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ขอสอบกลางภาคเรียน ภาคเรียนที่ 1 ปการศึกษา 2565

รายวิชาภาษาอังกฤษอาน - เขียน อ32203 ชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปที่ 5/7, 8, 9, 10, 13 คะแนนเต็ม 20
สอบวันที่ 20 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ 2565 เวลา 14.10 - 15.10 น. ขอสอบมี 9 หนา จำนวน 40 ขอ เวลา 60 นาที

1. ขอสอบแบบปรนัย 40 ขอ 15 คะแนน และ อัตนัย 5 ขอ 5 คะแนน
2. ใหนักเรียนเขียน ชื่อ ตนเองลงบนกระดาษคำตอบเปน ภาษาไทย เทานั้น****
3. ใหนักเรียนฝนคำตอบลงบนกระดาษคำตอบดวย ดินสอ 2B และ *เขียนคำตอบ* ดวย *ปากกาสีน้ำเงิน*
4. หามนำขอสอบออกจากหองสอบโดดเด็ดขาด หากมีขอสงสัยควรสอบถามกรรมการคุมสอบ
5. เมื่อทำขอสอบเสร็จแลวสงขอสอบคืนที่กรรมการคุมสอบ

1. จำแนกรายละเอียดของขอความที่อาน
2. อานประโยค ขอความ เรื่องสั้น ที่เปนความเรียงและไมใชความเรียง แลวบอกความหมายของคำศัพท
3. จับใจความสำคัญ สรุปความ ตีความ และแสดงความคิดเห็นอยางมีเหตุผลและยกตัวอยางประกอบ
4. เขียนบรรยาย เปรียบเทียบ สรุป และแสดงความคิดเห็นพรอมทั้งใหเหตุผลประกอบ โดยใชคำศัพท สำนวน
และโครงสรางประโยคไดเหมาะสมกับระดับชั้น เกี่ยวกับเรื่อง/ประเด็น/ขาว/เหตุการณที่ฟงและอานอยาง
5. คนควา สืบคน บันทึก สรุป และแสดงความคิดเห็นเกี่ยวกับเรื่องที่อยูในความสนใจของสังคมโลก โดยบูรณา
การกับกลุมสาระการเรียนรูอื่นๆ และประชาสัมพันธดวยวิธีการที่หลากหลาย

ลงชื่อ ผูสอน

ลงชื่อ ผูตรวจ (หัวหนากลุมสาระฯ)

ลงชื่อ ผูทาน (หัวหนาวัดผลและประเมินผล)

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Midterm Examination
Course: English Reading and Writing (E32203) Class: M. 5/7, 8, 9, 10, 13
Date: Wednesday 20th July, 2022 Time: 02.10 - 03.10 P.M. (60 mins) Semester: 1 / 2022

Instruction: Read about “President Barack Obama”, then answer the question 1 – 6.

President Barack Obama

Barack Obama was the 44th President of the United

States. He was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961. His father

came from Kenya and his mother came from Kansas. He

worked his way through college with the help of scholarships

and loans. He became a United States Senator after

attending law school. He was elected the 44th President of

the United States on November 4, 2008. He was sworn in as

President on January 20, 2009. Barack Obama and his wife,

Michelle, have two daughters, Sascha and Malia. In October 2009, He won the Nobel Peace Prize.

1. Where was Barack Obama born?

a) Kenya b) Kansas c) Africa d) Hawaii

2. When was Barack Obama elected President?

a) in November 2008 b) in October 2009
c) in December 2008 d) in January 2009

3. How many daughters does Barack Obama have?

a) four b) three c) two d) one

4. Barack Obama's wife is called ________?

a) Michelle b) Malia c) Sacha d) Susan

5. When did Barack Obama win the Nobel Peace Prize?

a) in November 2008 b) in October 2009
c) in December 2008 d) in January 2009

6. How many American Presidents were there before Barack Obama?

a) 40 b) 41 c) 42 d) 43

Instruction: Read about “The Chinese New Year” then, answer the question 7 – 14.

The Chinese New Year

People in China celebrate New Year in the month

of January or February. The Chinese New Year begins

on a different date each year between January 21 and

February 20.

