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However, a gap in knowledge exists re-

Domestic Architecture garding the interaction between culture
and spatial organization in___________
Socio-cultural attributes contribute to the
TRUE formation of human habitat (TRUE or
________influences how people use
- Cultural beliefs
are strongly correlated with domestic ar-
- traditions
- practices
Sociocultural meanings and factors, in-
Built environment design cluding cultural beliefs and social values,
directly affects the ________
Wagner stated "_____________" stand
as the concrete expression of a com-
Dwellings plex interactions among cultural skills
and norms, climactic conditions and the
potentialities of natural materials.
Various dimensions influence housing
__________over time
The House is a cultural phenomenon;
TRUE it is a place for rest and relaxation for
humans (TRUE or FALSE).
The house can be conceived
as a symbolic social communi-
lifestyles, ambitions
cation reflecting_____________ and
- social relations
- social networks
- self-identity
- privacy Nine meanings of House
- continuity
- personalization
- activity base

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- childhood homes
- physical structures
He defined the house as a dynamic
structure that grows and changes in size
Hanson (1998)
and configuration according to their in-
habitants' needs.
argued that people from different cul-
tures and values have different houses
found an association between physical
Deb and Sinha space design and organizational behav-
The hierarchy in spatial organiza-
tion can be designed depending on
environmental, sociocultural
____________ and____________fac-
The design of any house, as a form of
behavior of human beings, cultural, tra- the built environment, should consider
ditional beliefs and reflect the ____________ and the
accumulation of___________and ____
In _______, the front door of the house
Bontoc must face against the flow of a nearby
river according to ancient folk beliefs.
In ___________, the roof of the house
Romblon must slope following the direction of the
incline of the nearby mountains.
_________, it is different. The ridge of
the roof is always positioned at right
angles to the ridge of the mountain on
which the house stands.
Among the Ibalois, a______________ in
the Cordilleras, it is customary to give
ample space underneath their houses
Benguet ethnic group, future tomb by elevating their floors to accommodate
the __________ of the owner to ensure
perpetual guidance over the house the
dead leaves behind.
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If one is building a house within a

family compound or between two rel-
atives, make sure that the roof is not
________than theirs, otherwise, their
lives will never progress or will always be
A __________ must not be built so close
to that of his parents such that rainwater
sibling's house
from the eaves of the main house pours
onto the roof of the sibling.
- posts are laid with their bottom ends
at the footing on the ground and the top
ends pointing towards the east.

-The post nearest the east is the first to

In Southern Tagalog, posts are erected
be raised.
following this procedure:
-The same procedure is followed for the
other posts, one after the other in a
clockwise direction as one reads the
This same clockwise manner of raising
the posts is practiced on the island of
Romblon and the belief is that it will make
the house _________.
The _____________ equate the building
of a house to the development of a fetus.
They believe that the first to appear in
a woman's womb is the navel. Hence,
the first post to be erected should be the
main post within the interior of the house.
In the Cagayan Valley, meanwhile, the
northeast, wine. first post to be raised is the one posi-
tioned nearest to the __________. But

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this is done after the footings have been
sprinkled with ____________
The old folks of Bataan caution against
having a ________in the middle of a
solitary post
room. It is said to bring misfortune to the
This belief is also common in
_____________ areas and it is said that
posts situated this way augur a "heavily
laden" life (mabigat ang kabuhayan).
The ___________ do not use crooked
wooden posts especially the ones with
knotholes in them because they are said
to symbolize death.
In the older communities of
_________________, it is commonly
believed that termites (anay) will not en-
ter the house if the bottoms of all wood-
en posts are first __________. Informed
Bayambang, Pangasinan,, charred,,, master carpenters, however, suggest
tarred ,,,, rock salt that these bottoms not just be charred
but ________as well. Others swear by
the potency of ___________ sprinkled
generously in all footing excavations as
preventive measures against anay infes-
____________ position their stairs so
that they rise with the morning sun. To
them, if it were the other way around,
meant turning one's back on fate.
But builders in _____________just like
many typical Filipinos, believe that a
Pandi, Bulacan, stairway facing east is considered bad
luck because, they say, anything facing
the early sun dries up ahead of all others,

