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Name: Maudi Hijriatin

Student ID: 29121151

Individual Assignment Business Economy

1. Hotel price increase in Bandung during the weekend

As we know, the city of Bandung is a city that has beautiful views, and the cool
weather makes the city of Bandung comfortable and calm. In addition, the city of
Bandung also has a unique culinary and cafe aesthetic. This certainly attracts the
attention of citizens of a city like Jakarta to spend the weekend in the city of Bandung.
It's no wonder that the weekend in Bandung is enlivened by tourists from other cities
for a vacation. While on vacation, tourists need a hotel to stay, so many hotels in the
city of Bandung increase their prices. But lodging is not just a hotel; there are substitute

products such as villas and homestays so that on weekends the demand for hotels in the
city of Bandung decreases. For example, on weekdays, hotel prices are around 500,000,
and order is in the range of 1000 per day. And because the weekend will be crowded,
the hotel increased the price to 1,000,000. But when the price goes up, consumers
prefer substitute products such as villas and homestays that are cheaper, so the demand
for hotels drops to 750. when the market drops, there are still plenty of available rooms,
so hotel supply is only 1,200 on weekdays, on weekends to 1,500.
This is the supply and demand diagram :

2. The increasing price of “Tempe.”

As we know, tempeh is one of Indonesia's favorite and typical foods. Tempeh is
made from soybeans, rich in nutrients, and delicious to eat. But in fact, the soybeans
used as raw materials for tempeh are imported from abroad, such as Argentina and
South America. But by 2022, the world soybean price will rise from $12 to $18. Soybean
prices rose because the world supply of soybeans decreased, but demand increased.
Supply decreased due to hurricane la Nina in Argentina and South America; demand
increased as China restructured pig farms. Some of the above cause the price of tempeh
in Indonesia to increase.
This is the supply and demand diagram :
3. The difficulty of finding Cooking Oil in Indonesia with the price defined by the
In 2022, the oil price in Indonesia will increase sharply, which was 14,000/liter to
24,000/liter. This is due to an increase in world oil prices and a decrease in palm oil
yields yesterday. However, the Ministry of Trade has stabilized oil prices to 14,000/liter
and ensures sufficient oil supply. We can see this from the secretary-general of domestic
trade statement that crude palm oil producers have fulfilled the domestic market
obligation of 351 million liters in 14 days, while Indonesia's monthly oil needs range
from 200-300 million liters/month. So there should be no problem finding cooking oil for
14,000/liter. But in fact, several video clips report the scarcity of cooking oil in Indonesia
and supermarkets that do not sell cooking oil because there is no stock. Hearing this, the
Ministry of Trade investigated the causes of the scarcity of cooking oil in Indonesia. The
latest fact is that some people hoard cooking oil in several places for sale in Ramadan
and Eid al-Fitr at high prices. So until now, cooking oil in Indonesia for 14,000/liter is still

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