The Chinese New Year is a very important festival

for Chinese people. The holiday is sometimes called the

Lunar New Year, or Spring Festival. The holiday traditionally begins on day one of first

lunar month in the Chinese calendar. The festivities last for fifteen days. The final day is

the most important day of the holiday, and is known as the Lantern Festival.

The Chinese Zodiac

There are twelve animal signs in the Chinese zodiac calendar. Each year is

represented by a different Chinese horoscope animal.

Popular Chinese New Year Superstitions

Cleaning the house from top to bottom before New

Year's Day is believed to bring good luck in the coming

year. People open windows and/or doors to "let in" good

luck. Leaving the lights on in the house overnight is

believed to 'scare away' any evil ghosts and spirits.

Some people believe that what happens on the

first day of the Chinese New Year reflects the rest of the

year to come. Chinese people will often gamble at the

start of the year, hoping to obtain good luck and prosperity if they win.

Some Chinese New Year Traditions

• shopping for new clothes  getting a haircut  setting off fireworks

• eating sweets to ensure a "sweet" year  wearing red clothes

• visiting friends and relatives

• giving children money in 'lucky' red envelopes (Hong Bao)

7. The Chinese New Year is sometimes called...?
a) The Lunar New Year b) The Winter Festival
c) The Moonar New Year d) The Firework Festival

8. When does the Chinese New Year traditionally begin?

a) At the end of the first lunar month b) At the start of the first lunar month
c) On the first day of February d) On the first day of January

9. Which of these is not a Chinese New Year tradition?

a) letting off fireworks b) visiting friends and relatives
c) wearing blue clothes d) cleaning the house

10. What will Chinese people do at the start of the year?

a) gambling b) shopping c) cleaning d) visiting friends

11. What is given to children at Chinese New Year?

a) flowers b) money in red envelopes c) fireworks d) toys

12. Which of these things is thought to bring good luck?

a) cleaning b) wearing black clothes c) buying shoes d) the number four

13. What is the final day of the festival known as?

a) Full moon Festival b) Floating Festival c) Latin Festival d) Lantern Festival

14. How long does the festivities last?

a) 15 days b) 50 days c) 25 days d) 55 days

Direction: Read about “Mickey Mouse”, then answer the question 15 – 20.

Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse is a cartoon character who has become an icon

for the Walt Disney Company. Mickey Mouse is short for

Mitchell Mouse. It was created in 1928 by Walt Disney and Ub

Iwerks and voiced by Walt Disney. The first appearance of

Mickey Mouse was in Plane Crazy on May 15, 1928. But the

Walt Disney Company celebrates Mickey Mouse birth as

November 18, 1928 upon the release of Steamboat Willie,

because it is the first Mickey Mouse Cartoon with sound. The anthropomorphic mouse

has developed along the years. He first appeared in color in 1935. The first Technicolor

Disney film was Flowers and Trees from 1932. He also evolved from being simply a

character in animated cartoons and comic strips to

become one of the most recognizable symbols in the world. Mickey's popularity has

grown around the world. This was due to his angelic nature. Mickey never does

anything immoral.

However, in 2009 the Walt Disney Company announced that they will begin to re-

brand the Mickey Mouse character by moving away from his pleasant, cheerful image

and reintroducing the more devious side of his personality, starting with the upcoming

Epic Mickey, a Mickey Mouse video game. The Walt Disney company thus intends to

show the mischievous side of Mickey's personality.

15. When do we celebrate Mickey Mouse's birthday?

a) May 15, 1928 b) November 18, 1928
c) April 13, 1935 d) July 23, 1932

16. Where did the first Mickey Mouse with sound appear in?
a) Walt Disney World b) Technicolor
c) Plane Crazy d) Steamboat Willie

17. When did Mickey Mouse first appeare in color?

a) 2009 b) 1932 c) 1935 d) 1928

18. Mickey Mouse has always been popular thanks to .........

a) his good nature b) his angelic nature
c) mischievous side of his character d) his adorable cartoon look

19. What did Walt Disney do to Mickey Mouse in 2009?

a) announced Minnie to the word b) introduce Mickey Mouse video game
c) rebranded his characters d) created his pleasant character

20. What is the full term for Mickey Mouse?

a) Mitchell Mouse b) Michael Mouse
c) Milky Mouse d) Matthew Mouse

Direction: Read about “Lincoln to Thai king: Thanks but no thanks for
the elephants”, then answer the question 21 – 30.