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and in the same token, wealth taken into
the house will dry up much faster.
If there is no way one can make the stairs
mountain face east, at least make them face any
If one's lot abuts a river, position the
stairs in a way that they are facing
upstream. ___________ This is so in order that
good luck from the house would never be
washed away with the river's flow.
In the same way, if the proposed
house is beside the sea, or if one
is building a beach house, plan the
stairs in such a way that they run
parallel, perpendicular
_______ with the shore. If the stairs
are ________________ to the shoreline,
luck may flow in but also flow out with the
it is not advised to place a
_____________in the wall directly facing
large window
the stairs so that good fortune will not
easily go out that window.
___________ never use the space be-
neath the stairs as a sleeping quarters.
The underside of wooden stairs of
_____________ houses are usually
Ilonggo completed covered not because of peep-
ing Toms but because the Old folks say
In homes, neither should __________be
kept there because it translates to tread-
ing on the grace of God whenever one
goes up or down the stairs.
When planning a structure with two or
center of the structure more storeys, the stairway should not
be positioned at the ________________
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so as not to divide the building into two
equal parts.
It is believed that the _____________ of
a son or daughter of the house owner in-
dried umbilical cord
serted in the staircase will strongly bind
the stringer with its supporting girder.
If your home has a slight elevation,
four steps
choose _________ but never three.
The ______ of Mindanao, however, be-
lieve in _________ numbering of steps.
Yakans, odd
They also require an odd number of bed-
Chinese Filipinos, on the other hand,
count their steps by _________.
It is advised that doors should not
face each other. The people in the
north, coffin ________associates this with the easy
passage of a _______through two doors
that directly face each other.
In ______ and _________ however,
wide doors facing each other are con-
sidered lucky, especially if they lead to
the _____ or ________. One's door also
Sta. Maria, San Miguel Bulacan, terrace,
should not directly face one's neighbor's
to avoid future conflicts with the said
households and to avoid wrestling with
each other for the possession of the luck
that passes in front of both your houses.
______________, like basements are
looked at as pockets of caves where evil
Sunken rooms spirits can hide. It is balanced off only
when an exit lower than the said room is

