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InstitusiTerakreditasi B dan Program Studi Terakreditasi A & B
Alamat : Jl. Gunung Pangilun Padang. Telp: (0751) 7053731 Website: Pos: 25137



Name : Novita Sarah

NPM : 19040027
Mata Kuliah : Cross Cultural
Understanding Hari/Tanggal : Selasa, 08
November 2022 Waktu : 90 menit
BP/Sesi : 2019 A
Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Dosen : 1. Sri Imelwaty, M.Pd.,
Direction: 2. Suharni, M.Pd
1. Do not cheat!
2. Read the following questions and write your answers on the space provided.
3. Use your arguments while answering the questions.
4. You may open your books.

1. What are the benefits of Cross Cultural Understanding for teaching?
Answer :
There are some benefits of learning CCU for teaching. Especially for preservice teachers
like us, learning ccu help us understand others and see the world in other perspective. It
build our emphaty to other country's culture. Who knows, if someday we will have
students come from other countries and they have different cultures. So in this case we
have to know and learn  their cultures first in order we can adapt and behave in
appropriate ways. Other benefit of learning ccu is help us to develop our multicultural
awareness. So we can accept and respect the differences between ours and other countries
cultures. We can prepare ourselves (as a future teachers) to accept, respect, tolerant,
emphaty to other cultures. 

2. Brainstorm your ideas about what culture is. Add your ideas to the culture diagram below!
Based on your idea, try to write a definition of culture here.

For the first we should know what is the culture. A culture is a way of life of a group of
people--the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without
thinking about them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from
one generation to the next

As in the diagram above, we can see that the relationship between culture and
( festivals, food, Family structures, and ideas of rigth and wrong) is as follows:

In general, the aim of community festivals is to celebrate the culture of the community;
thus social and cultural benefits are achieved in the process of staging the event. One
cultural element of a community is food, between many others.

The cultural beliefs of individual family members and the entire family inform
decisions made about the child and the family. Cultures shape our views on key issues
such as family roles and goals, caregiving practices, learning, education, school
readiness, child behaviors, and the nature of childhood itself.

Ethical relativism is the theory that holds that morality is relative to the norms of one's
culture. That is, whether an action is right or wrong depends on the moral norms of the
society in which it is practiced. The same action may be morally right in one society but
be morally wrong in another.

Food practices enable construction and maintenance of cultural, racial, and ethnic
identities. Some traditional foods are perceived to have medicinal qualities and are
consumed regularly.Traditional beliefs about the importance of foods for hot-cold
balance and health affect daily food practices.Cross-cultural food practices (both cross-
Asian cuisines and Western) are common and adopted for a variety of reasons.

3. “Globalisation consists of technological, economic, political and cultural

developments that have an impact on the nation state so the latter becomes a part of
larger contexts (Bislev 1999: 21).”
Use your interpretation in explaining the above statement!

I will explain each of four Factors contributing to Globalisation by Bislev.

Technological : the move from telephonic communication to cable and satellite digital
communication have resulted in increasing information flows.

Cultural : Music, film, and celebrity culture more generally often draw audiences from
several different countries.

Economic : the companies that produce goods in more than one country, and they are
oriented to global markets and global products.

Political : the collapse of communism in the 1990s meant the end of the divided ‘cold war’
world, and now these ex-communist countries are themselves democracies and integrated
into the global economy

4. Read the following intercultural story!

4.a. How would you interpret what happened in this example of intercultural interaction?


By the illustration given we know that there is miscommunication between Thai school
managers and English language teachers from England. So, I think when we are in a country
where the culture in these countries is very different from the culture in our country, we must
learn about how the foreign culture is, such as the importance of studying intercultural
communication so that we can adapt to culture and life in the country.

Thus, it would appear that future directions for teacher education and development should
place intercultural competence at the foundation of this work, both in terms of its process and
content dimensions in both the domestic as well as international domains. Broadening
teachers’ understanding and ability to think, communicate, and interact in culturally different
ways and from multiple perspectives

4.b.Were cultural differences a factor in the apparent miscommunication?


Yes, Cultural differences cause behavioral and personality differences like body language,
gestures, mindsets, communication, manners, and norms, which may lead to
miscommunication. Eye contact, for example, is very important in some cultures, but rude
***Good Luck***

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