Lincoln to Thai king: Thanks but no thanks for the elephants

The elephant is Thailand's national animal.

So, it's only natural that King Mongkut in 1861
offered to send a pair to the United States. There
were meant as a gift. It was a symbol of the
friendship between the two countries.

Abraham Lincoln was president at the time. He

was likely bemused and relieved at the distraction from America's then-raging Civil
War. But he politely declined. He said his country uses the steam engine. So it would
have no use for the working animals.

The U.S. Embassy in Bangkok is showcasing historic gifts the two countries have
exchanged on the grounds of Thailand's Grand Palace. This is part of the 200th
anniversary celebrating the long-lasting relationship between the two countries.

There are documents spanning two centuries. The showcase includes the first-ever
official letter sent between the two countries. It was sent in 1818. It was sent from a
Thai diplomat to President James Monroe. Also included are some spectacular Thai
objects d'art and portraits.

Then there's the elephants story. It is documented among the exhibits.

In his 1861 letters, Mongkut offered the elephants. This was after learning they were
not native to America. He also sent along three gifts. These included a sword. It
included a scabbard. And it included a photograph. It was of the king with one of his
daughters and an impressive pair of elephant tusks.

He addressed the letters to then-President James Buchanan "or whomever would

become president.” It had elaborate paragraph-long salutations.

Lincoln was already president by the time the letters arrived a year later. He penned a
reply. He addressed the king simply as "Great and Good Friend."

The offer of elephants did not neglect practical details. Mongkut stated, "On this
account, we desire to procure and send elephants to be let loose to increase and
multiply in the continent of America." Thailand was called Siam then. It did not have a
large enough vessel to transport them. That’s according to the letter.

It continued: "In reference to this opinion of ours if the President of the United States
and Congress who conjointly with him rule the country see fit to approve, let them
provide a large vessel. It should be loaded with hay and other food suitable for
elephants on the voyage. It should have tanks holding a sufficiency of fresh water. And
it should be arranged with stalls so that the elephants can both stand and lie down in
the ship. And it should be sent to us to receive the elephants. We on our part will
procure young male and female elephants. We will forward them one or two pairs at a

Mongkut then in his letter directs that the elephants should be kept away from the
cold. They should be kept under the sun. The letter also stated "let them with all haste
be turned out to run wild in some jungle suitable for them. They should not be
confined them any length of time."

"If these means can be done, we trust that the elephants will propagate their species
hereafter in the continent of America," the letter said.

Thai monarchy expert Tongthong Chandransu has an insight. He says the offer of
elephants reveals that Mongkut wanted to be part of building the young United States.

"You have to consider that 200 years ago,

elephants were an important means of
transportation. It helped a lot with our work, not
to mention warfare, but also the building of
homes and cities," Tongthong said.

The ever-practical Lincoln rejected the offer to

send wild elephants running through American
forests. He said he country "does not reach a latitude so low as to favor the
multiplication of the elephant." He said in his 1862 letter that "steam on land, as well as
on water, has been our best and most efficient agent of transportation in internal
commerce." The exhibition runs until June 30.

21. What was the name of the Thai King in 1861?
a) King Phuket b) King Siam
c) King Mongkut d) King Vajiralongkorn

22. What was the kingdom of Thailand called in 1861?

a) Malaysia b) Siam c) Burma d) Bangkok

23. What did the elephant represent?

a) Relationship b) Kingship c) Guardianship d) Friendship

24. What did President Lincoln say was the best form of transportation of goods
in the US?
a) Steam transportation b) Covered wagon pulled by horse
c) Automobile d) Electric train

25. When did King Mongkut write letters to offer the elephant?
a) 1861 b) 2000 c) 1818 d) 1862

26. When was the first-ever official letter sent between Thailand and The U.S.?
a) 1861 b) 2000 c) 1818 d) 1862

27. How many gifts in total did King Mongkut send to The U.S.?
a) three b) four c) five d) six

28. What did President Lincoln address the King?

a) Long-Lasting Friends b) Lasting Long Friendship
c) Great and Good Friends d) Good and Great Friends

29. Why did King Mongkut offer the elephants to The U.S.?
a) He wanted to be parted of building the young United States.
b) He hoped the elephants to increase and multiply in the continent of America.
c) He needed to find a way to make money for the country.
d) He gave the elephants as a gift to celebrate an anniversary 200th friendship.

