated words; (5) A
typical exercise is to translate sentences from the target language into the mother
tongue and vice versa; (6) No attention to pronunciation
d. The Classroom Techniques (1) the roloes of the Teacher and the Student are very
traditional ; (2) Translation of a literary passage as the main classroom activity; (3)
Reading comprehension activity ; (4) Vocabulary activity ; (5) Grammar activity.

7. The Reform Movement was founded on three basic principles; (1) superiority of speech,
(2) centrality of connected texts as the core of the teaching-learning process, and (3)
absolute priority of oral methodology in the classroom.
First, the prominence of spoken language is Vietor's main theme in Der Sprachunterricht.
He even emphasized that reforms should start with providing accurate speech
descriptions based on phonetics, and there should be a well-trained language teaching
Second, psychology began to emerge as a distinctive discipline in 1880 one of its central
concepts was the idea of association. Broken words and sentences violate the basic
principle of association, and must be replaced with properly assembled text so that the
learner can make the necessary associations between one element and another. The use
of translation is not recommended because it can hinder the development of foreign
languages. The implication of the text-based approach is the 'inductive' grammar
teaching method.
Third, the oral method is very important in the classroom, especially in the early stages
of learning. The text provides a starting point that requires the learner to use the target
language. Teachers are expected to speak a foreign language as a normal means of
classroom communication, retaining the mother tongue only to apply new words and
explain new grammatical points.


9. The Oral Approach and/or Situational Language Teaching is an approach to language

teaching developed by the British linguists from the 1930s to the 1960s. It draws from
Reform Movement and the Direct Method but adds some features from prominent
figures in applied linguists such as Palmer and Hornby They developed the basis for
methodology in language teaching, intending to develop a more scientific foundation
for oral approach to language teaching than that of Direct Method. The result was
systematic principles and procedures that could be applied to the selection and
organization of the content of a language course (Celce Murcia, 2004: 7). Palmer,
Hornby, and other British applied linguists claimed to have developed scientific
foundation for language teaching. It involved systematic principles of selection,
gradation, and presentation. Selection refers to the procedures by which lexical and
grammatical content is chosen gradation refers to the principles by which the
organization and sequencing of content are determined; and presentation is the
technique used for presentation and practice of items in a course (or the teaching
procedures). Their teaching presentation used oral procedure. Therefore, it was often
referred to as Oral Approach to Language Teaching.

10. Vocabulary is the one of the most important aspects of foreign language learning.
This view led to the development of principles of vocabulary contry,which brought a
pratical impact on language teaching. Palmer and other specialists produced “A Guide
to the English Vocabulary “ needed for teaching English a second or foreign
Grammatical the second important aspect of method design was grammatical control
of language course. To Palmer grammar was the underlying sentence pattern of the
spoken language. He and the other applied linguistic analyzed English and classified
its grammatical structures into sentence patterns which could be used to help
internalize the rules of English sentence structure.

13. To the behaviorist, humna being is an organism who is capable of a wide repertoire
of behaviors. The occurrenc of these behaviors is dependent upon three crucial elements
in learning: a stimulus, a response, and reinforcement (Skinner, 1957). Reinforcement is
a vital element in learning process, because it increases the possibility that the behavior
will occur again and eventually become a habit.

15. namely by creating a community situation where teachers and learners are
involved in an interaction. Language learning is assumed to develop through the
creation of social relationships. To support this perfect stage, starting from childhood to
adulthood, which goes through 5 stages, namely:
1. the embryonic stage
2. the self assertion stage
3. the separate existence stage
4. the reversal stage
5. the independent stage .

17. CLL Procedure
The class usually begins with an informal meeting where everyone introduces
himself while the teacher states the general goals and guidelines of the approach.the
class,which consists of 12 students,is put in a circle with a tape recorder in the center
and the microphone easily accesible to the participants.
*The class proceeds through four stages =
-Student sit in a circle with a tape recorder in the middle,the knower is outside the
-After the first students say,the knower repeats this in English using a non-threatening
and encouraging tone of voice
-Another students who wishes ti reply then repeats the process
-this continues until a full conversation has been recorded.
-it spends about 20-30 minutes
-the teacher transcribes the complete conversation on the board,and then the students
listen again to the tape while following the transcript.
-the students can copy the transcript after it has been completely written on the board
or on large,post sized paper.
-student are encouraged to copy sentences on the board into their own note books,in
order to have a record of the material and grammatical points.