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Some _________ do not want base-
ments altogether because of the belief
that only coffins should be found under
the ground.
Old folks of _________ advise that the
floors of the living and dining rooms
Sta. Maria Bulacan, "ball of fortune" must be of the same level. They say the
imaginary "__________" must be able to
freely roll across both floors.
__________ living and dining room ceil-
ings, especially those with cornices,
moldings, and other superficial decora-
tions are avoided as it tends to make
Overly ornate, mansard, flat
the ceiling look like a coffin. Even the
"_________" or flat type of roof invented
at the turn of the century are avoided as
it reminds people of a coffin.
It is advised that one must plan the doors
of one's bedrooms in such a way that
FALSE when it is opened, one would face the
foot and head of the bed. (TRUE or
There should always be ample space be-
TRUE tween the door and the bed itself. (TRUE
Position the bed such that the headboard
window opening
does not rest against a ____________.
Neither should you put any bed under a
cross beam, regardless of whether the
perpendicular beam is of wood or concrete, and posi-
tion the bed so that the occupant will not
be lying __________ to the beam
Overly strict homeowners do not have
exposed beams _________ at all even if these are ve-
neered with different materials.
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For houses with second floors, it should
be observed that no __________ runs
inside or under the floor where the bed
drainage pipe is located. ______________ contain un-
clean fluids associated with bad ener-
gies which may affect the good spirits of
the people sleeping over these pipes.
Do not place bedrooms in the basement
portion of the house. It is always pre-
ferred (luck-wise) that the bedroom floor
is ________ than the living room.
Non-sleeping rooms like library, den, foy-
lower level er, storage, etc. can be at a __________
than that of the living room.
As anyone who knows Filipino cuisine,
Pampangos love to cook (and eat), so
sunniest and brightest most of their dining rooms are situated
in the _____________ locations of the
Ilocanos, on the other hand, pre-
subdued lighting fer ___________because they consider
eating a solemn occasion.
Applicable to both house owner and ten-
Pampangos in Central Luzon ant, if the former is not residing in it this
superstition is attributed to________
Are popular in Filipino houses especially
Palm Fronds
for Roman Catholic families.
In planning and designing, the house,
people should refrain from having their
house in the shape of a ________ as it
will bring the residents bad luck
West Doors should never face ________
Mirrors should never face a house's
main door
__________ because it is believed that
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the mirror will send out the blessings that
are supposed to go inside the house.
During construction, residents or the car-
penters working on the house should of-
pig or a chicken's blood
fer a__________ through pouring it to
the foundation or posts of the house.
Another thing which should be done dur-
clockwise ing construction is twisting the posts
_______ before cementing it in its place.
It is believed that a child will be lucky if his
extracted tooth or her first ever ___________ is placed
under a house's roof.
People should never ________ during
Sweep the floor evening going to the direction of the main
door and outside the house.
A house that is built in the middle of a
crossroad and faces the dead end or
what is called "_________" in Filipino is
said to be full of bad luck for its resi-
dence. this is also applies to buildings,
apartments, and all other structures.
An imperative ritual in building
house, perhaps the Ilocano coun-
loose coins terpart of cornerstone-laying ceremo-
ny, is to imbed the foundation posts
with______________-for good luck
A house should face ________, if it could
east be helped. Sunshine entering the front
door ushers in prosperity.
Doors inside houses must not directly
________ other doors that leads outside.
Easy exits mean money earned may be
quickly dissipated and never saved.
As for stairs, they should always turn
right, marital bond, infidelity _____, that being the righteous path.
This particular belief applies best to
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the ____________. an opposite signi-
Ilocanos of the northernmost part of
the Philippines tend to cut down
aratiles trees __________ growing in front of their
houses to prevent their daughters from
being illicitly impregnated.
To make a house typhoon-resistant, the
posts should be turned ____________
before being permanently cemented and
allowing the ___________ of a posts to
fall on you while erecting it is a bad omen
Erecting a house in front of a
________street will bring bad luck to its
occupants, whether it is the original own-
ers or tenats.
Doors should always be on
the__________ of the house and the
right side, right stairs should always turn to the _______
to keep a married couple loyal to each
other life
must not be constructed higher than the
septic tanks ground for it would demand sacrifice in
human life.
The owner must transfer to the new
house not later than _______during the
six in the morning
new moon to attract good luck and
prosperity, and the first thing that must
salt, rice and coins
be brought inside the house are_____,
______ and ______
No part of the house should cover or
hang over the ___________. Neither
stump of a newly cut tree
should a new house overlap any portion
of an old house

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A two-story building that is remodeled
TRUE into a single story will shorten the lives
of its occupants. (TRUE or FALSE)
A _______ that enters the house brings
good luck as long as it doesn't bite any
of the occupants. this is probably based
on the practice of Filipinos during the
snake, python
Spanish colonial times to keep_______
in the partition between the roof and the
ceiling to reduce the rodent population
the house.
7 and 11 number that brings good luck
number that never used as an address
13 number or the number of a story in a
An injury to a construction worker while
a house or building is being erected is an
pig or a white chicken omen of bad luck that can be neutralized
by killing a __________ and sacrificing
its blood to the spirits.
is considered to be haunted and must
not be cut down when building a house
Balete tree. or else the spirits will attack the construc-
tion workers as well as the owner of a

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