30. When will the exhibition end?

a) 30 July b) 18 July c) 30 June d) 18 June

Direction: Read about “Chess”, then answer the question 31 – 40.


Chess is called the game of kings. It has been

around for a long time. People have been playing it for over
500 years. Chess is based on an even older game from India.
The chess we play today is from Europe.

Chess is a two-player game. One player uses the

white pieces. The other uses the White Chess Pieces black
pieces. Each piece moves in a special way. One piece is called
the king. Each player has one. The players take turns moving
their pieces. If a player lands on a piece, he or she takes it. The game ends when a
player loses his or her king. There are a few more rules, but those are the basics.

Some people think that chess is more than a game. They think that it makes the mind
stronger. Good chess players use their brains. They take their time. They think about
what will happen next. These skills are useful in life and in chess. Chess is kind of like
a work out for the mind.

You don't always have lots of time to think when playing chess. There is a type of
chess with short time limits. It's called blitz chess. In blitz chess, each player gets ten
minutes to use for the whole game. Your clock runs during your turn. You hit the time
clock after your move. This stops your clock. It also starts the other player's clock. If
you run out of time; you lose. Games of blitz chess are fast-paced.

Chess is not just for people. Computers have been playing chess since the 1970s. At
first, they did not play well. They made mistakes. As time went on, they grew stronger.
In 1997, a computer beat the best player in the world for the first time. It was a
computer called Deep Blue. Deep Blue was big. It took up a whole room. By 2006 a
cell phone could beat the best players in the world. Chess sure has come a long way.
Don't you think so?

31. Where did the game that chess is based on come from?
a) Europe b) America c) India d) All of these

32. How long have people been playing chess?

a) Over 100 years b) Over 500 year c) Over 1000 years d) Over 5000 years

33. When did a computer first beat a strong human player in chess?
a) 2006 b) 1997 c) 1970 d) 1976

34. How does a game of chess end according to the text?
a) One player takes all of the other player's pieces.
b) One player makes it to the end of the board.
c) One player becomes king.
d) One player loses his or her king.

35. In what year did the computer beat the world best chess player for the first time?
a) 1970 b) 1976 c) 2006 d) 1979

36. Which happened first?

a) Computers did not play chess well.
b) Deep Blue won an important game.
c) Cell phones got good at playing chess.
d) Deep Blue took up a whole room.

37. How is blitz chess different from regular chess?

a) Each player has two kings.
b) Players are blindfolded.
c) Players are blindfolded.
d) Players start from a random position.

38. What is another word to call chess?

a) Workout for The Mind b) Fast-Paced
c) Blitz Chess d) Game of Kings

39. If it's your turn in blitz chess, what happens when you hit the clock?
a) Both your clock and the other person's clock keep running.
b) The other person's clock stops running and yours starts.
c) Both clocks stop running.
d) Your clock stops running and the other person's clock begins.

40. What was the name of the computer which beat the world human chess player?
a) Deep Blue b) Blue Deep c) Deep Chess d) Chess Deep

ชื่อ-สกุล _____________________________________________
ชั้น _______ เลขที่ ______ เบอรโทรศัพท __________________
Part 1: Multiple choice test

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Part 2: Writing
Direction: Put the word in the right order to make questions. Then, write
down the answer for each question.

1. name / your / is / what / ?

Question: ___________________________________________________________________

Answer: _____________________________________________________________________

2. TV / you / do / what / watch / ? / program

Question: ___________________________________________________________________

Answer: _____________________________________________________________________

3. English / why / are / studying / ? / you

Question: ___________________________________________________________________

Answer: _____________________________________________________________________

4. have / and / do / brother / you / sister / how / many / ?

Question: ___________________________________________________________________

Answer: _____________________________________________________________________

5. what / do / free / usually / time / in / your / you / do / ?

Question: ___________________________________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________


1. What is your English teacher facebook’s name? 2. When is your English teacher birthday?

______________________________________ ______________________________

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