-instructor writes sentences on the board in order to familiarize the students with
spelling,pronunciation,and grammatical problems.
-student are encouraged to ask about the specific content or grammar.
-the teacher's job is not to tell them were they went wrong but to help them discover.

Students relax and listen to their own voices speaking the target language on the tape
recorder or the teacher read the transcript.


-the students choose some part of the transcript to practice pronunciation
-the teacher does not correct their mispronunciation,instead the student self-correct.
-the class ends with free conversation

The teacher initial role is primarily that of a counselor. The counselor's role is to
respond calmly, in a supportive manner, and help the client try to understand his or her
problems better.It was the model of teacher as counselor that Currant attempted to
bring to language learning.

In CLL learners become members of a community and they learn through interacting
with members of the community. Learners are expected to listen attentively to the
knower, to freely provide meanings they wish to express, to repeat target utterances, to
support fellow members of the community, and to become counselors to other learners.

18. Children respond physically to their parent’s speak. The responses are in turn
positively reinforced by the parent’s speech. For month children absorb the language
without being able to speak; this is a period of internalization and code breaking.
After this stage children are able to reproduce the language spontaneously. With TPR
the language teacher tries to mimic this process in classroom. This method called
Comprehension Approach because its gives emphasis on listening comprehension
prior to production.
Naturalistic process of language acquisition:
1. Children develop listening competence before they develop ability to speak at the
early stage of first language acquisition.
2. Children’s ability to listening comprehension is acquired because children are
required to respond physically to spoken language in the form of parental
3. Once a foundation in listening comprehension has been established, speech
evolves naturally and effortlessly out of it.

19. three hypotheses about learning by asher :

a) bioprogram : there exsists a spesific innate bio-program for language learning, with
defines an optimal path for first and second language development.
b) brain-lateralization : brain lateralization is the division of function within the brain;
the left and the right brain has its own function.
c) reduction of stress : stress (an affective filter) intervenes between the act of
and what is to be learned; the lower the stress the greater the learning.

20. Characteristics in this method, in essence, the instructor gives commands in the target
language; indicate the appropriate action, and direct students to perform the same
action. Learners respond to commands through physical movements. This learning
strategy not only makes a second language accessible to most people but also fun. In
practice in the classroom, students will enjoy getting up from their chairs and moving
around. Proponents believe that TPR is talent-free, working well with mixed ability
classes. This is great for kinesthetic learners who need to be active in class. Class size
is not an issue, and works effectively for both children and adults.

21. Gattegno claims that the process of learning a second language is radically different
from that involved in learning a first language, A second language learner "cannot
learn another language in the same way because of what he now knows about his
mother tongue Natural or Direct Methods for teaching a second language. misguided
and artificial approaches will replace the Natural/Direct Method Self-commitment
consists of two systems learn and maintain System activated only by intelligent
awareness The learner must constantly test his power to abstract, analyze, synthesize
and integrate Silence is the best vehicle for learning, because in silence students
concentrate on the task to be completed.
22. Gattegno invented a learning method called the Silent Way. The Silent Way learning
method is a learning method in which students are active in the learning process. The
teacher is more silent, but the teacher actively uses aids or movements, and designs to
provoke and form reactions. The tools used are teaching aids, their function is through
the use of teaching aids, abstract things can be presented in a concrete form that can
be seen, held, tried so that students can easily understand them. The teacher creates an
environmental atmosphere that encourages students to try and provide facilities in the
learning process.
27. The procedure of classroom presentation in Suggestopedia uses four main stages as
a. Pre-Session Phase
It is a preparatory stage in which students are helped to relax and move into a positive
frame of mind, with the feeling that the learning is going to be easy and fun.
b. Explicative Reading
This involves the active presentation of the material to be learnt, for example, a story.
The teacher reads the text while trying to explain the content of the text. The teacher
should read the text with modulation (like in story telling),the intonation and volume
rise and fall gracefully.
c. Intonational Reading
The teacher reads the text the second time,but this time without explanations. This
time the students are invited to relax, close their eyes, and just listen. This stage helps
learners to visualize context for the material and aids in memorization. All the tone,
rhythm, and the intonation are coordinated with the musical background.
d. The Séance Session
After a short break, the students are supposed to put away their dialogues, reclined on
their seats, closed their eyes but not sleep and enjoy the concert of music that is
played from a tape recorder. At the end, the students silently leave the room. There is
no homework to do, only they are expected to read the lesson cursorily once before
going to bed and once again before getting up in the morning.

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